
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/30 04:07:56
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像,喜欢like vt. 1.喜欢, 喜爱 2.想要 3.喜欢做;喜欢(以某种方式制作或产生的东西) 4.(用于否定句)愿做 5.(与 would 或 should 连用表示客气)想,想要,希望
prep. 1.(表示方式)如同, 像; 相似; 类似 2.(表示态度)想要, 有…的意向 3.(表示属性)像, 像…一样; 与…类似; 好像是, 看来有…可能(或迹象); 能表明…特征, 像…...







like 1
/ laɪk; laɪk/ v
(a) [Tn, Tg, Tsg] find (sb/sth) pleasant or satisfactory; enjoy 喜欢, 喜爱(某人[某事物]): Do you like fish? 你喜欢鱼吗? * She likes him (ie is fond of him) but doesn't l...


like 1
/ laɪk; laɪk/ v
(a) [Tn, Tg, Tsg] find (sb/sth) pleasant or satisfactory; enjoy 喜欢, 喜爱(某人[某事物]): Do you like fish? 你喜欢鱼吗? * She likes him (ie is fond of him) but doesn't love him. 她喜欢他, 但并非爱他. * She's never liked swimming. 她从不爱游泳. * I didn't like him/his taking all the credit. 我讨厌他把全部功劳归於自己. (b) [Tt, Tnt, Cn.a] regularly choose (to do sth); prefer (to do sth) 喜好(做某事): On Sundays I like to sleep late. 星期天我爱睡懒觉. * He likes his guests to be punctual. 他喜欢客人守时. * `How do you like your tea?' `I like it rather weak.' ‘你喝茶有什麽喜好?’‘我喜欢淡一些的.’
[Tt, Tg] (in negative sentences 用於否定句) be unwilling or reluctant to do sth 不愿做某事: I didn't like (ie felt reluctant) to disturb you. 我本不想打搅你. * He doesn't like asking for help. 他不愿意求助.
[Tn, Tt, Tnt] (used with should/would/'d to express a wish or preference at a particular time 与should/would/'d连用表示愿望或喜爱): Would you like something to eat? 想吃点东西吗? * I'd like to think it over before deciding. 我还是想想再决定吧. * We would like you to come and visit us. 我们希望你到我们这里来作客. * (ironic 反语) So he thinks it's easy, does he? I'd like to see him try! ie He would find it difficult. 那麽说他认为很容易, 是吗? 我倒想让他试一试! (他就知道难了.) =>Usage at want1 用法见want1.
[Tn] (infml 口) (of food) not suit sb's health (指食物)对某人的健康不宜: I like lobster but it doesn't like me. 我喜欢吃龙虾, 但吃了身体不适.
(idm 习语) if you `like (used as a polite form of agreement or suggestion 作表示同意或建议的礼貌用语): `Shall we stop now?' `If you like.' ‘我们现在停下来吧?’‘听你的.’ * If you like, we could go out this evening. 你要是愿意的话, 咱们今天晚上出去. I like his `nerve, `cheek, etc (ironic 反语) (used as an exclamation to complain that sb's behaviour is too impudent 作对某人行为卤莽无礼的感叹语): `She has written to demand an apology.' `I like her nerve!' ‘她已写信要求给她道歉.’‘她还真做得出来!’ I like `that! (ironic 反语) (used to protest that sth that has been said is untrue or unfair 用以表示对言语不实或不当的反感): `She called you a cheat.' `Well, I like that!' ‘她说你是骗子.’‘?, 亏她说得出口!’ like the look/sound of sb/sth be favourably impressed by what one has seen of/heard about sb/sth 对有关某人[某事物]的所见所闻有好印象: I like the look of your new assistant she should do very well. 我看你的新助手不错--她看样子很能干. * I don't like the sound of that cough oughtn't you to see a doctor? 我觉得你的咳嗽声有问题--是不是该找医生看看? that's what `I'd like to know (infml 口) (used to express disbelief, suspicion, etc 用以表示不相信﹑ 怀疑等): Where's all the money coming from? That's what I'd like to know. 这些钱都是从哪儿来的? 真叫人纳闷儿.
> likeable (also likable) / ˈlaɪkəbl; ˋlaɪkəbl/ adj easy to like; pleasant 可爱的; 讨人喜欢的: He's likeable enough, but a bit boring. 他挺讨人喜欢, 就是有点无聊.
likes n [pl] (idm 习语) ,likes and `dislikes things one does and does not like 好恶; 爱憎: He has so many likes and dislikes that it's impossible to please him. 他好恶爱憎这麽多, 要讨他欢心是不可能的.
NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Note these ways of using Would you like? 注意Would you like?的下列用法:
1 `Would you like to come to dinner tomorrow?' `Yes, thank you.' (invitation) ‘您明天来吃饭好吗?’‘好哇, 谢谢您.’(表示邀请).
2 `Would you like to clear the table?' `Okay.' (request) ‘请你收拾桌子行吗?’‘行.’(表示请求). Sometimes the speaker uses pattern 2 in order to make a complaint 有时用上述第2种方式表示不满: `Would you like to turn that music down?' `Yes, sorry.' ‘请把音乐声放小些行吗?’‘可以, 对不起.’ like 2
/ laɪk; laɪk/ prep
similar to (sb/sth); resembling 像(某人[某事物]); 类似; 相似: wearing a hat like mine 戴着与我那顶一样的帽子 * a house built like an Indian palace 建造得像印度宫殿一样的宅邸 * I've always wanted a garden like theirs. 我总想有一座像他们那样的花园. * I'm going to be a pop star like Michael Jackson. 我要当像迈克尔?杰克逊那样的流行歌星. * He's like his father, ie in character or looks. 他像他的父亲. * She looks a bit like the Queen. 她长得有点像女王. * That sounds like (ie I think I can hear) the postman. 听声音像是邮递员.
characteristic of (sb/sth) 有(某人[某事物])的特点: It's just like her to tell everyone about it. 只有她才会把那件事见谁就告诉谁.
in the manner of (sb/sth); to the same degree as 像(某人[某事物])一样: chatter like monkeys 像猴子那样吵叫 * behave like children 表现像孩子 * run like the wind, ie very fast 跑得快如风. =>Usage at as 用法见as.
for example 例如; 比方: We could look at some modern poets, like Eliot and Hughes. 我们可以考虑一下现代诗人, 例如艾略特和休斯. * Practical lessons, like woodwork and cookery, are not considered as important as maths. 一般认为像木工和烹饪之类的实用课程不如数学重要.
(idm 习语) like `anything (infml 口) very fast, hard, much, etc 很快; 很努力; 很; 非常: I had to run like anything to catch the bus. 我只好拚命跑去赶公共汽车. * We must work like anything to finish on time. 我们必须全力以赴按时完成.
> like conj (infml 口)
1 in the same manner as 像...那样: No one sings the blues like she did. 唱布鲁斯歌谁也比不上她. * Don't think you can learn grammatical rules like you learn multiplication tables. 不能像记乘法表那样记语法规则.
2 (esp US) as if 彷佛; 好像: She acts like she owns the place, ie is very bossy. 她很霸道, 就好像那地方都是她的.
-like suff 后缀 (forming adjs 用以构成形容词) in the manner of; similar to 类似; 像: childlike * ladylike * snake-like. like 3
/ laɪk; laɪk/ adj
having some or all of the qualities or features of; similar 相似的; 相同的: They're not twins, but they're very like. 他们俩虽非双胞胎, 却十分相像. * Like causes tend to produce like results. 类似的原因往往产生类似的结果. * mice, rats and like creatures 小家鼠﹑ 大老鼠之类的动物.
(idm 习语) (as) ,like as two `peas/as ,peas in a `pod virtually identical 一模一样; 酷似.
> like adv (idm 习语) (as) ,like as `not; ,like e`nough; most/very `like (dated 旧) (quite/very) probably 大概; 很可能: It'll rain this afternoon, as like as not. 今天下午很可能要下雨.
like n
1 [sing] person or thing that is like another 相似的人或事物: You should only compare like with like. 只应在同类事物中作比较. * jazz, rock and the like, ie similar kinds of music 爵士乐﹑ 摇滚乐之类的乐曲 * a man whose like we shall not see again 我们再也不想看到的那种男人 * I've never seen the like of it! ie anything so strange, etc. 我从未见过这种事!
2 (idm 习语) the likes of sb/sth (infml 口) a similar person or thing 类似的人或物: He's a bit of a snob won't speak to the likes of me. 他这个人有点势利--不会和我这样的人说话.
# ,like-`minded adj having similar tastes or opinions 情趣或想法相同的: I have complained to my MP, and urge all ,like-minded `people to do the same. 我已向议员提出不满的意见, 并努力敦促抱有共识的人采取同样行动.


作动词就是喜欢,be like 就是“像”的意思