
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 07:35:38
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Lexicology - a branch of linguistics that studies and analyses words' elements,the meaning of words,and the vocabulary system.Lexicology is a discipline that studies words.But just studying a few words does not make it lexicology.Lexicology deals with all words,the whole collection of words.The collection of words,that is the lexicon.So,we may say:lexicology is a science that studies vocabulary.Vocabulary is the complete collection of words of a certain language.A complete collection of words of certain language is no hotchpotch,it is not a simple pile up of words.The vocabulary is a subsystem of a language.The various units of a vocabulary are interconnected,they may be opposed to each other and restrict each other.The value of of an single unit of a vocabulary is derived from its place in in the whole vocabulary and the relation it has with the other units in that vocabulary.The object of lexicology is not solitary,isolated words,but words that are part of the vocabulary system,words that are indispensable members of that vocabulary system.Hence,we may say,and should say,lexicology is a discipline that studies the vocabulary system.It is a discipline that has objective of building a vocabulary system.
"The study object of lexicology is words" "The study object lexicology is vocabulary." "The study object of lexicology is the vocabulary system." One may hold these statement to have the same meaning.The essence of a vocabulary system is to construct a relational configuration of that vocabulary system.Therefore,we may say:Lexicology is a learning that studies the relational pattern of a vocabulary system.But things are not that simple.Fang Guangdao says:“the study of vocabulary is the the study of the value of the meaning of all words.” If the study of vocabulary is focussed on the meaning of words,how is lexicology distinguished from semantics?In a time when semantics is flourishing,how to distinguish semantics from lexicology?This is a problem indeed,and it has not been solved yet.
According to Chinese tradition words consist of "characters." “MaShi WenTong” by the great author Ma Jianzhong,that was the first to fully apply Western linguistics,still speaks of "characters".The world of linguistics has lately held that to introduce "words" and distinguish "words" from "characters" —— a "character" has to do with writing,it is a writing unit; a "word" is the larger unit of a language —— is a great improvement and is an indication of the modernization of and a more scientific approach to Chinese linguistic.
手译 word by word :-)

英语翻译【特殊词汇有困难请标出来空着,北京大学徐通锵在他的巨著《语言论》(东北师范大学出版社,1997年)中,明确主张用“字”代替“词”,那么,就理所当然地叫做“字汇、字汇学”了?徐 英语翻译【特殊词汇有困难请标出来空着,词汇学语言学的一个分支,研究、分析语言词项及词义和词汇系统.词汇学是研究词的学问.但是只研究某一两个词,还不能够叫做词汇学.词汇学研究语 英语翻译【特殊词汇查不到的请标出来空着,词汇学的对象词汇学之所以是一门独立的学科,因为它拥有独特的研究对象——词.语音学只研究语音,语义学只研究语义,但是词不是语音和语义的 英语翻译请翻译得详细些,有什么特殊含义. 请问英语六级词汇书哪本比较好,比较权威最好有标出核心词汇 初中英语作文常用词句,一定要带中文意思如果有特殊用法,最好请写出来,或标出来也可以,我自己去查,感激不尽! 你有什么困难 英语翻译 英语翻译小弟有困难,帮个忙 英语翻译有没有固定词汇 英语翻译请帮忙翻译上述两个词汇, 英语翻译请尽量用简单词汇. 英语翻译请用j经济学词汇 急 英语翻译有个特殊用法? 有专门做石油词汇英语翻译的人才吗?请您给帮个忙哦、 充字旁的字有哪些请用拼音标出并组词 英语翻译这里有没有涉及什么特殊用法什么的?请赐教 英语翻译我完成这项计划有困难 翻译 有困难请向警察求助