
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 18:50:21
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4.那次大火差不多摧毁了整座城镇.目前,警方正在努力调查火灾的原因.(wipe out,investigate)
5.总的来说,从这些实验中得到的数据都在0.13和0.15之间变动,不过到目前为止还没有得到完全相同的数据.(as a whole,data,range)

1 Most of the team members thought that his proposal was not feasible,therefore they expressed their objection against accepting his proposal.
2 To farmers all over the world,autumn is the ideal season for harvest.
3 Their small boat collided heavily against a huge rock and splitted into halves.They had no alternatives but to find another boat.
4 That fire almost wiped out the entire town.At present,the police are investigating the reasons for the fire accident.
5 As a whole,the data obtained from these experiments showed variations ranging between 0.13 and 0.15.However,up to now,no identical data have been obtained.

1 Most teammates thought his suggestion to be feasible and thus took great objection to his suggestion.
2 To the farmers all over the world,autumn is a ideal season for harvest.
3 Their boat h...


1 Most teammates thought his suggestion to be feasible and thus took great objection to his suggestion.
2 To the farmers all over the world,autumn is a ideal season for harvest.
3 Their boat hit strongly on a huge stone and split into two halfs.They had to find another ship.
4 The fire almost wiped out the whole town.So far,the police is trying every effort to investigating the cause of the fire.
5 As a whole,the datas gained from these experiments all varies between 0.13 and 0.15,however,there have been completely same datas so far.


英语翻译1.大部分队员认为他的建议不可行,所以都强烈反对采纳他的建议.(feasible,objection)2.对于世界各地的农民来说,秋季是收割庄稼的理想季节.(harvest,ideal)3.他们的小船重重的撞在一块巨 英语翻译同意他的建议的英语翻译 一组队员的英语翻译 英语翻译1.我接受他不玩电脑游戏的建议(用accept that从句)2.把门打开, 英语翻译1.他不重视我的建议.2.她没把每天走30里路当回事. 英语翻译 我不知道他为什么认为我拿了他的钱 英语翻译1.他认为我不将来.2.我认为他不将到. 英语翻译1.你对队员们今天的表现满意吗?2.你认为今天赢得(输掉)比赛的原因 英语翻译1.我是篮球队员(on) 2.他对弹吉他更感兴趣.(be interested in) 3.我的老师过去看上去很严肃(serious) 4.难道你不记得我了吗?(don't) 英语翻译:他认为它是非常有趣的 他过去是游泳队员,可现在不是了.的英语翻译 英语翻译1什么事情使你没能来参加比赛(prevent)2我们不应该让别人认为他们的建议是无足轻重的(make)3他对那个作家一无所知,只知道他曾经出版过几本恐怖小说(expect)4现在的电影难得有 英语翻译1.仅仅往大脑中塞满知识是无用的,我们也应该学会挑选(good)2.他嗜酒成性,大部分薪水都花在就上(addict,spend)3.该店可以买到几种优秀的儿童读物(available)4.心理学家建议养父 就解决房奴现象提出可行的建议 为光盘行动提出至少三条可行的建议 英语翻译内容摘要:网络实名制该不该实行,能不能实行?随着两会召开,网络实名制再次成为人们讨论的热点,本文认为网络实名制在中国不可行,并从法律方面、技术方面、经济方面三个领域 英语翻译在我看来,情感上,当一个人认为他受到了伤害,他就真的受到了伤害;当他不认为自己受到了伤害,他就没问题.我希望我永远不要认为自己被伤害了. 假设钢铁侠的动力系统可行,他的飞行方式能实现不?如题