初二被动语态的题!明天要交!一.用所给动词的适当形式填空.01.English ________ (speak) as a second language in some countries.02.Now many kinds of work ________(can do) by robots.03.She ______(invite)to a birthday party tomorr

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 11:31:06
初二被动语态的题!明天要交!一.用所给动词的适当形式填空.01.English ________ (speak) as a second language in some countries.02.Now many kinds of work ________(can do) by robots.03.She ______(invite)to a birthday party tomorr
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初二被动语态的题!明天要交!一.用所给动词的适当形式填空.01.English ________ (speak) as a second language in some countries.02.Now many kinds of work ________(can do) by robots.03.She ______(invite)to a birthday party tomorr
01.English ________ (speak) as a second language in some countries.
02.Now many kinds of work ________(can do) by robots.
03.She ______(invite)to a birthday party tomorrow evening.
04.When and where to go for the holiday _________ (not decide) yet.
05.John ______(hear)go upstairs two hours ago.
06.“I’m afraid it ______ (need) mending”,Mrs.White turned off the TV.
07.Where to have the meeting ________ (discuss) now.
08.The accident ________ (happen) just now.
09.These books______(sell)well,and they ____(sell)out quickly.
10.Now he _____ (be) asked if the meeting ______ (hold) next Friday.
32.You needn't do it now.It ____ _____ _____ by you now.
33.People use metal for making machines.Metal ____ ____ for making machines.34.Lucy sent me a New Year Card last week.A New Year Card ____ ____ ____ me by Lucy last week.
35.He made me do that for him.I ____ ____ ____ ____ that for him.
36.You must not plant trees in very dry earth.Trees ___ ____ _____ _____ in very dry earth.
(第一大题最好回答,回答出来10分,不回答5分,= =丶)

初二被动语态的题!明天要交!一.用所给动词的适当形式填空.01.English ________ (speak) as a second language in some countries.02.Now many kinds of work ________(can do) by robots.03.She ______(invite)to a birthday party tomorr
01. English __is spoken__ (speak) as a second language in some countries.
02. Now many kinds of work ___can be done____(can do) by robots.
03. She ___is invited___(invite)to a birthday party tomorrow evening.
04. When and where to go for the holiday ____is not decided____ (not decide) yet.
05. John __was heard__(hear)go upstairs two hours ago.
06. “I’m afraid it __needs___ (need) mending”, Mrs. White turned off the TV.
07. Where to have the meeting ___discussed___ (discuss) now.
08.The accident ____happened____ (happen) just now.
09.These books___are selling__(sell)well, and they __will be sold_(sell)out quickly.
10. Now he __is__ (be) asked if the meeting __will be held____ (hold) next Friday.
32.You needn't do it now. It __doesn't__ _need____ _doing____ by you now.
33. People use metal for making machines. Metal _is___ _used___ for making machines. 34. Lucy sent me a New Year Card last week. A New Year Card _was__ _sent___ __to__ me by Lucy last week.
35. He made me do that for him. I __was__ __made__ __to__ __do__ that for him.
36.You must not plant trees in very dry earth. Trees _must__ _not___ _be__ __planted___ in very dry earth.
- This book is selling fast.
- Guiyang has changed a lot during the past decade.
- Up till now,ten books has been borrowed by the students.

初二被动语态的题!明天要交!一.用所给动词的适当形式填空.01.English ________ (speak) as a second language in some countries.02.Now many kinds of work ________(can do) by robots.03.She ______(invite)to a birthday party tomorr 用所给动词的被动语态填空.一题The exercise books___________(must hand in) tomorrow. 初二被动语态被动语态的公式, A题用所给被动形式填空,B题变成被动语态,用 一点初二英语问题(有关被动语态)不难的!一、根据所给提示用被动语态翻译下面的句子1、这个男孩叫张小飞(call)2、这部新电影将在下周三上映(show)3、我们在足球赛中输给了三班(d 被动语态的练习题(越多越好)(要主动语态改被动语态或被动语态该主动语态,不要选择题和填空题) 初二、被动语态专项练习——给所给动词的正确形式填空.二、用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空.(1×20=20分)(请注意时态和语态两个方面噢)1.It's said(据说) that the long bridge______________(build 用所给词的适当形式填空The shop _________(close) at 8 p.m.every day.PS:我有些不确定是否要用被动语态, 被动语态讲解试卷动语态运用到.四、主动语态变被动语态的方...求通俗易懂的被动语态讲解 初二被动语态习题,越多越好! You can use my color pencils to draw pictures改为被动语态明天就要交了! 被动语态的练习题 ,是主动语态改被动语态.50题. 请问,谁能给我几个选择题,内容是:动词短语的被动语态,情态动词的被动语态省去TO主动语态变被动语态,形容词,名词作宾语补足语的被动语态,含有双宾语的被动语态.最还一个内容2题 关于被动语态的英语题.要15道, 疑问词改被动语态怎么改?将所有的改法给我.以及要注意的哪些地方.给你个例子:How does your sister learn English? 英语题,要十个主动语态变被动语态的句子,谢谢了 when you buy things,they (usually put)in plastic bags at the supermarket如题,用所给动词适当形式填空注意:是改为被动语态 英语翻译要用括号里给的短语翻译!1.美丽的湖泊和湖中的天鹅被视为这个小镇的一大特点.(用被动语态,短语是“be viewed as”)2.在中国,出去吃饭被视为一种庆祝方式.(用被动语态,短语是“