
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 23:47:16
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1.Are you ever late for anything?
  上班迟到的.Yes I had a few times late last week for work,but I didn’t get into big trouble because most of the time I was early.
  上学迟到想找借口的.I was late to school about 10 times so far this semester,which is going to screw me out of college.I need to come up for some really good excuses.
  上学迟到想弥补的.I made some mistakes this year in attendance;I am trying to find out if there’s anything I can do to bring my grade up.
Describe a book you read when you were a child.
Speaking of a book I read in my childhood,I wanna talk about the children‘s encyclopedia book called One Hundred Thousand Questions.The book covers many areas that children might be curious about,such as physics,chemistry,biology and geography and so on.It was a birthday gift given by my father when I was 6 years old.This book helped cultivate my interest in natural science and triggered me to self study and do some research.For example,as a child,I didn‘t fully understand why it rained sometimes.I was quite curious about where the water came from.In that book,it illustrated the formation of rain through beautiful picture and understandable words,which made me learn many things that are out of the textbook.It really widened my mind and helped me know more about the world at that age.Also it helped me form a habit of reading.You know,the habit of reading is a quite important way for children to learn.The more they read,the more they learn.

望各位专家能提供给我2个雅思口语事件类的模板, 希望各位专家能提供给我2个雅思口语地点类的模板, 本人考过一次雅思.总分3.5 听力 2 阅读 4.5 写作 3 口语 3.5 像这样的成绩还有坚持下去的必要吗?要是有希望,想考到总分5.5 单科不低于4.各位雅思同学和老师请提供给我一些学雅思的经验.最好 是能提供给我动感英语2的笔记呢! 雅思口语救生圈专家点评的标准是什么? 雅思口语救生圈专家点评的标准是什么? 谁能提供我雅思口语part2的范文 谁能提供我雅思口语part2的范文 各位同学雅思的口语好考吗?第一次考雅思 我的英语口语一直是个弱项 现在要报考雅思 问问雅思口语怎么练习? 急求雅思口语救星!谁有最新的雅思口语救星能给我传一份吗? 请各位能谈谈雅思口语回忆吗? 如何在2个礼拜内让雅思成绩从6分提高到6.我2次都是考了6分,第一次听力 6.5 阅读 5.5 写作口语都是6分 第二次还是6分,听力继续6.5 其他都6分...太蛋疼了,各位大大有什么好办法能帮帮我的? 我想提升自己的英文口语,有没有人能介绍个好一些的口语陪练专家啊? 我的雅思成绩需要复议吗?各位专家们,我5月8号考的雅思,现在成绩出来了,总分6,听力6.5,阅读6.5,写作6,口语5.5.还有复议的必要吗?我自己认为听力考得不错,结果出来成绩是6.5,我有点接受不了. 雅思口语复议成功的进,问下口语6分究竟是个什么水平?我雅思总分7,口语考了5.5,考虑复议 现在新课标的小学语文课本的生字一共有多少个?谁能提供给我?急!我想要这些生字. 求个雅思复习计划,上次的听力五点五,写作四点五,阅读四点五,口语五点五望各位给点意见