2道选择题(连词)146.Rebecca is a very careful girl____ her brother is very careless.a.while b.and c.so d.when答案上是A.B为什么不能选?147.my father has been in America _____a.from 1996 to 1998 b.since two years ago c.in 1996 d.very soon

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 09:00:09
2道选择题(连词)146.Rebecca is a very careful girl____ her brother is very careless.a.while b.and c.so d.when答案上是A.B为什么不能选?147.my father has been in America _____a.from 1996 to 1998 b.since two years ago c.in 1996 d.very soon
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2道选择题(连词)146.Rebecca is a very careful girl____ her brother is very careless.a.while b.and c.so d.when答案上是A.B为什么不能选?147.my father has been in America _____a.from 1996 to 1998 b.since two years ago c.in 1996 d.very soon
146.Rebecca is a very careful girl____ her brother is very careless.
a.while b.and c.so d.when
147.my father has been in America _____
a.from 1996 to 1998 b.since two years ago
c.in 1996 d.very soon

2道选择题(连词)146.Rebecca is a very careful girl____ her brother is very careless.a.while b.and c.so d.when答案上是A.B为什么不能选?147.my father has been in America _____a.from 1996 to 1998 b.since two years ago c.in 1996 d.very soon
题目中前半句说Rebecca是个细心的女孩子,后半句说她弟弟非常粗心,显然形成了鲜明对比,所以应该选择A.while,表示对比,而B.and 虽然作为连接词用在这里没有语法错误,但从句意上讲不是最优选择,所以不选.
题目的时态是现在完成时,因此答案里面要找能用现在完成时的短句.A. from 1996 to 1998 无论是开始的时间1996还是结束的时间1998都已经是过去的年代了,至少也应该用过去的时态 C.in 1996明显的过去时 D.very soon 应该用将来时 ,所以只有B对. B.since two years ago表明从2年前一直到现在,是一个延续的概念,而题目中 has been in America 正好适合.

while 内含比较的意思。 I'm a boy, while you are a girl.我是个男孩,你却是个女孩。
第二个,has been现在完成时, 自从两年前,我的父亲就在美国了。(现在一直还在美国,表示持续的状态),如果前面是was,则后面选A或C都可以。

b表示并列或递进 这样主语就按照逻辑关系变成前文的Rebecca了 而原文说的是他的brother 所以 b 不行
has been 是现在完成时态 而be in 则表示状态 所以选 b

b表示并列或递进 这样主语就按照逻辑关系变成前文的Rebecca了 而原文说的是他的brother 所以 b 不行
has been现在完成时, 自从两年前,我的父亲就在美国了。(现在一直还在美国,表示持续的状态),如果前面是was,则后面选A或C都可以。