
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 13:53:04
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Hello,my dear audience friends!Welcome to today’s News programs.
This station broadcasting:a baby girl,named XXX according to our investigation,was birthed on XXX,XX,XXXX.Currently,the baby has grown as a slender girl after fourteen-year growth.According to the investigation,her fourteen-year life is common but happy.She is an obstinate and optimistic girl,who always keep a dream of trying her best in mind!Her open-minded and kind nature offers her a chance for making many friends.
According to the investigation of a reporter,she is getting on her first life-stage today to attend XXX competition.She believes that she certainly can obtain success.
Please take up for her,thank you!My dear audience friends!

Friends in the audience, everyone! Welcome to today's news program. Taiwan : The hearing on the **** ** **, befall a human baby. It was learned that the baby girl named ***. After 14 years of growth, ...


Friends in the audience, everyone! Welcome to today's news program. Taiwan : The hearing on the **** ** **, befall a human baby. It was learned that the baby girl named ***. After 14 years of growth, but now, This girl had grown into a lovely young girl. According to the Taiwan understand that although the girls 14 years of ordinary life. unusual, but extremely rare with a happy day for 14 years, she is a strong and optimistic girl always had a dream and strive to do our own! cheerful and friendly with a lot of her friends - This reporter has learned, Today, she will embark on the first stage of her life, attended **** Competition She was sure she can be successful .. please a lot of friends in the audience to support her .. Thank you!



Hello, dear audience! Welcome to today's news~
From this station: On Jan. 22th, 2007(示例格式),a baby girl was born. She was named ***, and is slim and graceful now. As far as we are concerned, thoug...


Hello, dear audience! Welcome to today's news~
From this station: On Jan. 22th, 2007(示例格式),a baby girl was born. She was named ***, and is slim and graceful now. As far as we are concerned, though always being ordinary during the last 14 years, she has been living in happiness for that long as well. Keeping a dream of her own, tyring to do her best, She is such a optimistic and tough girl. And her broad mind as well as her friendliness bring her lots of friends. As the reporter knows, she is gonna take part in *** Contest, making her debut. She believes she' gonna succeed. Dear audience, please be kind enouch to support her, thank you!!


The audience friends, hello! Welcome to watch today the newspaper item This news:
In **** year ** the month ** date, a female infant arrivesthe world It is reported, this female infant named *...


The audience friends, hello! Welcome to watch today the newspaper item This news:
In **** year ** the month ** date, a female infant arrivesthe world It is reported, this female infant named *** After 14years growth, now, this female infant has grown into a slim andgraceful young girl According to this understands, this girl 14 yearslife although is ordinary, ordinary, but actually extremely rare had14 years happiness joyful day, she is a strong optimistic girl,throughout is cherishing the dream, diligently completes oneself! Openand bright and meanly let her have very many very many friends ~ According to reporter understood that, today, she will be ableto step onto her life the first stage, will attend the ****competition, she believed she certainly will be allowed to succeed.Many asks the audience friends to support her. Thanks!


The audience friends, hello, everyone!Welcome a news program of watch today.
This pedestal 讯 :at****Year**month**day, a baby girl condescends to come the human life. according to understanding, t...


The audience friends, hello, everyone!Welcome a news program of watch today.
This pedestal 讯 :at****Year**month**day, a baby girl condescends to come the human life. according to understanding, that baby girl be named***.through growth for 14 years, now, this baby girl has already grown up a young girl of standing gracefully. understand according to this set to, the life of the girl's 14 years although commonness, ordinary, but owned a happy happy day of 14 years very seldom, she is a the girl of the strong optimism, keep in mind a dream always, work hard of work well an oneself!bright let her own a lot of friends with amicability~
According to reporter understanding, today, she will walk up the first satge of her life, attend****Game, she believe she can certainly be successful of..invite the audience friends to support her much and much..thanks!


英语翻译观众朋友们,欢迎收看今天的新闻节目.本台讯:在****年**月**日,一名女婴降临人间.据了解,该女婴名为***.经过了14年的成长,如今,这名女婴已长成一位亭亭玉立的少女.据本台了解到,该 英语翻译美剧欢迎收看今天的.节目以上就是今天节目的主要内容,欢迎下次继续收看 毛毛虫 青菜虫 蝉 怎么组成一个新闻?假如 日全食 这个词 就这样说:观众朋友大家好 欢迎收看今天的** 7月28日 出现了一次百年奇观 …… 三个词 怎么组? 英语翻译明天口语课要用啊!快来大侠啊!欢迎收看今天的新闻联播首先是一条爆炸性新闻我们都知道这个世界要疯了就在最近一对男同性恋公开在象征中华人民共和国国家形象的天安门广场 欢迎收看今天的节目用英文怎么说 英语翻译观众朋友们大家好,欢迎你们来到2010年本溪市规划设计院的新春酒会现场. “欢迎收看新闻30分”用英语怎么说 英语翻译欢迎收看明天的天气预报.明天早晨天气晴朗,最高温度是5度,下午有雾,并转有小雨,晚上最低温度是0度.欢迎收看! 英语翻译晚上好.欢迎收看岭南唯一的英语新闻频道ABCDEFGHIMNOPQ,向大家报道岭南及广州的新闻.近日,发现有疯子,他们常常出现在餐厅、商场等公共场所,欺负弱视群体.在屏幕的右上方,大家可以 欢迎收看今天的节目用英文怎么说快 今天必须回答上来 明天要交的 英语翻译内容:各位观众朋友晚上好,感谢大家准时收看我们的super interview.今天我们请到了很久没有露面的,男生仰慕,女生羡慕,女人嫉妒的帕丽斯·希尔顿来回答大家关心的问题.让我们掌声 英语翻译1.尊敬的来宾朋友们,欢迎莅临我校2.今天早晨参加五十周年庆典的是来自国内外的校友 善良其实很简单作文我的作文开头是这样的;善良其实很简单欢迎收看今天的‘看图说新闻’.请看下面几副画面.镜头一:人来人往的人行天桥上,一位头发花白,衣衫褴褛的老人背着个巨大的 英语翻译女士们,先生们,早上好!这里是cctv,欢迎大家收看下面请大家看一则新闻报导继水稻之父 袁隆平之后,民间又出现了一位 肉猪之父,此人用转基因技术用普通的猪和野猪成功培育出了一 收看中央电视台的节目,把一条新闻记录下来,写下来. 把这些话从国语变成粤语 要拼音“亲爱的观众朋友们 大家晚上好 欢迎收听 我是主持人 那么今天我们的话提是 高中生的心理状态 现如今 生活水平提高了 家家一个孩子一块宝 都说我们是温 关于英语新闻的几个小问题英语的新闻前面的介绍应该怎么说?比如说:欢迎收看中央新闻联播,下面我们来看几则新闻,一……二……下面让我们跟这采访镜头,看看采访的情况我是记者XX,下面 今天的重要新闻