
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:01:16
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At the first time I saw the film, I was deeply touched by the naught and lovely twins, Especially the first time they were met at the school. It is very interesting, then I was touched by the content of the film, I think the love Is very important In our life, whenever you are, wherever you live, no matter what the situations we face, love is always in there, in our heart, it not changed by the environment we are, the true love is not change, it is can make us feel great no matter what the mood we are in,
The film gave me a good lesson about love after I saw it, the love about parents, the love between family members, from the film we can seen that the time has make the family apart, they live far away from each other, but what makes the family reunion, I think all the people can know the reason, it is about love, because they love each other very much, although they are apart along time, but the heart get close each other, the good end of this film can tell us above.
The true love is not changed by other peoples, in the film, the Meredith want to marry Nick because his property, but endless,
so I think money can make many things come true, we can many things we want, when it comes to love, money can not make love come true forever, I think this film is a good example about life, so we should love each other in the family and cherish the relationships we made.
1,当幸福来敲门the pursuit of happyness
  it is inspired by a true story . a man who used up all his money to buy a kind of medical machine. he thought he would make a forture ,but it might be the other way around .long time has passed,but he hasn't sold even one set. the family is totally in debt .his wife have been working for 16h a day for 4 month and his son is sent into a kindergarten (which cannot spell happiness correctly ) .
  the hero ,Chris,graduated from college ends to be a stock worker,really impressive and amazing.but it is not conincident ,all the credits come from his personal efforts ,persistence,unyielding faith in himself. there are devastating things occured to this poor man :his wife left him ,he is swept off by his landlady. and he took his son to live in the charity house which they have to stand in line in time. i am deep moved by his faith in pursuit his happiness. during the dark days ,he thought of THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE which says the pursuit of happiness. he doubt about it:whether happiness exsists or just the pursuit exsits. however hard it is ,he never gives up hope and trying .
  the most classic words that i think the ones he told his son.
  "Don't ever let somebody tell you , you can't do something , not even me , all rigjht ? "
  "you got a dream ,you got to protect it . people can't do something themselves they want to tell you,you cant do it. you want some ,go get it "
  Main article: Twilight (novel)
  Bella Swan moves from Phoenix, Arizona to live with her father in Forks, Washington to allow her mother to travel with her new husband, a minor league baseball player. After moving to Forks, Bella finds herself involuntarily drawn to a mysterious, handsome boy, Edward Cullen. She eventually learns that he is a member of a vampire family who drinks animal blood rather than human. Edward and Bella fall in love, but James, a sadistic vampire from another coven, is drawn to hunt down Bella. Edward and the other Cullens defend Bella. She escapes to Phoenix, Arizona, where she is tricked into confronting James, who tries to kill her. She is seriously wounded, but Edward rescues her and they return to Forks, having killed James.
  3,蝴蝶效应The Butterfly Effect
  The Butterfly Effect is a provocative thriller that represents an intriguing new direction for Ashton Kutcher and features a dynamic ensemble cast including Amy Smart, Ethan Suplee, Eric Stoltz, and more.
  Some people want to forget the past. Others want to change it. Ashton Kutcher (Just Married) stars as Evan Treborn, who ties his emotional scars in adulthood to the frequent blackouts he had as a child. As he begins to unravel intensely personal truths about his childhood circle of friends, Evan decides to risk everything in a bold attempt to change the past, hoping to save the people he loves even if it means destroying everything he knows.

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