英语翻译【摘要】 水文中长期预报中,影响预报对象的因子往往不止一个,那么从这些影响因子中挑选一批与预报对象关系较好的因子,建立“最优”的回归方程进行预测,这就是逐步回归的总

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 13:53:03
英语翻译【摘要】 水文中长期预报中,影响预报对象的因子往往不止一个,那么从这些影响因子中挑选一批与预报对象关系较好的因子,建立“最优”的回归方程进行预测,这就是逐步回归的总
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英语翻译【摘要】 水文中长期预报中,影响预报对象的因子往往不止一个,那么从这些影响因子中挑选一批与预报对象关系较好的因子,建立“最优”的回归方程进行预测,这就是逐步回归的总
【摘要】 水文中长期预报中,影响预报对象的因子往往不止一个,那么从这些影响因子中挑选一批与预报对象关系较好的因子,建立“最优”的回归方程进行预测,这就是逐步回归的总体思路.根据呼兰河流域气候特点对呼兰河干流兰西站的凌汛最高水位作了长期预测.该模型物理成因概念明确,其精度在70%左右.

英语翻译【摘要】 水文中长期预报中,影响预报对象的因子往往不止一个,那么从这些影响因子中挑选一批与预报对象关系较好的因子,建立“最优”的回归方程进行预测,这就是逐步回归的总

River Basin in accordance with climatic characteristics in the main stream of the River Station凌汛Lancine the highest level of long-term projections were made. The model is the concept of clear physica...


River Basin in accordance with climatic characteristics in the main stream of the River Station凌汛Lancine the highest level of long-term projections were made. The model is the concept of clear physical cause, the accuracy of around 70%. 【Key Words】凌汛; the highest water level; long-term forecast is entitled "Prediction of stepwise regression analysis凌汛River Station Lancine highest level"
Medium and long-term hydrological forecasting, forecasting the impact of the object is often more than one factor, then the impact factor from the selected group of better relations with the prediction of the factor object, the establishment of "best" regression equation to predict, that is, the overall stepwise regression ideas.


In the hydrology medium and long-term predict that affects the forecast object the factor often to continue, then chooses one batch from these influence factor with the forecast object relationship go...


In the hydrology medium and long-term predict that affects the forecast object the factor often to continue, then chooses one batch from these influence factor with the forecast object relationship good factor, establishment “most superior” the regression equation carries on the predict that this is the stepwise regression overall mentality. Has made the long-term forecast according to the Hulan River basin climate characteristic to the Hulan River main current blue west station's ice run maximum high-water. This model physics origin concept is clear, its precision about 70%.


【Abstract】 long-term hydrological forecasting, forecasting the impact of the object is often more than one factor, then the impact factor from the selected group of better relations with the predictio...


【Abstract】 long-term hydrological forecasting, forecasting the impact of the object is often more than one factor, then the impact factor from the selected group of better relations with the prediction of the factor object, the establishment of "best" regression equation to predict, and this is gradually The general idea of reunification. River Basin in accordance with climatic characteristics in the main stream of the River Station凌汛Lancine the highest level of long-term projections were made. The model is the concept of clear physical cause, the accuracy of around 70%.
【Key Words】凌汛; the highest water level; long-term forecast
Entitled, "Stepwise Regression Analysis River Forecast Station凌汛Lancine highest level"



英语翻译【摘要】 水文中长期预报中,影响预报对象的因子往往不止一个,那么从这些影响因子中挑选一批与预报对象关系较好的因子,建立“最优”的回归方程进行预测,这就是逐步回归的总 水文预报中单位线是怎么转换的? 隧道超前预报中地质条件有哪些影响 论文摘要的英语翻译!急求!务必人工翻译!摘要:在当今迅猛发展的经济大潮中,贸易壁垒对国际贸易的影响越来越严重。TBT(技术性贸易壁垒)成为国际贸易中继关税和非关税壁垒之后的重 英语翻译六、我国绿色照明中长期规划情景分析研究课题组根据上级的要求,研究了固态照明技术发展对中国绿色照明工程中长期规划可能造成的影响,分析了不同照明产品提供单位照明服务 食物中长期缺碘对机体有什么影响?为什么? 食物中长期缺碘对甲状腺有什么影响为什么 英语翻译论文摘要 英语翻译会计英语摘要 我国河流水文水系特征及其影响 影响河流水文、水系特征的主要因素 水文特征对地理环境的影响? 沙漠中河流水文特点 英语翻译摘要:物价变动是经济活动中一个极为敏感的问题,它既影响企业的生产经营活动,也影响到会计核算结果的真实性.物价因劳动生产率的变化、科学技术的飞速发展、货币价值、政策 英语翻译摘要:对外贸易在一国经济发展中具有非常重要的地位,汇率是一国进行对外贸易活动时所参照的重要价格指标,汇率的变动可能会对一国对外贸易的平衡产生重要影响.人民币汇率的 英语翻译[摘要]进入90年代以来,我国新闻界一度出现道德价值观模糊不清.道德约束苍白无力,新闻媒体管理松懈的现象.在构建社会主义和谐社会过程中,新闻媒体职业道德问题已成为影响社会 英语翻译中国纺织品服装出口遭遇反倾销的现状及应对策略摘要中国是世界最大的纺织品贸易国,是影响全球纺织品服装贸易的重要力量.无论从长期还是短期来看,纺织行业始终是中国对外贸 英语翻译浅析“太史公曰”在《史记》中的作用摘要:《史记》原名《太史公书》,是我国第一部纪传体通史.在古代史书中,具有具有无法替代的影响和意义.“太史公曰”开创了一种新的史学