高手请帮我改改托福作文,Some people perfer to enjoy a steady way .while others believe live with changes not only can get new experiences,but can know the essential of life as well .when faced with the decision of living stay the same and l

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 02:12:41
高手请帮我改改托福作文,Some people perfer to enjoy a steady way .while others believe live with changes not only can get new experiences,but can know the essential of life as well .when faced with the decision of living stay the same and l
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高手请帮我改改托福作文,Some people perfer to enjoy a steady way .while others believe live with changes not only can get new experiences,but can know the essential of life as well .when faced with the decision of living stay the same and l
Some people perfer to enjoy a steady way .while others believe live with changes not only can get new experiences,but can know the essential of life as well .when faced with the decision of living stay the same and living with changes.quite a few would deem that they do not look forward to change their usual habits.But others,in contrast.Believe enjoy change as the premier choice and that is also my point .there are numerous reasons why I would like to choose it ,and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here.
“Life was like a box of chocolates,you never know what you’re gonna get”,such is the remark of living with change ,for no one knows what will happen .
The main reason for my propensity for existence is that I like do many things which I never heard for my curiosity .In my opinoin ,life should in technicolor.for instance,a person ,who like sleeping after working without exercise ,day after day ,the may be a problem for one .and meanwhile he/she will know how boring life she/he spend.
The second reason can be seen by every person that to live remains an art which must be learned by everyone ,and which no one can teach.So life is uncertain.Everone has only to enjoy their existense to do other exciting things ,which can cultivate them to live with passion and happiness.for example,I am always dealing the same thing,in actuality,it fails to fascinate me ,and I feel something are lacikng even though I can master it .out of the blue,I find another job which can not only provide me high wages and also offer many things which can appeal to me.
In addition,there reason are slao usable when we consider that we are what we do .
In a word ,people enjoy thier life in a unsteady way ,making an attempt to do the things which they never do,and always challenged themselves,can be an improvement of their life .Taking into account of all these factors,we may reach the conclusion that live with change is a significant part in our daily life.
问题是some people enjoy change ,and they look forward to new experiences.others like thier lives to stay the same ,and they do ont change their usual habits.compare these two approaches to life ,which approach doyou prefer explain why

高手请帮我改改托福作文,Some people perfer to enjoy a steady way .while others believe live with changes not only can get new experiences,but can know the essential of life as well .when faced with the decision of living stay the same and l
红的是拼写,用词不准确之类的错误.绿的是句子之间连接的问题(是否应该空格,大写什么的)除了你引用的FORREST GUMP里面的那句话,那个是对的.
4、新的句子开头大写,那些个for example,都已经是新起的句子了.
第二段到第四段是文章的主体,每一段一个论点,最好是能够层层铺垫.每段一般五句话到七句话,要用高级句子.把例子说明白,不要浅显的像是校长开大会说的话一样= =
举个例子而已,我建议你多看看TOEFL ESSAY的例文,能对思想还有写作模式有很大的帮助.

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