《torn》 中文歌词

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:40:51
《torn》 中文歌词
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《torn》 中文歌词
《torn》 中文歌词

《torn》 中文歌词
歌手:natalie imbruglia
natalie imbruglia - torn
i thought i saw a man brought 2 life.我以为找到了生命中的男人.
he was warm.他是如此的温煦
he came around like he was dignified.他在我身边时是如此有品位.
he showed me what it was 2 cry.他使我了解到什么是哭泣.
well u couldn't b that man i adored.于是你就不配当我仰慕的对象.
u don't seem 2 know,你不明白
seem 2 care what ur heart is 4.也不在乎,你的心到底在想什么.
but i don't know him anymore.可我不再了解他.
there's nothing where he used 2 lie.他连谎言都没机会说.
my conversation has run dry.我已无话可说.
that's what's going on.这就是现在的情况.
nothing's fine,i'm torn.没有好心情,我的心被伤透了.
i'm all out of faith,this is how i feel.我感到信心全无.
i'm cold i'm shamed.我又冷又被愚弄.
lying naked on the floor.屈辱的躺在冰冷的地板上.
illusion never changed into something real.梦想并没有变成现实.
i'm wide awake.清晨迷茫的醒来.
and i can c the perfect sky is torn.只看到明亮天空被撕碎.
u're a little late,i'm already torn.你来迟了一点,我已伤透了心.
so i guess the fortune teller's right.所以我想先知是对的.
should have seen just.现在的情况就是这样.
what was there not some holy light.没有几个好夜晚.
to crawl beneath my veins now.我心里只有你,但现在.
i don't care,i have no luck.我不在乎,算我倒霉.
i don't miss it all that much.不再想那么多.
there's just so many things.有太多事情.
that i can't touch,i'm torn.我无能为力,我伤透了心.
i'm all out of faith,this is how i feel.我感到信心全无.
i'm cold i am shamed.我又冷又被愚弄.
lying naked on the floor.屈辱的躺在冰冷的地板上.
illusion never changed into something real.梦想并没有变成现实.
i'm wide awake.清晨迷茫的醒来.
and i can c the perfect sky is torn.只看到明亮天空被撕碎.
u're a little late,i'm already torn.torn.你来迟了,我已伤透了心.
there's nothing where he used 2 lie.他连谎言都没机会说.
my inspiration has run dry.我已无话可说.
that's what's going on.现在就是这样.
nothings right,i'm torn.什么都不对,我伤透了心.
i'm all out of faith,this is how i feel.我感到信心全无.
i'm cold i am shamed.我又冷又被愚弄.
lying naked on the floor.屈辱的躺在冰冷的地板上.
illusion never changed into something real.梦想并没有变成现实.
i'm wide awake.清晨迷茫的醒来.
and i can c the perfect sky is torn.只看到明亮天空被撕碎.
i'm all out of faith,this is how i feel.我感到信心全无.
i'm cold i'm ashamed.我又冷又惭愧.
bound and broken on the floor.在地板上翻来滚去.
u're a little late,i'm already torn.你来迟了一点,我已伤透了心.