请将下面一段英文的职位描述翻译为汉语,谢谢!Duties and Responsibilities:- Fully involve in the processes of project development. - Closely cooperate with project manager to develop new projects timely and accurately communicate qual

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 02:48:54
请将下面一段英文的职位描述翻译为汉语,谢谢!Duties and Responsibilities:- Fully involve in the processes of project development. - Closely cooperate with project manager to develop new projects timely and accurately communicate qual
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请将下面一段英文的职位描述翻译为汉语,谢谢!Duties and Responsibilities:- Fully involve in the processes of project development. - Closely cooperate with project manager to develop new projects timely and accurately communicate qual
Duties and Responsibilities:- Fully involve in the processes of project development. - Closely cooperate with project manager to develop new projects timely and accurately communicate quality and technical issues- Understand the drawings from US and Europe, and identify KPI of the product, discuss with suppliers to make sure that suppliers understand technical requirements fully, and can bring up constructive recommendations on quality and techniques. - Conduct and support the supplier to improve the quality control process and to resolve technical problems during the processes of project development. - Carry out the outgoing inspection at supplier side before the goods leaving China. - Handle customer's complaints, work together with supplier to find out the root causes, drive corrective actions & preventive actions, and implement them. - Monitor suppliers to implement the quality standards we both agreed. - Drive and ensure continuous control and improvement of supplier quality pererrorformance.
Qualifications:- Passion to work with high integrity.- More than 6 year's experience in mechanical manufacturing industry, gear, welding industries, and coolers are preferred.- Be familiar with various inspection tools and gages including CMM used for above products.- Bachelor/or above degree, prefer major in Engineering- Fluent in English on both reading and writing- Willingness & ability to work diligently under pressure- Willing to frequently travel.
Reporting Line:- The position reports to the Project Manager.

请将下面一段英文的职位描述翻译为汉语,谢谢!Duties and Responsibilities:- Fully involve in the processes of project development. - Closely cooperate with project manager to develop new projects timely and accurately communicate qual
职务和职责: -充分参与项目开发的进程. - 密切合作,项目经理,开发新项目的及时,准确地通话质量和技术问题理解的来自美国和欧洲的图纸,并确定该产品的关键绩效指标,与供应商商讨,以确保供应商的技术要求,充分理解,并能带来就质量和技术,建设性的建议. - 开展和支持供应商,完善的质量控制程序,并解决项目开发过程中技术问题的过程. - 开展在供应商端传出的前检验的货物离开中国. - 处理客户的投诉,与供应商携手合作,找出根源,推动整改措施及预防措施,并加以实施. - 监控供应商实施的,我们都约定的质量标准. - 驱动器,并确保持续供应商的质量控制和pererrorformance改善.
职位要求: -工作积极热情,诚信,高.-6年以上的机械制造行业,齿轮,焊接产业的经验,和冷却器优先.-与各种检测工具及量具使用上述产品包括CMM熟悉.-学士/或以上学历,主修英语更喜欢阅读和写作,意愿和能力在压力下工作,愿意经常出差努力在工程流利.
报告线: -位置报告给项目经理.

请将下面一段英文的职位描述翻译为汉语,谢谢!Duties and Responsibilities:- Fully involve in the processes of project development. - Closely cooperate with project manager to develop new projects timely and accurately communicate qual “我的职位是XX,主要负责XXX工作.”翻译为英文,谢 英语翻译最好是一段英文下面一段汉语的翻译、速度啊!求的是这一篇文章的全文翻译 请将下面一段话翻译成英文“中国农村劳动力转移问题的探讨” 谁最早将英文Democracy翻译为汉语“民主”? 将下面的汉语翻译成英文:梦 水晶 英语翻译请帮我翻译一下,这个职位的英文图书馆馆长助理 请将下面的一段话翻译为英文,谢绝机翻,谢谢!因为你们的到来,让我们感受到了来自异域别样的风采;因为你们的到来,让我们拥有了一段快乐、非同寻常的日子;因为你们的到来,让我们不得 将下面一段话翻译为英文. 中国戏曲是中国戏剧和音乐剧的结合,其起源可追溯到3世纪.中国戏曲有将下面一段话翻译为英文. 中国戏曲是中国戏剧和音乐剧的结合,其起源可追溯到3世纪.中国 请将下面的句子翻译为英文,谢绝机翻,谢谢!按照李先生的要求我们进行了账户合并,具体内容请见附件中的表格. 英语翻译我是个翻译盲,但自主招生的考试要求将一段话翻译成英语,请问这有什么要求?下面是我的一些疑问1.人称的选择2.什么时候用直译,什么时候用意译3.可不可以将汉语的一大句分成英文 请将下面的一段话翻译为英文,谢绝机翻,谢谢!1、在2011年10月-2012年8月期间报给美国的报表 当模具的发票未到时,按照模具的收入预估的模具成本,中国的财务报表都是按照实际收到模具发票的 汉译英 请将下面一段中文翻译成英文,要求:不适用翻译软件;语句要基本通顺.谢谢高手指导~~~~~发动机是所有航空装备的“心脏”.对飞机而言,发动机决定着其飞行速度、机动性、航程、有 英文职位翻译 Representation director 宁波话翻译请大家帮我把下面一段翻译成汉语,谢谢了~“墙墙宁墙了翻大箱” 谁有英文的新年贺词?要新年贺词,英文的,下面带汉语翻译,长一点.急! 广告策划用英文怎么翻译?表示职位的 酒店的商务部主管职位 英文怎么翻译好