高一英语几道选择题请教1. He told us he _____ a concert. A.had attended , three days before B.attended ,a week ago C.would attend , since a week ago D.was attending ,for a week我选择了B ,但是老师说正确答案是A ,但

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:08:21
高一英语几道选择题请教1. He told us he _____ a concert.    A.had attended , three days before    B.attended ,a week ago    C.would attend , since a week ago    D.was attending ,for a week我选择了B ,但是老师说正确答案是A ,但
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高一英语几道选择题请教1. He told us he _____ a concert. A.had attended , three days before B.attended ,a week ago C.would attend , since a week ago D.was attending ,for a week我选择了B ,但是老师说正确答案是A ,但
1. He told us he _____ a concert.
A.had attended , three days before
B.attended ,a week ago
C.would attend , since a week ago
D.was attending ,for a week
我选择了B ,但是老师说正确答案是A ,但是老师也曾经说,过如果在句子中出现了具体表示过去的词,那么在变为间接引语时,过去时通常不变 但是这句话中有表示具体时间的词 却用了完成时态 为什么啊 好纠结、、 、
-When Tom ______,please let me know
-Mary said when Tom_____,just tell her about it.
A.comes comes
B.came came
C.comes came
D.comes coming
正确答案是C 我选了A 这个题目是第二个填空搞不清楚 难道从句里的从句也要变时态吗?
Mother came here and asked me ______
A.what was the problem
B.what the problem was
C.what is the problem
D.what the problem is
老师讲过 在从句中有几个句子是不用变语序的 比如:What's the matter / what's wrong 都不用变 但我想不到 what's the pronlem 这句话和那两句话有什么区别 它就要变语序了呢?
He asked me ______that book was Susan's______Lily's.
A.if , or B.if ,and
C.whether 'or D.whether , and
这句话的第一空该填 if 还是 whether 呢?这两个词都是是否,在用法上有什么区别吗?
这几道题郁闷了老久 帮帮忙啊、

高一英语几道选择题请教1. He told us he _____ a concert. A.had attended , three days before B.attended ,a week ago C.would attend , since a week ago D.was attending ,for a week我选择了B ,但是老师说正确答案是A ,但
第三个是因为:what's the pronlem 中what是the pronlem 的宾语,所以陈述语序是:the pronlem is what.而What's the matter / what's wrong 中,the matter / wrong是what的宾语,所以陈述语序就是它本身,即What's the matter / what's wrong.
(说到底就是:what's the pronlem 中what是作宾语,What's the matter / what's wrong 中what 是作主语.)
第四个是因为:用whether 吧.我记得我们老师讲过:whether 和if中,whether 可用的场合较多.这两个词同时出现,不出意外,一般都是用whether .