哪位达人给翻译下面的语段~感激!(1) Those who regard the costs of unemployment as high,relative to the costs of inflation,will run greater risks of inflation to reduce unemployment than will those who regard the costs of inflation as pr

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/19 01:59:55
哪位达人给翻译下面的语段~感激!(1) Those who regard the costs of unemployment as high,relative to the costs of inflation,will run greater risks of inflation to reduce unemployment than will those who regard the costs of inflation as pr
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哪位达人给翻译下面的语段~感激!(1) Those who regard the costs of unemployment as high,relative to the costs of inflation,will run greater risks of inflation to reduce unemployment than will those who regard the costs of inflation as pr
(1) Those who regard the costs of unemployment as high,relative to the costs of inflation,will run greater risks of inflation to reduce unemployment than will those who regard the costs of inflation as primary and unemployment as a relatively minor misfortune.
(2) In our economic system,the profit we generate from our operations is the ultimate source of the funds we need to prosper and grow.It is the one absolutely essential measure of our cooperate performance over the long term.Only if we continue to meet our profit objective can we achieve our other corporate objective.
(3) Long-term loans usually extend for 3 to 10 years and have many advantages.First,they can be quickly arranged because only the borrowers and a financial institution such a commercial bank are involved.Second,compared with issuing bonds or stocks,it is easier for the borrower of long-term loans to keep secret its business plan and the purpose of the loan.
(4) Most firms collect and store a lot of data concerning sales,inventory,accounting,personnel,ect.,which,when required,can be converted into useful information.For more effective use,the data is maintained in a database which is accessible to authorized user in the organization.
(5)Personal selling assumes many forms based on the amount of selling done and the amount of creativity required to perform the sales task.Broadly speaking,three types of personal selling exist:order taking,order getting,and sales support activities.While some firms use only one of these types of personal selling,others use a combination of all three.

哪位达人给翻译下面的语段~感激!(1) Those who regard the costs of unemployment as high,relative to the costs of inflation,will run greater risks of inflation to reduce unemployment than will those who regard the costs of inflation as pr
(1) 那些和高,相对通货膨胀的看待失业的费用费用,比将那些将冒通货膨胀更加巨大的风险减少失业认为通货膨胀主要和失业的费用作为相对地较小不幸.
(2) 在我们的经济体制,我们引起从我们的操作的赢利是我们需要繁荣和增长资金的最后来源.这是一个绝对根本措施我们合作表现在长期.只如果我们继续见面我们的赢利宗旨可能我们达到我们的其它公司目标.
(3) 长期贷款延长3 到10 年和通常有许多好处.首先,他们可能迅速被安排因为唯一借户和财政机关这样一家商业银行是包含的.其次,比较发布债券或股票,它是容易对长期贷款借户保留秘密它的经营计划和贷款的目的.
(4) 多数企业收集和存放很多数据关于销售,存货,会计,人员,ect.,当要求,可能被转换成有用的信息.至于更加有效的使用,数据被维护在对授权用户是容易接近的在组织的数据库.
(5)Personal 卖承担许多形式根据相当数量卖完成和相当数量创造性必需执行销售任务.宽广地讲话,三类型个人卖存在:定购采取,命令得到,和销售支持活动.当一些企业使用只这些类型个人卖的当中一个,其他人使用组合的所有三.

哪位达人给翻译下面的语段~感激!(1) Those who regard the costs of unemployment as high,relative to the costs of inflation,will run greater risks of inflation to reduce unemployment than will those who regard the costs of inflation as pr 谁给我1个长征的征文,感激~感激感激感激感激感激感激 certificates of participation (COPs) 中文如何翻译,是金融方面的术语.另外,哪位大侠能给个比较清楚的中文解释,不甚感激! 英语翻译谷歌金山词霸给的翻译是“长波资本主义收缩”这个解释肯定是不对,有哪位有识之士能指点迷津,不甚感激! 麻烦给翻译一下下面这段关于奥运会的英文 哪位英语达人帮我翻译下下面这段会计文章嘛~ 哪位好心人请帮我翻译一下这段文字,将十分感激!建立农村社会养老保险制度是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容,也是一道难题.上世纪九十年代至今,中国农村社会养老保险经历了大起大落, 哪位朋友有最常用的2000个英语单词加翻译 很感激. 英语翻译有哪位好心人能提供一下关于电子商务方面的中英文翻译,不盛感激 哪位高手可以给翻译一下这段视频http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTcxODE1NDYw.html 哪位英语高手帮忙翻译一下下面一段话,急~~~~~~,不胜感激!II Consolidated Tax Filing2.1 Facts: During the project, we found that XXXX has branches in different jurisdictions. The branches do not keep separate settlement accounts 菩提本无树,明镜亦非台;本来无一物,何处染尘埃.这几句是什么意思?这几句应该是出自佛教理论吧.请哪位仁兄给翻译翻译,不胜感激! 哪位英语达人帮忙翻译一下,急用,谢谢了~~~不要在线翻译的~哪位英语达人帮忙翻译一下下面这段话,有急用,谢谢了~不要在线翻译的~Utilizing the circuit designs perfected for Quad OperationalAmplifiers, these 用什么淀粉作为胶水中的填充料最好呢?哪位好心的行家给我指点指点吧.感激.感激. 哪位英文达人给翻译一下《纳尼亚3》片尾曲There's A Place For Us 的中文歌词, 英语翻译哪位达人给点计算机方面及其故障提示方面的英文词汇'句子翻译! 英语翻译中文谐音哪位大侠给翻译翻译,我要学会唱给最爱的人听. 哪位前辈高人给我一个您曾经用过的说课稿····不胜感激~