
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 16:31:18
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It's my first time to go abroad as a freshman to try a budget travelling.Even without a marvellous foundation in foreign languages and foreign travelling exerience,as long as you have a comprehensive plan, you can play very well and safe. These profit from  Malaysia's rich cultural, natural scenery, low consumptions and a number of overseas Chinese.

The first time to go abroad, try to pack a backpack trip novice. Even without a good foundation in foreign languages and foreign travel experience, as long as you can play very well planned fun, very safe. These benefit from Malaysia's rich cultural, natural scenery, low consumption and a number of overseas Chinese.

For the new backpacker, when first time going abroad, although they don't have good language foundation and travel experience, only if fully plan, they can enjoy the trip and be safe, which benefits from the plentiful culture, natural scenery, and low expense of Malaysia and a large group of oversea Chinese.

the first time touring abroad,i am still a green hand in self-trallve.thanks to the plenty of humanity view and breathetaking scenery as well as low consuption in malasia,aslo with the help of local o...


the first time touring abroad,i am still a green hand in self-trallve.thanks to the plenty of humanity view and breathetaking scenery as well as low consuption in malasia,aslo with the help of local overseas chinese,i am sure without good language foudation and experience,it is will surely be possible to enjoy myself happily and safely.


First, try internationl backpack Tours of the novice. Even if no good language foundation and travel abroad experience, good plan also can be fun and very safe. The benefit of humanity, Malaysia, natural scenery, low consumption and many overseas Chinese

英语翻译初次走出国门,尝试背包自助旅行的新手.即使没有很好的外语基础和国外旅行经验,只要计划周全也可以玩得很开心、很安全.这些得益于马来西亚丰富的人文、自然风光、低廉的消费 英语翻译1,我从来没有走出过国门2,如果可以的话, 英语翻译随着全球经济与文化的联系日益深入,为了在激烈的市场竞争中取得竞争优势和主动权,越来越多的企业走出国门,在全球范围内寻求资源的有效配置,与此同时,中西方 文化差异给企业 英语翻译我要带着背包和你到处去旅行,直到我们那也去不了 英语翻译:你的背包下面将会有两条腿 为家乡走出国门的产品设计广告词、、俄是山东的、、快点呐、、、我明天就要用的! 中国的产品走向世界,中国人也走出了国门.你知道哪些名扬海外的中国人的故事? 改革开放以来,我国集中力量进行经济建设,人民富裕,国家强盛,越来越多的商品走出国门,走向世界.1.走出国门标识着“中国制造”的商品有哪些?2.简要介绍一家走出国门的典型企业3.结合上述 走出现在的处境 英语翻译 英语翻译:海鲜自助,日本料理 “驱车旅行”的英语翻译 红色背包用英语翻译 我妹妹上小学三年级急需一篇以“当我走出国门时该做个什么样的人”为题的小学作文! 他的双肩背包在沙发上英语翻译 用英语翻译这句话,你的背包下面将会有俩条腿 孩子们唱着歌走出了教室的英语翻译 英语翻译近年来,面对经济的全球化发展,国际化经营已经成为许多企业走出国门的必然选择.因为,只有参与国际化经营,才能充分享受国际化所带来的便利和实惠.国与国之间的联系更加紧密,为 自助者天助的事例!