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可以帮我翻译成英文吗?明天要交了 >
可以帮我翻译成英文吗?明天要交了 >

可以帮我翻译成英文吗?明天要交了 >
A, problem was proposed
Famous brand, has pervading our present life. Walking in the street, sitting on campus, everywhere wiggling brand logo. Nike, adidas, puma, kappa, li ning, Edgar, beauty TeSiBangWei... In advocate to pursue the personality of today, the choice that oneself like, the famous brand seems to have become a person's "character," a part. Famous brand, also has become free time to chat about high school students nowadays a topic.
However, we will pursue high brand? Why What is the significance of pursue name brands? Pursuit of famous brand of hidden behind exactly? These issues to the research group decided to high school students to pursue the reason of famous brand, and the pursuit of famous brand extricated brought by the pros and cons of the research.
Second, research objective
Therefore, we designed a questionnaire, with nine problems related to current high school students were investigated, in order to understand the high school students of brand-name different mentality. The questionnaire of respondents to question showed a keen interest in the survey, that we succeeded. We found that high school students to pursue brand is actually society people pursuit of famous brand of a kind of reflection, but which brings problems still and society people pursue brands are very different.
Three, body
1, famous brand definition
Famous brand in the dictionary is interpreted as "famous brand" (goods). In real life, the famous brand from a brand has been extended to famous goods. But what exactly what is famous, but not a unified answers.
In our survey, four options, used to establish such of brand-name interpretive: A, B, fashionable good quality C, good-looking D, big company produces. Results are 8.3% people choose a "nice", and have 91.6% choose the "great company produces".
In society, being a prurient interest of Nike, adidas, puma, kappa, li ning, Edgar, beauty TeSiBangWei... These famous brand also is big company products. It is proved that will brand defined as big company produces goods more reasonable and more social general consumer self-identity.
2, the famous brand of high school students everydays ratio
In our survey, we survey to 8.3% people life completely without famous-brand products, 25.0% compared people brand products have accounted for 10% of the articles for daily use, The famous products 41.6% people have of the daily necessities of 10-50%; Otherwise 25.0% compared, famous-brand products of all the articles for daily use of more than 50 percent.
Overall, the famous brand sale in 10-50% of most people. At the same time, from statistical perspective, the average rate of senior high school students with famous brand 27.48%, accounting for approximately their entire everydays quarter. However, we cannot neglect of brand-name ownership under 10 percent a quarter of people, and of brand-name ownership in 50% above a quarter of population, as well as the crowds have no prestigious 8.3%. Because these three summarizations have 58.4%, more than half had.
So, famous brand product in high school life proportions in average consistent, can only say that look from whole famous-brand products accounted for high school students everydays about a quarter.
3 and high school students pursuing brand-name reasons
(1) brand identity and promote the personal status symbol
This is our questionnaire for the fourth question: "a year you will be about how much money to acquire with famous brand product"? The answer choices for "500 yuan of the following; 500-1000 yuan; 1000-2500 yuan; 2500 yuan of above". We were surprised to find that the selected, four answer all accounts for 25% rate unexpectedly! This is because each student's family income, lead to different individuals of brand-name products into different, our results are fully reflect the fact.