是不是有不少人收到类似的邮件?自称是因为战争成为难民需要把继承的大笔遗产转移到中国,是骗人的吗?这是我收到的邮件thanks for your mail.we want to thank you for replying our email.we are really afraid th

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 17:09:26
是不是有不少人收到类似的邮件?自称是因为战争成为难民需要把继承的大笔遗产转移到中国,是骗人的吗?这是我收到的邮件thanks for your mail.we want to thank you for replying our email.we are really afraid th
xVRGyK?@|CG 3[lfHbd \8 EaP.Ea 쮤'BgBJ*/B>ݧt bY\U)~){;E_=*;Ꮓfxx\= OzhZ8*Ug?:}|kwޮTI=^?ݞO[\+_! /dhtw@itv&&r)eҬ2b.F,0+k!BBm5 6Gѷ5aA(|`e X17BɆvFgWL*Öp/dʄ&P)v Q0Ω0p[|X"S='D%Feq֌a4l&d$*1V&TRø0aE !J4\a ^%WT;mJ {5Y X"aǣ5Lf-:h.z Lד,j ѝIY$pmk4ՏMM.YU\|g͕ ݤyhCCKu̳ 5LJbȎ5vh#r j C-ZUkՒ"EC"f/ 2˭g%fsw>O)&kƸzۮ!g' Ŷʩa r\єp͘8[vZ%$2\;瓙R$ZpX'n[ldzrk7+ ?Q^̹2o iLJw2WSGV ow%}ᦓyÓ2zftCUv{fw5Q]^vgFwk^9(׎߸Awt"V;XO.j

是不是有不少人收到类似的邮件?自称是因为战争成为难民需要把继承的大笔遗产转移到中国,是骗人的吗?这是我收到的邮件thanks for your mail.we want to thank you for replying our email.we are really afraid th
这是我收到的邮件thanks for your mail.we want to thank you for replying our email.we are really afraid that is why we hide some many information.it is true that we do not know each other,we found ourself in this situation which gave us no option than to give out such a blind trust.
we are only asking for your honest and truthfull help so that we will secure this money out of this country to your nominated account because of the political situation in this country is not good,so that after the transfer we will come over to your country and start a new life and also investment the money.we will like you to pay this matter urgent attention to enable us secure this money as soon as possible.we hope we will find some trust in you,to help us without betraying us because this our inheritance is the only hope we have for our future and our dear life.
we will need this information from you to enable us proceed to the bank for the registration and introduction of your name as our late father's foreign partner who will receive our inheritance to your nominated account so that the bank will recognised you and advice us what to do to enable the bank transfer the money to your nominated account without any problem.
below is the information needed.
Your full name
Your house or office address
Your fax and telephone number
Your occupation
we are waiting for your urgent response together with the needed information so that we will proceed to the bank for the registration and introduction of your name and submit your information to the bank as our foreign partner whom is to receieve the money on our behalf for investment.
thanks once again for your concern regarding our welfare and we pray that all we go fine for all of us till we meet in the near future and celebrate our joy with you as one family.thanks and God bless.
也希望可以给其他收到此类邮件的朋友们提个醒 谨防上当受骗!

是不是有不少人收到类似的邮件?自称是因为战争成为难民需要把继承的大笔遗产转移到中国,是骗人的吗?这是我收到的邮件thanks for your mail.we want to thank you for replying our email.we are really afraid th

是不是有不少人收到类似的邮件?自称是因为战争成为难民需要把继承的大笔遗产转移到中国,是骗人的吗?这是我收到的邮件thanks for your mail.we want to thank you for replying our email.we are really afraid th 收到的是空的邮件.... 电子邮件回复发邮件时,打出来这个英文回信,请问,我的邮件对方还能收到么?有什么办法才能让对方收到呢?是不是对方收的邮件太多了?下面这些英文 IN-TECH: Open Access Books 出版社怎么样最近收到该出版社的约稿邮件,是让编写一本书的某一章节,还要交500多欧元的出版费,这个大家觉得靠谱吗?有收到类似邮件的大侠吗? 邮件回函说“out of office” 发邮件后 因为是假期期间 对方自动恢复“out of office.” 请问是不在办公的意思吗?我最关心的是邮件对方能照常收到吗? 收到的邮件开头通常都有个PFA,是问候语吗, 英语翻译是我收到的邮件之一,看不太懂, 英语翻译这里的意思是:你会收到邮件或电话,还是 你不会收到邮件或电话? 中译英:我没有收到你的回信,请问你有收到我的邮件吗? GRE报名成功 收到邮件了 ETS会不会邮寄什么文件给我的 因为我好像没收到 中译英,最好是懂商贸英语的进~事件背景:客户发邮件反映收到我们的货物有损坏,要求我们改进包装,但我们的包装没有问题,损坏是因为运输过程中可能遭遇了什么东西撞击造成的,回复邮件 Enclosed the sample sheet.我收到一封邮件,内容是:Enclosed the sample sheet邮件里有附件,请问上面那句话是什么意思?这封邮件的主题是:junior CNY order sample sheet 如果你收到过类似的邮件,请忽略此封,英文怎么说请不要用google翻译。 古时皇太后自称哀家,那皇后自称什么不是对皇帝的谦称为什么我看到前面有人说皇太后自称哀家是因为死了丈夫 收到邮件,提示‘邮件的部分内容在服务器上.’是什么意思? 我收到的邮件中经常有Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile,请问这是什么东西发的邮件 求“难道邮件没有收到?”的英语翻译 希望再次收到你的邮件 英文