自己写了一小段话,麻烦给看看那里有问题并且讲讲,I have been tiding up my room for several days.I clean up bottom of my bed tonight.There are many old books,magazines and newspapers that It was bought in secondary schools.moreover,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 05:55:00
自己写了一小段话,麻烦给看看那里有问题并且讲讲,I have been tiding up my room for several days.I clean up bottom of my bed tonight.There are many old books,magazines and newspapers that It was bought in secondary schools.moreover,
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自己写了一小段话,麻烦给看看那里有问题并且讲讲,I have been tiding up my room for several days.I clean up bottom of my bed tonight.There are many old books,magazines and newspapers that It was bought in secondary schools.moreover,
I have been tiding up my room for several days.I clean up bottom of my bed tonight.There are many old books,magazines and newspapers that It was bought in secondary schools.moreover,some textbooks was remained.I picked up some helping books.The others will be sold tomorrow.

自己写了一小段话,麻烦给看看那里有问题并且讲讲,I have been tiding up my room for several days.I clean up bottom of my bed tonight.There are many old books,magazines and newspapers that It was bought in secondary schools.moreover,

自己写了一小段话,麻烦给看看那里有问题并且讲讲,I have been tiding up my room for several days.I clean up bottom of my bed tonight.There are many old books,magazines and newspapers that It was bought in secondary schools.moreover, 学校要求写一小段感谢老师的话、谁有麻烦给我个 写一小段话 用拟人的手法写一种自己喜欢的动物几句话或一小小段话就OK了 世界上有上帝吗?谈谈你的看法.写一小段话就可以了... 读鲁滨孙漂流记感想一小段就可以了,最好是自己写的, 【德语】麻烦高手翻译一小段德语.先谢谢了! 懂英语的朋友帮忙看看孩子的英文计划表写得对不对?孩子今年初一,自己写了个英语计划表,可是我一点也看不懂,请懂英语的朋友帮忙看看他写对没有,这份计划表有没有问题,如果不嫌麻烦的 给生命一份承诺 这篇作文怎么写?最好有例文 一小段也行 请你写一小段话,用上以下所给的词语!请你写一小段话,用上以下所给的词语.词语:含辛茹苦 风餐露宿 崭露头角 汗马功劳 东奔西走 后天考试了·今天检查作文发现有一小段好像写的有问题~有没有高手帮我改改··我总觉得语法有很大错!麻烦The present signal is unmistakable:our teachers and parents are obsessed with an idea of making their child 病句,帮我看看待到年长,当他们刚刚意识到有足够脚力的时候,也就给自己负上了一笔沉重的宿债,焦渴地企盼着对诗境实地的踏访.据说这句话有语法问题,帮我看看哪错了.麻烦再帮我改出来. 麻烦帮我看看,线性代数,基与基的转换问题题如图:请给我解析一下该如何转换,一二问就好,有具体过程更好!一二题已经解决了,麻烦帮看看第三题, 用五个可以写一小段话 请帮忙写一小段话, “写一小段话”用英语怎么说 请用守株待兔写一小段话 请你选择自己家乡的一处景物或者一个生活情境,写一小段话,最好写梅县的