
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 08:39:25
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基本算是很简单的句子了..手翻的.你看看吧 你能读懂就行 有毛病在叫我
It will be more easier for a boy to answer this question.On the contrary,It is an extremely hard question for a girl.
I adore my older female cousin but do not envy her.She is excellent,smart and hard-working.Also,she works at the airport and gets a well-paid salard.Everything about her is perfect except the appearance.Her mother seems happy but actually her mother is worring about her marriage.She will be 28 years old next year and still single.
We always ask ourselves naively that why can't we hold both beauty and intelligence at the same time?The answer may be yes.I know there is no other options for me no matter it is about beauty or intelligence.I am not a ugly gilr but I am not smart either.If god can achieve one of my drreams one day,I want it to be beauty.Please do not contempt me because I have my own reason.Most of people perceive that the beauty is semipermanent and the wisdom is permannet.(你没写清楚是美丽还是智慧可以带来财富和权力,记得自己把It改成美丽或者财富)It can bring you power and wealth.However,I think it depends.Intelligence can bring benefits.But it can also bring problems and sometimes and problems overcome the befits.When you saw your ugly image in the mirror,Please recall how much happyness and upset does intelligence bring to you.You may doubt that "God,what exactly did I got?" The beauty is semipermanent,but it is also natural-born.You can get natural-born beauty when you were born but can you get instinctive intelligence at that time?This question may be a little bit rediculous,the intelligence is not natural-born for sure.However,the beauty is attainable after you try hard on this.Then why don't we choose beauty first and get intelligence after that?

everyone will have a sad period,and to get rid of the sadness,however,is the hardest part of that time.
But the time is passing by quickly.So,we should make a determine to finish the sadness as fa...


everyone will have a sad period,and to get rid of the sadness,however,is the hardest part of that time.
But the time is passing by quickly.So,we should make a determine to finish the sadness as fast as we can
instead of just drowning in it and wasting the life which will cause the second time damage.
everytime when i was sad,i will spend 3 or 4 dollars to buy myself a cup of sweet ice-cream or warm milktea,
and the sweet taste of them are the best thing to cure my heart,and let the sadness fade away from inside.
of cause,the other way to release me from sadness is to go shopping while i'm not a frugal guy.this is not
a virtue.but i always think that to be a man is important to be relaxed.maybe i'm still too young to have some
experience of the true agony about the life.but when i realize the money that my father or mother saved toilsomely
is devaluating and one day will be a pile of waste paper i think i wasn't wrong.For example,some money can valuate
an experience thing in the past,and may those money just can buy an egg now.So,the prudence they made is in vain.
a classmate of mine in high school ever,who was used to be a good friend of mine,said,"you are wild and like to play,
so we can just talk some intereted things instead of the inner thought of each other."these words made me sad.
but i repeated her quickly,"if you get some unhappy thing in the work,and you're troubled by it all day,will
you get better in next day?actually,to tell me your sadness is to make you more sad,you will never forget
the pain.so i'd like to keep the happy appearance and try to share you the happy.i'm not a person that will
have no pain,but i try to divide my sadness and happinee.everyone will have a hard time filled with sadness,
but the excess pain will just hurt oneself deeply again.to be a man should love yourself,and to treat
yourself well.just to love yourself can you know how to love the life."




英语翻译如果回答这个问题的是一个男孩,那会容易得多.但作为一个女孩,这却是一个非常困难的问题.我崇拜我的表姐,但不羡慕.她真的是一个非常优秀的人,她聪明也努力,她在飞机场工作,薪 英语翻译翻译得越生活感越好,1 如果我问你这个问题,如果你的回答是有,那么在你回答后请你不要告诉任何人我有问过你这个问题,2 如果是没有,那请你也不要告诉任何人我问过你这个问题 英语翻译翻译得越生活感越好,1 如果我问你这个问题,如果你的回答是有,那么在你回答后请你不要告诉任何人我有问过你这个问题,2 如果是没有,那请你也不要告诉任何人我问过你这个问题 英语翻译我是一个男孩!是上帝的后人! 如果一个男孩对女孩说:你是我爱的羁绊,那他的意思是什么呢? 用英语翻译“汤姆是一个男孩吗”并作出肯定回答和否定回答 明天就要要 谁能回答这个问题?的英语翻译 英语翻译RT、是一个男孩唱的 很好听 英语翻译怎样回答这个问题这个问题怎么回答 英语翻译“回答这个问题” 藻类植物的营养方式是什么?我这个问题可能问的不对,其实也是别人问我的,所以请大家帮我回答,如果这个问题问的不对的话,那就请回答这个问题:藻类植物怎样生存? 英语翻译9,12,15,22,5,25,15,21这是一个女孩对一个男孩说的话,那女孩说翻译出的是英文的 英语翻译“谁是你心目中的英雄?”不管什么时候问我这个问题,我的回答一定是我的妈妈.我的天那,你们在回答什么,题目是翻译个句子,帮我翻译下这句话. 是人的都回答这个问题, 英语翻译 谁能回答这个问题 英语翻译顺便简要回答这个问题 英语翻译这是法国一所高商的推荐信的问题.如果知道如何回答就更好啦~拜谢!亲们!着急额!到底这个问题应该怎么回答呢? 143 有什么特殊的含义是一个女孩向一个男孩表白后 男孩的回答