determine sth 与 determine on sth 有何区别?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 15:41:23
determine sth 与 determine on sth 有何区别?
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determine sth 与 determine on sth 有何区别?
determine sth 与 determine on sth 有何区别?

determine sth 与 determine on sth 有何区别?
关于determine和determine on之间的区别,我查找好几本厚厚的英语字典(Longman,Oxford,Webster),都找不到"determine on"的解释和例子.唯有金山词霸和我的一部电子辞典的英汉字典才有"determine on"的解释,但是是非常简略的解释.相信这on本身属于介词类.
先讲determine something,用英文翻译,可理解为决定出某某事,或制定出某某方案.而determine on可理解为决定采纳或决心用某某方案,这on可理解为中文的"上",即某某方案上或选择上.
To be the cause of; regulate:成为…的原因;控制:
Demand determines production.需求决定(出)生产
To give direction to:定向指出方向:
The management committee determines departmental policy.
determine on a route to take 决定选用一条行径
determine on a case-by-case basis 决定时采用根据个别方案而定
They determined on an early start.他们决定采纳早些出发.
I have determined on [upon] going to the countryside after graduation.我已决定毕业后选择到农村去.
(用determine on 时,一般要加a,an,such,this,the,that之类的副词在的前面)
还有一个类似的单词可作参考:decide 和 decide on ,它们的性质和determine/determine on是相同的.

determine是动词,意思是:决定, 确定, 测定, 使下定决心, [律]使终止
后面接doing someting
determine on(someting)是短语,意思是:决定