(woman) Christine’s been frantic. She has to get all her paintings from Johnson’s class framed in time for the exhibition next week.(man) Didn’t she know about the exhibition at the beginning of the term?(narrator) What can be inferred about Ch

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/14 07:43:57
(woman) Christine’s been frantic. She has to get all her paintings from Johnson’s class framed in time for the exhibition next week.(man) Didn’t she know about the exhibition at the beginning of the term?(narrator) What can be inferred about Ch
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(woman) Christine’s been frantic. She has to get all her paintings from Johnson’s class framed in time for the exhibition next week.(man) Didn’t she know about the exhibition at the beginning of the term?(narrator) What can be inferred about Ch
(woman) Christine’s been frantic. She has to get all her paintings from Johnson’s class framed in time for the exhibition next week.
(man) Didn’t she know about the exhibition at the beginning of the term?
(narrator) What can be inferred about Christine?B She should have started sooner.

(woman 1) Don’t you think it’s strange that we haven’t started receiving any mail here yet?
(woman 2) Well, sometimes it takes a while for the post office to forward it. I’m sure it’ll come soon.
(narrator) What can be inferred about the speakers? B They just moved to a new address

(man) I really enjoyed that movie you’ve been raving about.
(woman) Oh, so you went to see it after all.
(narrator) What had the woman assumed about the man? D He wasn’t going to the movie

(woman) Christine’s been frantic. She has to get all her paintings from Johnson’s class framed in time for the exhibition next week.(man) Didn’t she know about the exhibition at the beginning of the term?(narrator) What can be inferred about Ch
女声 :克里斯汀快要疯了.她必须得从约翰逊的班级拿到所有的作品,还要镶好框架以赶及下星期的展览.
男声 :,难道在学期初的时候,她不知道有这个展览吗?
旁白 :从克里斯汀 可以推断出什么 答案 B 她应该早点开始作准备.
女声 1 :你不觉得奇怪?我们好像从没有收到过邮件.
女声 2 :哦.我想从邮局到这里还需要一点时间,我肯定邮件快到了
旁白 :从以上对白可以推断什么情况?答案 B 他们刚刚搬进新地址 .
男声 :对于那部你以前热情推介的影片,我确实很享受.
女声 :毕竟你最后还是去看了那部影片.答案 D 男的以前没有一起去看那部影片.

(woman) Thanks for making my coffee this morning.
W 谢谢你早上给我做咖啡
(man) I figured you’d need it to get you going after a day like yesterday.
M 我觉察到你可能需要它使你坚持过像昨天的一天。
【get you going可以按照语境翻...


(woman) Thanks for making my coffee this morning.
W 谢谢你早上给我做咖啡
(man) I figured you’d need it to get you going after a day like yesterday.
M 我觉察到你可能需要它使你坚持过像昨天的一天。
【get you going可以按照语境翻译成使你前进/度过等等,这里似乎表现出了女人昨天的辛苦,所以翻译成坚持】
(narrator) What does the man imply about the woman?A She had a hard day yesterday
N 男人说明了关于女人的什么? A 她昨天过得很辛苦
(man) What a concert that was! You must be feeling pleased with yourselves.
M 那多么正确啊!你一定要为自己感到高兴
(woman) We are, and judging by the amount of applause, everybody appreciated it.
W 我们确实是,(我们表演的好坏)由掌声来进行判决,而我们所有人都感谢它。【意思就是观众给了她们很多掌声,说明她们被认可了,女人很高兴】
(narrator) What does the woman mean?A The audience seemed to like the concert.
N 女人什么意思? A 观众看起来喜欢这个音乐会
