英语翻译我们很抱歉的通知您,由于供应商的物料存在严重的质量问题,我们基于以安全质量第一的态度,内部决定不得不再一次延期for these product.新的交货期我们将安排下个月初交货.对此我们

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 22:54:27
英语翻译我们很抱歉的通知您,由于供应商的物料存在严重的质量问题,我们基于以安全质量第一的态度,内部决定不得不再一次延期for these product.新的交货期我们将安排下个月初交货.对此我们
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英语翻译我们很抱歉的通知您,由于供应商的物料存在严重的质量问题,我们基于以安全质量第一的态度,内部决定不得不再一次延期for these product.新的交货期我们将安排下个月初交货.对此我们
我们很抱歉的通知您,由于供应商的物料存在严重的质量问题,我们基于以安全质量第一的态度,内部决定不得不再一次延期for these product.新的交货期我们将安排下个月初交货.对此我们深感抱歉,但这也是我们对客户品质保证的承诺.
其次,由于本次LC 的expire date 将要过期.我们希望你能重新update 下日期给我们.

英语翻译我们很抱歉的通知您,由于供应商的物料存在严重的质量问题,我们基于以安全质量第一的态度,内部决定不得不再一次延期for these product.新的交货期我们将安排下个月初交货.对此我们
我们很抱歉的通知您,由于供应商的物料存在严重的质量问题,我们基于以安全质量第一的态度,内部决定不得不再一次延期for these product.新的交货期我们将安排下个月初交货.对此我们深感抱歉,但这也是我们对客户品质保证的承诺.
We are sorry to inform you that,due to the serious quality problem of the materials from our suppliers,and based on the attitude of "Quality Comes First",we have decided on our side that we have to postpone the delivery of these products.The new date of delivery will be the beginning of next month.We are sorry for this,but it shows our concern and guarantee about our product quality.
其次,由于本次LC 的expire date 将要过期.我们希望你能重新update 下日期给我们.
In addition,as the L/C is about to expire,we appreciate it if you could renew the L/C expiration date for us.

We hate to inform you that there is a serious quality problem on the material our supplier supplied.we always put quality into our No.1 consiferation.that's why we need to delay the delivery for these...


We hate to inform you that there is a serious quality problem on the material our supplier supplied.we always put quality into our No.1 consiferation.that's why we need to delay the delivery for these products once again. the new lead time will be early next month. we are terribly sorry about this inconvenioncy. but at least this is what we can do to make sure our customers feel satisfactory about our quality.


We are sorry to inform you that there are serious quality problems due to the suppliers of materials, to safety and quality first attitude, internal decision had no time extension of the for these pro...


We are sorry to inform you that there are serious quality problems due to the suppliers of materials, to safety and quality first attitude, internal decision had no time extension of the for these product delivery we will arrange for the next month earlyDelivery. We are sorry, but this is our commitment to customer quality assurance.
Secondly, since the LC expire date to expire. We hope you can re-update the next date to us.


We are sorry to inform you that because the material supplied by supplier has serious quality failure, as we take safety and quality first philosophy, we have to postpone our delivery date for these p...


We are sorry to inform you that because the material supplied by supplier has serious quality failure, as we take safety and quality first philosophy, we have to postpone our delivery date for these product. We plan to change our delivery date to early next month. Please accept our sincere apology, but this is our produce quality commitment to our clients, too.
By the way, the LC term will expire soon, we hope you can update the expire date to us.


Sorry to inform you that, owning to poor quanlity of materials, we have to adjourn the delivery date again based on the quanlity concern,we predict we will make delivery at the beganing of next month....


