When Marie Curie shared (A)the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics with two otherscientists — her husband Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel — she had been(C) the first woman to win the prize.有两个小问题1)我知道A和C里面有一个是错

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 18:54:38
When Marie Curie shared (A)the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics with two otherscientists — her husband Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel — she had been(C) the first woman to win the prize.有两个小问题1)我知道A和C里面有一个是错
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When Marie Curie shared (A)the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics with two otherscientists — her husband Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel — she had been(C) the first woman to win the prize.有两个小问题1)我知道A和C里面有一个是错
When Marie Curie shared (A)the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics with two other
scientists — her husband Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel — she had been(C) the first woman to win the prize.
most major air pollutants cannot be seen,although large amounts of them concentrated in cities are visible(C) as smog.No error(E)
我想问C处为什么不用是as visible as 原句中的as到底是什么词性与意思啊?
Intimacy,love,and marriage are three different,if interrelated,subjects.
A.different,if interrelated,subjects
B,interrelated subjects,being,however,different
C.different subjects,whereas they are interrelated
D.different subjects when interrelated
E.subjects that are different although being interrelated
我选了C 正确答案是A 为什么?

When Marie Curie shared (A)the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics with two otherscientists — her husband Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel — she had been(C) the first woman to win the prize.有两个小问题1)我知道A和C里面有一个是错
1、When Marie Curie shared(A)the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics with two other scientists — her husband Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel — she had been(C) the first woman to win the prize.
1)when = at the time that,也就是说when只表示一个具体的时间点.
3)when引导的时间状语表示主句行为发生在过去的一个具体时间点的,因此不能与现在完成时态连用,但是可以与过去完成时连用.不过本题中如果用了过去完成时,表示居里夫人在早于获奖之前已经是获得该项奖的第一个女性了,因为这一点是不符合事实的,因此需要把had been the first woman 改为was the first woman.
2、Most major air pollutants cannot be seen,although large amounts of them concentrated in cities are visible(C) as smog.No error(E) 这道题答案是E,我想问C处为什么不用是as visible as 原句中的as到底是什么词性与意思啊?
* 主句:Most major air pollutants cannot be seen,多数主要的空气污染物是看不到的.
* 主语:Most major air pollutants —— 用most(大多数)修饰复数名词pollutants
* 谓语:cannot be seen —— 被动语态
让步从句:although large amounts of them concentrated in cities are visible as smog.虽然大量聚集在城市里的空气污染物如同烟雾一样可见.
* 连词:although —— 表示让步
* 句子的核心部分:large amounts of them are visible—— large amounts of 表示大量的,them指代上文的 air pollutants
* 后置定语:concentrated in cities—— 过去分词短语
方式状语从句:as smog —— as是连词,此处是从句省略了与上文语义重复的 is visible,即“像烟雾一样可见”.
三、 Intimacy,love,and marriage are three different,if interrelated,subjects.
A.Intimacy,love,and marriage are three (different,if interrelated,subjects)
—— 原题:假设私通、婚外恋和结婚相互关联的话,它们是三种不同的问题.
B,Intimacy,love,and marriage are three (interrelated subjects,being,however,different)
C.Intimacy,love,and marriage are three (different subjects,whereas they are interrelated)
—— 私通、婚外恋和结婚是三种不同的问题,然而它们是相互关联的.
首先肯定它们是不同的问题,用转折连词 whereas 又肯定了它们还是相互关联的
D.Intimacy,love,and marriage are three (different subjects when interrelated)
—— 私通、婚外恋和结婚在它们相互关联的时候是三种不同的问题.
E.Intimacy,love,and marriage are three (subjects that are different although being interrelated)
—— 私通、婚外恋和结婚是三种虽然相互关联但却不同的问题.

1 had been 应该改写成was, 与shared保持时态上的一致性,如果用had been----指的是:she在之前也得到过,had been是过去的过去,所以不对。
2 如果用as visible as smog,给人的感觉就是,smog不是pollution的一部分了,把smog排除在pollutants以外了。
3 whereas ------表达的...


1 had been 应该改写成was, 与shared保持时态上的一致性,如果用had been----指的是:she在之前也得到过,had been是过去的过去,所以不对。
2 如果用as visible as smog,给人的感觉就是,smog不是pollution的一部分了,把smog排除在pollutants以外了。
3 whereas ------表达的是转折,------- 然而------在这里用法不符合上下文的意义.所以用 if----解释为:如果能够- - - - - 。


1 C不对,因为had been一般不是要说发生在过去有一定延续性的事情吗,但是这句话说的是居里夫人刚当上第一个女诺贝尔奖得主的时候,所以根本就没有had been 要求的延续性,(比如说她已经当了几年了),应该用became,她成为了第一个女的得奖者
2 选择E因为句子的意思其实是“大多数的空气污染物无法被肉眼所见,但是城市中的大部分都以smog的形式存在,所以可以被看见”这里的as相当...


1 C不对,因为had been一般不是要说发生在过去有一定延续性的事情吗,但是这句话说的是居里夫人刚当上第一个女诺贝尔奖得主的时候,所以根本就没有had been 要求的延续性,(比如说她已经当了几年了),应该用became,她成为了第一个女的得奖者
2 选择E因为句子的意思其实是“大多数的空气污染物无法被肉眼所见,但是城市中的大部分都以smog的形式存在,所以可以被看见”这里的as相当于“以...的形式存在” 也就是说,城市里的pollutant = smog,而不是说污染物和smog一样可以被见到
3 亲密,爱情,与婚姻是三个不同的事情,假若他们根本扯得上关系的话
这里的 if 就相当于这个假若,也就是说,其实这三个基本上就是不一样的东西,扯上关系也是比较勉强的,为了强调他们是different的
但是如果你选择whereas就相当于在说“他们三个是不同的,但是分明是有关系的嘛!” 前后有点儿自相矛盾



Marie Curie是谁? Marie Curie来自哪里 Marie Sklodowska Curie怎么读? Marie Curie Biography In today's world,few probably do not know the Marie Curie.Marie Curie,as a 请问Marie Curie 怎么读?情标下音标, 请问Marie Curie 怎么读?怎么办呢?官锥情标下音标 Let,s do our project about Marie Curie. Marie Curie received the Nobel Prize___(two) during her lifetime. Marie Curie was a great scientist.She was born in Warsaw,Poland,in 1867.Both of her parents were teachers.When Marie was only 10 years old,her mother died. Young Marie was a very good student.She loved science,math,and languages.She and her sister Br 表达某人的一生 英语Marie Curie's life 是对的 那么 这样说可以吗?life of Marie Curie Marie Curie discovered radium in 1898,()many people believe made her mother to the Atomic Age.A when B which C in which D what选什么,为什么,是状语从句还是非限定性定语从句. When Marie Curie shared (A)the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics with two otherscientists — her husband Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel — she had been(C) the first woman to win the prize.有两个小问题1)我知道A和C里面有一个是错 Marie Curie is the only lady ______(who/that) I admire in the world. THE GENIUS OF MARIE CURIE THE WOMAN WHO LIT UP THE WORLD怎么样 答得越快,立刻选最佳答案填空:Marie Curie?She was a Polish . marie Marie Curie is famous.She’s a ( ) A.scientistMarie Curie is famous.She’s a ( )A.scientist B.It’s very nice.Cut them out.另外请告诉我Marie It's said that Marie Curie was the y------- of five children in her family and also the smartest.