英语高手帮我看看下面几个题目,句子改写不改变意思1.The book is so interesting that we like to read itthe book is_______ _______ for us to read2.Young people don't like to act as othersYoung people like to act ____ ____ others3.sh

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 10:50:13
英语高手帮我看看下面几个题目,句子改写不改变意思1.The book is so interesting that we like to read itthe book is_______ _______ for us to read2.Young people don't like to act as othersYoung people like to act ____ ____ others3.sh
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英语高手帮我看看下面几个题目,句子改写不改变意思1.The book is so interesting that we like to read itthe book is_______ _______ for us to read2.Young people don't like to act as othersYoung people like to act ____ ____ others3.sh
1.The book is so interesting that we like to read it
the book is_______ _______ for us to read
2.Young people don't like to act as others
Young people like to act ____ ____ others
3.she sang a song at the end of the party
the party ____ ____ with her song
4.if she doesn't invite me ,i won't go to he party
i won't go to the party ___she___me
5.why not ask your teacher for help?
why __ _____ask your teacher for help

英语高手帮我看看下面几个题目,句子改写不改变意思1.The book is so interesting that we like to read itthe book is_______ _______ for us to read2.Young people don't like to act as othersYoung people like to act ____ ____ others3.sh
1.So intriguing
2.differently from
3.was ended
4.unless ,invites
5.dont you

1.so interesting
2.different with
3.was ended
4.unless invited
5.don't you

1.The book is so interesting that we like to read it
the book is___so____ ___attractive____ for us to read
2.Young people don't like to act as others
Young people like to act ___different...


1.The book is so interesting that we like to read it
the book is___so____ ___attractive____ for us to read
2.Young people don't like to act as others
Young people like to act ___different_ __with__ others
3.she sang a song at the end of the party
the party _was___ _ended___ with her song
4.if she doesn't invite me ,i won't go to he party
i won't go to the party _unless__she_invite__me
5.why not ask your teacher for help?
why _don't_ _you___ask your teacher for help


1.too interesting
2.different from
3.ended with
4.unless invites
5.don't you


英语高手帮我看看下面几个题目,句子改写不改变意思1.The book is so interesting that we like to read itthe book is_______ _______ for us to read2.Young people don't like to act as othersYoung people like to act ____ ____ others3.sh 有没有英语高手懂悬垂修饰语帮我改下面几个句子 英语高手帮我看看这个英语句子哪几个地方错了?I was has a holiday with my parents in Beijing. 英语题目改写句子, 英语改写句子题目, 帮我改写句子 哪位英语高手帮翻译下面句子:你假装不爱我,我假装很幸福. 帮我看看下面几个英文名字的含义:AshleyZoeShebaAda 英语厉害的朋友!帮我看看我下面的句子哪里需要改进的,我可能说的不太对哦,多多指教哦!高尚的老师英语厉害的朋友!帮我看看我下面的句子哪里需要改进的,我可能说的不太对哦,多多指教哦 帮我看看这几个句子是什么时态? 名词性从句学的不太好,不知道引导词充当什么成分.求英语高手找几个句子帮我分析一下, 高二英语高手来帮我看看改错, 英语作文,有没有高手帮我看看语法错误 Attitude is everything(英语高手帮我看看什么意思, 希望高手帮我解释一下下面的题目吧 英语翻译请英语高手帮我解决下 下面的答案到底哪个是对的 我都搞糊涂了谁帮我看看 英语高手帮忙用关系代词连接几个句子 还有几个关系代词错误句子帮忙改下,我又从新发了 你去看看吧 请英语高手帮我看几个三年级的英语单词意思!请帮我看看以下的英语单词分别什么意思:1.Homw2.When3.Where4.What5.Who6.Whose