
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 17:43:50
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Dickens is often considered the first compelling creative women,Estella is an ironic role.She undermines the concept of romantic love,which is mired in bitter criticism of class society.Estella-year-old when the adoption was Miss Havisham,and was trained to torture men,all men broken tools.Estella any of the cold the most practical Pip has won the deepest love for her.Romance novels in the traditional shape of the charming heroine of different kind,Estella cold,cynical,and highly manipulative.Although Estella is Pip first met the ideal of upper class women,in fact,the true origin Estella,Pip also lower than that.Approaching the end of the novel,Pip knew Estella really gross criminal Magwitch own daughter,born in the bottom of society.Ironically,the high life is not to save Estella,on the contrary,she adopted her two became the victim of high society.She did not grow up around high moral character,Magwitch,Miss Havisham been brought up.Havisham destroyed her ability to express inner feelings,so that she could not properly communicate with others.Estella did not marry the kind of "ordinary people" Pip,is married to a noble savage.Years of marriage has been abused by her husband,so that Estella married life is miserable.By Estella,Dickens would like to emphasize a point,that is,whether a person is happy with his social status do not have much contact.While poverty is not good for Estella,at least she could live a relatively comfortable.Dickens that,while Estella done some things to blame by others,but she remains a sympathetic role.In order to find their true feelings,Estella often struggle in his heart,and in accordance with their own emotions rather than Miss Havisham's incentive to impose her act; Through these descriptions,readers see Dickens Estella's inner world ,which explains why Pip is so love her.Estella can not seem to control their own to hurt Pip,and yet seemed reluctant to hurt him.Pip she repeatedly warned he did not "conscience" and urged her to find Pip put aside his own happiness.And as Pip,Estella,after a long and painful experience of marriage people should finally understand that their own inner feelings.The end of the novel,Estella for the first time into a woman of her own.Pip,as she put it:"painful lessons of my profound than anything else,and now my whole body and mind has been broken up,was broken,but I hope some of that can be reassembled more perfect."
Miss Havisham
Miss Havisham is a wealthy lady,living in an old house,the day wearing my old wedding dress.Her vengeful,almost crazy.Although this role is not very credible,but this novel the reader is impressed by one of the characters.Miss Havisham's life is only living in that tragic incident,that marriage is Kang Pusheng abandoned the day.From that moment,Miss Havisham,resolve never to get out of her broken heart.The house all the clocks are stopped at nine twenty,it was learned that Kang Pusheng she left her time.She only wears a shoe,because when she learned that the betraying behavior Kang Pusheng not had time to put on another one.Miss Havisham,manic,cruel,and her adopted Estella's purpose is to use all of the men to avenge her.Miss Havisham is a single-minded pursuit of a typical example of the devastating revenge.Because of her deliberate retaliation,she and all her bear the great pain.She totally unaware of her actions have hurt Pip and Estella.End of the novel,when Miss Havisham in the same way aware of her broken heart Pip,but she not only failed to achieve personal revenge,on the contrary,it resulted in greater pain.To this end,made a confession Havisham and asked Pip to forgive,which emphasized the theme of the novel:through repentance and compassion,and bad bad can be saved.
Pip Pip,also known as Handel Handel; teach Mingfeilipu (Philip).
Abel Magwitch Arbour.Magwitch
Mrs Joe Gargery Joe.Mrs.Ge Jirui
Joe Gargery Joe.Ge Jirui
Vompeyson Compeyson
Mr P
umblechook Mr.Pan Boqu
Mr Wopsle Mr.Wopsle
Biddy Biddy
Miss Havisham Miss Havisham
Estella Estella was adopted by Miss Hao
Herbert Herbert Pocket.Kate Park
Matthew Matthew Pocket.Kate Park
Orlick Orlick
Mr Jaggers Mr.Jia Gesi
Mr Wemmick,Mr.Wemmick
Bentley Drummle Bentley.Zhu Moore
Startop Shidaduopu
Miss Skiffins Ms.Skiffington