
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 11:59:58
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Actually,one hour later after I sent you the first mail,I would have written you a second mail if it was't power off at that time.I don't know why there is always an elect-shortage of my house recent days,I think it's the time to find someone for the repairing.To tell you the truth,I 've agreeded with and accept your suggestion with my bone fides long before.Last time I stayed at the bed and had a long thought,I have a intensive consideration now.I know it's a course for me to steadily gained in experience,I admire your suggestion.I shouldn't bother but to rich myself by my patience.No matter the english culture,dreams and duties,or the consideration of the life,gain in experience can help me to challenge myself for a greatful spiritual fortune.I regard your choice,I believe those people who will have chances to get better education could be very excellent,they will be my model.Great thanks to you for your help and guidance.May you and your family live in happyness
楼主 以上是我给你的翻译 另外我祝你成功 最后 您的中文段落里面有些话的表达也有点问题- -我帮你改得更得体了

Actually, I was planning to writing to you again an hour later after I sent you the letter yesterday, which is the one I am going to give you now. However, the electricity went off suddenly yesterday ...


Actually, I was planning to writing to you again an hour later after I sent you the letter yesterday, which is the one I am going to give you now. However, the electricity went off suddenly yesterday and this situation happens frequently in recent times. It seems that I should look for someone to check it out.
To tell the truth, I have already been agree with you with sincerity. I've been thinking about it for a longtime and consider it in depth. I will not be eager to reach results and try to be patient about fulfill my knowledge. Whether it be about English culture, dream and responsibility or thoughts of life, learning from experiences and keeping chanllenging himself would aquire one precious knowledge.
Whatever it may be, I'll respect your choice and I belive that those who can get the opportunity to quire higher education must be very excellent ones. They set examples for me.
And thank you very much for helping and providing me directions.
May you and your family happy.


Actually yesterday one hour after I sent the letter to you, I intend to write you another letter, which would contain what I wanted to say in this letter. However, I don't know why we always experienc...


Actually yesterday one hour after I sent the letter to you, I intend to write you another letter, which would contain what I wanted to say in this letter. However, I don't know why we always experience power failure at home these few days, and it seems that I need to call a repairmen about this. I, in fact, have already accepted your opinion faithfully. Lying on the bed, I, for a long time, was deep in thoughts. I believe this process is the process of accumulation, I respect your suggestion. I will not be so anxious to take action. I will be patient to enrich myself, whether or not the American culture, whether or not the dreams and responsibilities, or the thoughts of life or learning to win the challenges ahead. I respect your decision. I believe that those who will soon have access to better education are great people, and they should be my role models. Also I'm very grateful for your guidance and help. Wish you and also your family well.


英语翻译其实在我昨天给您发信后的1小时后,我是打算再给您再写一封信的,也就是我这封信要说的内容.可是,这几天不知道为什么家里总是停电,看来是该找人来修了.其实我早已经很真诚地赞 小时后,爷爷经常给我讲以前的事 英语翻译 放学后我玩一个小时的排球.英语翻译 英语翻译请在确认汇款之后,及时发信给我,以便我及时为你发货,合作愉快. 英语翻译 1午饭后 他们上两小时的美术课 怎么用英文回复老外?写了一封开发信,老外有兴趣咨询,我给他回复后忘记与他联系,.现在再跟他联系了,他却回了这样的邮件.请问该怎么回复比较得体,我是想说以后有机会可以跟我买,我会一 英语翻译我是做化工出口的,发的一封开发信后,客户回复我了一句话:Can you make custom synth?----------各位,有谁知道custom synth 怎么翻译?这是个化工产品吗?我很怀疑!知道的高手们请赐教啊! 英语翻译1 昨天我感冒了,喝了药后,身体已经好多了.2 昨天我发烧了 / 昨天我有点低烧,打了针后,已经没事了.3 明天就要放长假了,记得关好屋里的门窗,把电源都关掉.4 医生治好了他的病 5 医 给我点分手后就释怀,不在回忆,有复合想法的唯美句子,或者实在的句子! 英语翻译家人诊断后,医生写的字实在太潦草,拿回来后根本看不懂~ 英语翻译我要寄信给在加拿大的朋友,请帮忙翻译一下地址716 Townsend ave winnipeg MB 邮编写在信封哪里?格子里么?发信方的邮编写在哪? 昨天我给父母写信了英语翻译 半命题作文 __的瞬间 在线等一个小时后给我的 几小时后你会在哪里?我昨天感冒了.这两句话用英语翻译 用英语翻译我的爸爸两小时后将会回来.请尽快回答. 英语翻译要翻译的是:对不起,前段时间在四川康定地区采集标本,没有及时的给您回信.昨天回来看到您的回复,很开心.这段时间我将会整理标本,可能需要一段时间,等整理结束后,我会将标本 英语翻译a先生 您好非常抱歉,昨天我们公司Offer的箱子(集装箱)已经售出.以后我们会将第一手资&料第一时间&共享给您,希望我们以&后有更多合作的机会. 英语翻译a先生 您好非常抱歉,昨天我们公司Offer的箱子(集装箱)已经售出.以后我们会将第一手资&料第一时间&共享给您,希望我们以&后有更多合作的机会.