求帮忙写一篇英语读后感,字数我其实不是很清楚,老师说要写1 page,那页纸就不到A4,题目也占了位置的说像饥饿游戏简爱巴黎圣母院那些,实在不行都可以啦,到时候我会去看这小说的中文版>

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 23:28:11
求帮忙写一篇英语读后感,字数我其实不是很清楚,老师说要写1 page,那页纸就不到A4,题目也占了位置的说像饥饿游戏简爱巴黎圣母院那些,实在不行都可以啦,到时候我会去看这小说的中文版>
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求帮忙写一篇英语读后感,字数我其实不是很清楚,老师说要写1 page,那页纸就不到A4,题目也占了位置的说像饥饿游戏简爱巴黎圣母院那些,实在不行都可以啦,到时候我会去看这小说的中文版>
求帮忙写一篇英语读后感,字数我其实不是很清楚,老师说要写1 page,那页纸就不到A4,题目也占了位置的说

求帮忙写一篇英语读后感,字数我其实不是很清楚,老师说要写1 page,那页纸就不到A4,题目也占了位置的说像饥饿游戏简爱巴黎圣母院那些,实在不行都可以啦,到时候我会去看这小说的中文版>
Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain appearance, is small, there is no soul and no heart - you want to wrong, my heart like you rich, my mind full as much heart!
- Jane eyre charlotte
Jane eyre is a classic in the history of English literature handed down from ancient times work, it successfully created the first British literature of love, life, social and religious were taken independent positive attitude and dare to struggle, dare to fight for liberty and equality status of the female image.
A favorite foreign literary works of women, like reading charlotte's Jane eyre. If we think charlotte just only for writing this paragraph of touching love writing Jane eyre. I think, wrong. The author is a female, living in fluctuation changing Britain in the middle of the 19th century, when the thoughts have a brand new start. In Jane eyre infiltration in most also is this kind of thought - women's independent consciousness. Let us imagine that if Jane independence, have been killed in the JiRenLiXia childhood life; If she's not a independent, she had only and the rochester life together, began to have money, status of new life; If she's not a pure, we are now in the hands of Jane eyre also is no longer an emotional tears classic. So, I began to think, why Jane eyre let us be moved, fondle admiringly, is her independent personality, beckoning personality charm.
However, we can not help but ask, only this step can be independent? I think, no. After all, women's independence is a long-term process, is not achieved overnight. It needs a thorough courage, like Jane when she leave rochester, need "the wind is cold and raining xiao xi xi zhuang soil to past" heroic and courage. I think, this should is the most critical step, should also be decisive step towards independence. And charlotte's Jane but her stubborn character, independent personality left us a move. So she is successful, happy women.
Jane has as an independent women's classic, I hope the sunshine, the flowers are more Jane walked out, whether poor or rich; Whether beauty, or plain, have a good heart and enrich the mind, by the independent personality and strong character life.

求帮忙写一篇英语读后感,字数我其实不是很清楚,老师说要写1 page,那页纸就不到A4,题目也占了位置的说像饥饿游戏简爱巴黎圣母院那些,实在不行都可以啦,到时候我会去看这小说的中文版> 求一篇英语读后感,老师让我们写一篇英语读后感,让我们读一本英语名著后,写一篇读后感,字数在100字左右。 求一篇读英语的读后感(记住不是写英语的读后感,是读英语后的读后感),要求字数:600字以上这个题目改为读英语有感 求一片英语读后感,要求是在读过一本英语书后写的,不是一篇文章,字数在200字以上即可. 帮忙写一篇作文《其实,那件事不是我的错》初三的作文!帮帮忙 请大家帮忙给我写一篇英语作文,字数50-60!Write there travel diaries 急求一篇童话书的英语读后感字数80 帮写英语读后感帮写一篇英语读后感,要求字数100, 帮忙写一篇(柳叶儿)这篇文章的读后感,字数100-200,帮忙写一篇(柳叶儿)这篇文章的读后感,字数100-200, 急求一篇任何书的英语读后感字数80~100字左右在线等写出来~~~有加分 帮忙写一篇英语作文~关于《简爱》的读后感~全英文的~急用!最好和语文作文一样的形式,一样的字数~谁的英文水平高就帮帮我吧~ 帮忙写一篇英语作文~关于《简爱》的读后感~ 其实我很幸福写一篇作文 用英文写一篇读后感 字数不限 求帮我写一篇有趣的英语故事不是要短篇笑话哦.是要有故事情节的.字数超过150以上. 急求一篇写我的偶像的英语作文 字数要150左右 求一篇红楼梦读后感,字数300 求大神帮忙写一篇英语作文,