Sorry to inform you that, owning to poor quanlity of materials, we have to adjourn the delivery date again based on the quanlity concern,we predict we will make delivery at the beganing of next month. We are deeply sorry for the above but meanwhile for performing our commitment on quanlity. In addition, Pls.kindly update the date of LC becasuse it's close to expiration if possible.


we are sorry to inform you that: owing to the serious quality problem of supplier's materials, and base on our attitude of quality first, we have to delay the delivery time again. The new delivery t...


we are sorry to inform you that: owing to the serious quality problem of supplier's materials, and base on our attitude of quality first, we have to delay the delivery time again. The new delivery time will be the begining of next month. we are so sorry about this, but this is our commitment of quality for the customers.
secondly, because the LC is going to expire, we hope that you can update expire date for us.


英语翻译我们很抱歉的通知您,由于供应商的物料存在严重的质量问题,我们基于以安全质量第一的态度,内部决定不得不再一次延期for these product.新的交货期我们将安排下个月初交货.对此我们 英语翻译很抱歉的通知您,目前酒店不提供打工换宿 英语翻译通知亲爱的顾客:非常抱歉!由于今日店内断水,我店暂时只提供瓶装饮料、瓶装水、各类糕点.咖啡豆和一般产品照常销售.为各位带来麻烦,我们感到万分抱歉! 英语翻译我很抱歉由于之前没和供应商沟通好导致传递了错误的信息.实际上应该是可以提供35V的材料.但由于35V的样品申请日期很长,故供应商建议换成50V.现在我已经让供应商重新申请35V的样 英语翻译美国已经同意我们供应商的图纸了,我们是继续定单还是自己开发呢?如果我们自己开发我想我们应该进早的通知美国和取消供应商的定单 英语翻译内容为:( 很抱歉,由于原材料价格上涨,你给我们的目标价,我们无法做到.以上请知悉,) 英语翻译我们还需要货物的相关发票,等你的供应商把货物的发票一起给我之后,我们将马上安排运输,准备好之后马上通知您 英语翻译对于我们近期交期的延误,我们表示非常抱歉.由于我们的供应商在中秋节之后才正式上班,造成我们的配套供应不及时,交期有所推迟,请见谅.在以后的订单中,我们会尽可能准时交货, 英语翻译非常抱歉因为中国春节的原因回复晚了.我们在28日有给您回复一封邮件,通知您由于货物已经到纽约我们无法修改ams,并且建议您所有的清关资料按照10件要做.之前您要求修改提单时, 英语翻译亲爱的朋友真的很抱歉.我们收到您的付款了,真的很抱歉,您要的那5张库存我们已经卖完了,由于刚卖完网站还没来得及更新,给您照成不必要的麻烦,真的很抱歉您可以要求我们退款给 中译英:由于我们公司一个大的供应商的货款没有到位,以致于我们资金很紧张. 英语翻译非常抱歉,上星期六由于供应商的物料有问题,导致货物生产时出现异常,我们品质部已经判定不合格了,所以今天没有安排该订单的验货.也表示,我们不能对该订单明天按时交货,请也麻 英语翻译Dear Ashok:我感到非常抱歉!由于Nancy一直在休假,所以没有第一时间回复您的邮件,关于您的这次询价,我今天已经安排其他同事处理,有任何进展我会第一时间通知您! 英语翻译由于现在是我们供应商的旺季,因此我们需要再多7天的时间完成这份订单. 英语翻译XXX,很抱歉,我们的prototype(手板)在7月16号的时候不能完成了,因为之前那家供应商说做不出来,我们找了另外一家,手板会在下周一(7月21号)的时候做好.很抱歉.XXX 急求英语翻译:手柄的交货期还在等供应商的回复,一有消息我会通知你的. 英语翻译中译英 谢绝机翻纳期回复:感谢您在1月14日发出的订单.关于您要求的货期,已与工厂确认并得到回复,我们很抱歉的通知您我们无法完全满足您的要求.因此现征求您的意见如下:您 英语翻译希望您能够通知您的供应商将配件尽快发货给我们,因为这个订单的货已经做好了,就等这个配件.如果这周我们不能收到这个配件,那么下周的货物只有14托不满一个货柜,无法海运.还