GMAT SC 两个选项就定语从句后面的东西不同 应该选哪个呢?The spraying of pesticildes can be carefully planned,but accidents, conditions that cannot be foreseen ,and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 05:19:20
GMAT SC 两个选项就定语从句后面的东西不同 应该选哪个呢?The spraying of pesticildes can be carefully planned,but accidents, conditions that cannot be foreseen ,and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray
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GMAT SC 两个选项就定语从句后面的东西不同 应该选哪个呢?The spraying of pesticildes can be carefully planned,but accidents, conditions that cannot be foreseen ,and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray
GMAT SC 两个选项就定语从句后面的东西不同 应该选哪个呢?
The spraying of pesticildes can be carefully planned,but accidents,... conditions that cannot be foreseen ,and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray than anticipated conditions that are not foreseeable,and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray than anticipated
两个选项就定语从句后面的东西不同 应该选哪个呢?

GMAT SC 两个选项就定语从句后面的东西不同 应该选哪个呢?The spraying of pesticildes can be carefully planned,but accidents, conditions that cannot be foreseen ,and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray
这个题是考单词用法.foreseeable要么做定语,如foreseeable difficulty,要么做系语:it is not foreseeable that the fuel will catch fire,用来做表语是不可以的,比如sth is foreseeable,
在这一句,要么说 forseeable weather conditions,要么说 weather conditions that can't be foreseen.

我认为选A吧,"不能被预见”B答案中我认为是that will be not foreseeable"是将来被预见,用将来时吧。A中情态动词就无此困扰了。

GMAT SC 两个选项就定语从句后面的东西不同 应该选哪个呢?The spraying of pesticildes can be carefully planned,but accidents, conditions that cannot be foreseen ,and pilot errors often cause much larger deposits of spray occasion后面的定语从句怎么写? 定语从句介词的用法this is the very place_ I'm washing to live in.我觉得是填where的,但是选项里还有一个in which,觉得两个都可以的;然后又仔细一想,觉得live后面不是跟了介词in么,那么前面就不能有 有关高中定语从句的题那两个画红圈的,顺便再解释一下我原来的选项为什么不对, 英语定语从句选择题,看图9.11.题,求分析选项,9.11题后面一句话是什么意思?11题后面的to be省略的是那部分? 英语定语从句做题的步骤是什么?! 是先看从句后面的然后再把先行词带到从句里去?不要复制的只要步骤就好. 非限制性定语从句的引导词不能用that吗?另外是不是用逗号把两个句子隔开的就是非限制性定语从句? 不定代词后面的定语从句用哪些词表连接 举几个due to后面跟定语从句的例子 如何区分定语和宾语补足语虽说短语或从句作定语则放在被修饰词的后面,可是这样一弄俩根本就没区别啊. 英语翻译不要写.The day you went away.写个定语从句的:The person .后面 第一次,是不是用fist修饰,位置又怎么放,帮忙翻译完毕..不过MS 定语从句,有了who 后面就不用I了吧? 定语从句后面是不完整的句子?同位语从句是完整的句子? 对定语从句的解释有逗号的是非限定性定语从句.那么可不可以认为逗号后面一般不用that. 英语翻译这个是gmat 的一个选项 第36题 这句后面是定语从句还是宾语从句?如何判断的呢? 宾语从句后that后面一定跟要有完整的句子吗?定语从句呢? the way后面加定语从句和状语从句的区别 定语从句是不是主要是修饰名词或句子的 定语从句是不是可以放在主语后面 宾语后面 非谓语动词里面 从句的从句里面啊 但都不影响定语从句的本身意义吧?