求10道英语的政治,时政题(选择).常识性的就可以,例子:How many states are there in the united states?A.50√ B.40 C.60 D.30

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 00:00:08
求10道英语的政治,时政题(选择).常识性的就可以,例子:How many states are there in the united states?A.50√ B.40 C.60 D.30
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求10道英语的政治,时政题(选择).常识性的就可以,例子:How many states are there in the united states?A.50√ B.40 C.60 D.30
例子:How many states are there in the united states?
A.50√ B.40 C.60 D.30

求10道英语的政治,时政题(选择).常识性的就可以,例子:How many states are there in the united states?A.50√ B.40 C.60 D.30
1.Where is Edinburgh?
A. In wales
B. In Scotland
C. In Northern Ireland
D. In Ireland
[题解]B wales的首府为Cardiff,Scotland的首府为Edinburgh,Northern Ireland的首府为Belfast,Ireland的首府为Dublin.

2.The capital of Australia is ____
A. Sydney
B. Melbourne
C. Canberra
D. Perth
[题解]C Sydney第一大城市,位于New South Wales州; Melbourne第二大城市,位于victoria州; Canberra位于Sydney与Melbourne之间;Perth位于Australia州.
3.Which degree is offered in community colleges in the United States?
A. Master''s degree
B. Docter''s degree
c. Bachelor''s degree
D. Associate''s degree
4.According to statistics, ___ employer in Australia is the manufacturing industry.
A the fourth largest
B the third largest
C the second largest
D the largest
5.The most important economic activity in Canada is ___.
A mining B fishing C farming D manufacturing
6.The three largest cities in Canada do NOT include.
A Toronto B Quebec C Ottawa D Vancouver
7.It is known that Irish landscape in featured by ___.
A bogs B mountains C grassland D rivers
8.In Britain, ___ has the ultimate authority of legislation.
A the Queen B the House of Commons C the House of Lords D the Prime Minister
9.The real centre of power in the British Parliament is ___.
A the King or the Queen B the House of Commons
选B.`英国议会由王室(the Crown)、上议院(the House of Lords)和下议院(the House of Commons)构成.其中具有实权和立法权的是下议院,自1964年以来,上议院无权阻止被下议院通过的立法.
10.The national centre of the press in Britain is ___.
A Greet Russell Street B Speakers’ Corner
C Downing Street D the Fleet Street
3. 选D.the Fleet Street(舰队报),英国报纸和出版事业的中心,位于伦敦泰晤士河畔.18、19世纪以来成为英国“报纸王国”和左右英国舆论的中心.《泰晤士报》、《每日邮报》和《金融时报》等都在次发行.Downing Street(唐宁街)为英国首相官邸所在地.Speakers’ Corner(自由论坛之角)在位于伦敦市区城西的威斯敏斯特区的Hyde Park(海得公园)里.
