
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 01:59:00
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The dog is a pack animal and is therefore sociable and enjoying company.In the wild dogs follow a complex hierarchy within the pack with a pack leader who is a strong and assertive leader.In the absence of a pack the dog views the family with which it lives as its "pack" and it is important that a family member is established as the pack leader during training and that the dog understands that it is ranked lowest within the pack in order to avoid behavioural problems.
  Dogs communicate using sound and body language and listed below are the basic ways in which dogs use body language to display their mood.
  Happy and Excited
  A happy dog has its ears perked forward,a relaxed mouth and wagging tail.If excited the dog may also jump up,circle or run around.This can be accompanied by barking or mock growling.
  Invitation to play
  When the dog bows down with their front lowered and their rear in the air with tail wagging they are inviting play.
  An aggressive dog lays its ears back close to its head and narrows its eyes giving a challenging stare.The mouth may be open or drawn back exposing its teeth and the dog may snap its jaws.This is often accompanied with snarling,growling or loud barking.The body is tense and the tail held straight out from the body and the head lowered.
  A dominant dog holds its ears upwards or forwards and stares with eyes wide open.The body is carried tall,possibly with hackles raised.The tail is held straight up or out from the body and the dog may growl or grunt from a closed mouth.
  A submissive dog will roll over onto its back and display its stomach.A contented dog will also display its stomach in this way when it is happy and wants its stomach rubbed.
  Fearful or Apprehensive
  A dog that is fearful or apprehensive lays its ears close to its head with narrowing eyes.The body is held low and the tail tucked between its back legs.The dog may tremble,yelp,growl or whine.是不是太长了?
  翻译:狗是一种动物,因此包装公司的交际和享受.野狗在复杂的系统内,包一包的领导者是强有力的、果断的领导人.如果没有一包狗认为家庭与它的生命为"包",重要的是家人定的包领袖训练,狗知道它是排名最低的套,以避免行为问题.狗用声音和肢体语言沟通,有以下基本方法,用肢体语言表现出狗的心情.快乐与兴奋 有一个幸福的狗耳朵流出来,放松了嘴,尾巴左右摇动.如果狗也蹿兴奋,或跑圈.伴随着这种可以攻或模拟变.请发挥 当狗完全降低了他们面前,他们在空中与后方左右摇动尾巴,邀请他们发挥.侵略性 早生狗耳其进攻接近它仅头部和眼睛盯住发出挑战.口腔可公开曝光,或后退的可能折断的牙齿和狗拉.这往往带有散,或变大叫声.身体很紧张,从尾部直机关举行,低头.主导 狗耳其持有支配着,两眼向上或与双眼.通过身体高大,可能引起反弹.正在举行的尾巴直上,或从机关或狗咆哮咕噜可从一个封闭口.顺 服从狗将顺延到背部和腹部的展示.心满意足的狗也表现出这样的腹部,如果其腹部抚摸,希望快乐.害怕或担心 狗是担心害怕或接近国家规定的耳朵与眼睛缩小.身和龙尾部位之间进行低背部腿.狗会发抖,yelp,咆哮或发牢骚.可能不太对哦.

介绍狗狗习性的英文文章,要翻译,不要太长 我要用英语介绍2种动物的生活习性,不要太长、太难.答案要英文的,最好还有翻译. 急需一篇介绍狗的文章,要英文的~要关于狗的外观,习性等全面的东西`最好附上中文..文章不要太高深,初高中水平最好` 介绍英文诗介绍几首关于爱情的英文诗 最好有翻译不要太长 animal 英文介绍想要英文的介绍 ,不要介绍猫或狗.尽量是野生动物字数不用太长,少一些 西方饮食文化 要英文的介绍 不要太长 泉城的英文介绍不要太长 求奥运场馆的英文介绍,不要太长 video game的介绍 英文的需要介绍video game 的英文文章,希望不要太长,但一定要有说服力 找一篇介绍我们国家的英文文章不要太长、太难、太深奥 关于仙后座的英文文章不要太长, 求动物介绍 英文的要一篇英文的动物介绍 不要太长 求一份中国园林的历史的英文介绍,最好有翻译.不要太长. 用英语介绍狮子不要太长,要翻译的,介绍,不是翻译 有没有关于介绍西班牙的英语文章,不要太长的要一篇介绍西班牙的英语文章,不要太长的,各个点都提到一点的 要做一份关于圣诞节的英语手抄报,推荐一些文章跪求关于圣诞节的英语手抄报中的文章要求:①文章要是英文的,并附加翻译②文章要短小,不要太长③要有圣诞节的介绍(不一定要加翻译,字 英文小诗要带翻译的,不要太长 求介绍关于披萨的英语文章,不要太长.