leisure is a growing industry.people no longer entertain themselves as they used to because the use of modern teachnology has made them less creative.to what extant do you agree or disagree?要怎么写?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 21:51:03
leisure is a growing industry.people no longer entertain themselves as they used to because the use of modern teachnology has made them less creative.to what extant do you agree or disagree?要怎么写?
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leisure is a growing industry.people no longer entertain themselves as they used to because the use of modern teachnology has made them less creative.to what extant do you agree or disagree?要怎么写?
leisure is a growing industry.people no longer entertain themselves as they used to because the use of modern teachnology has made them less creative.to what extant do you agree or disagree?

leisure is a growing industry.people no longer entertain themselves as they used to because the use of modern teachnology has made them less creative.to what extant do you agree or disagree?要怎么写?
When it comes to the leisure being a growing industry ,some people think it is not as interesting as the games they did when they are very young .Others argue that the opposite is true.There is probably some truth to both arguments ,but it is a trendy that the leisure has being a growing industry.
Leisure is a fundamental necessity of life,not a luxury.It is an expression of personal freedom,a source of happiness and an opportunity for social interaction.Leisure time is growing,particularly through paid holiday entitlements and early retirements.Not surprisingly,participation in many leisure activities is increasing and so too is leisure expenditure.
Nowadays ,with the development of modern technology,a lot of entertain facilities come out ,a lot of people take part in the games or activities when they are free.We should admit that the games stayed in our memory is sweet and interesting ,because which stand for one kind of our experience.That style of leisure make us grow up ,then there is a special feeling in it .
But it can not be a reason for us to deny the value of leisure in the modern time ,we know it offer us more choice ,there are so many kind of activities you can choose.Sometimes it is a representation of this advanced society,we gain more knowledge and information,not just a relax in early days.It also can be particular as the human needed.
Such expansion breeds a growing and dynamic industry which,although it suffers like other industries in a recession,is nevertheless on a steady long-term growth path.Such growth means increasing employment opportunities too.Leisure is a 'people business' not just in the sense of people as customers but also because it is labour intensive and relies on staff interaction with customers to produce the service.
In conclusion,the modern technology,if we used properly ,which can bring us a better leisure time.

e~~~貌似ielts的,only can offer you an idea
do not give them a clear answer of this question, just say that modern teachnology made a easy way to people to enjoy themselves(then make some exps...take ...


e~~~貌似ielts的,only can offer you an idea
do not give them a clear answer of this question, just say that modern teachnology made a easy way to people to enjoy themselves(then make some exps...take 200 words), after pick a word to make a turn, say that in some cases teachnology did make people lazy and less creative. At the end say something between agree and disagree.
Good luck



leisure is a growing industry.people no longer entertain themselves as they used to because the use of modern teachnology has made them less creative.to what extant do you agree or disagree?要怎么写? leisure leisure leisure 求雅思大作文范文参考Leisure is a growing industry ,but people no longer entertain themselves as much as they used to because the use of modern technology has made them less creative.Do you agree or disagree?如果是 When it comes to the le 希望高手能批改作文!标题:leisure is a growing industry,but people no longer entertain themself as much as they used to because the use of modern technology has made them less creative作文:with the development of modern technology,the Adam _____a doctor when he_____up.A.is going to be,is growing B.is going to be,grows C.wants to become,is growing D.is growing the centre of france is a big,agricultural region,growing crops把 growing 换成grows行不行 growing is just a procedure,take it easy~~什么意思? Maturity is a high price to pay for growing Being different is a part of growing up.Being yourself is the purpose of growing up!意思素神马? 英语翻译Since the welfare budget constraint is flatter,there is a substitution effect away from consumption and towards leisure. a growing number of Dibbie is growing fast.She is even( )tDibbie is growing fast.She is even( )than her mother. A.tall B.taller C.tallest D.the taIlest My collection is growing very Tea ____in the south of china A is growing B grew C grow D is grown she grows into a beautiful girl和she is growing into a beautiful girl的区别 那个句子更妥帖 there are a grwowing number or there is a growing number