词性转换(形容词和副词)1.I’m very ______ (tired).But Tom is _____ than I.And Frank is ____ in our group.2.I was very _____ (pleased).Mary was _____ than I.And Lucy was ____ among us.3.Tom’s ____ (able).His brother is ____ than he.And h

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:41:58
词性转换(形容词和副词)1.I’m very ______ (tired).But Tom is _____ than I.And Frank is ____ in our group.2.I was very _____ (pleased).Mary was _____ than I.And Lucy was ____ among us.3.Tom’s ____ (able).His brother is ____ than he.And h
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词性转换(形容词和副词)1.I’m very ______ (tired).But Tom is _____ than I.And Frank is ____ in our group.2.I was very _____ (pleased).Mary was _____ than I.And Lucy was ____ among us.3.Tom’s ____ (able).His brother is ____ than he.And h
1.I’m very ______ (tired).But Tom is _____ than I.And Frank is ____ in our group.2.I was very _____ (pleased).Mary was _____ than I.And Lucy was ____ among us.3.Tom’s ____ (able).His brother is ____ than he.And his uncle is ____ of the three.4.Which is _____ (difficult),physics or biology?5.This book is _____ (interesting) than the other two.It is ____ of the three.6.This bridge is as ____ (wide) as that one,but it is _____ (long) and _____ (old) than that on one.7.If we take a block of ice into a hot room,soon it will become _____ (small) and _____ (small) 8.In summer it’s ____ (hot) in Wuhan than in Beijing.9.Lesson 3 is _____ (easy) than Lesson 4,but it’s not so ____ (interesting) as Lesson2.10.Can you tell me the _____ (near) way to the zoo?11.I know the Beijing Library is one of the _____ (big) ______ and ______ (important) ibraries in China.12.Tom is 2 inches ____ (tall) than I 13.This street is the ____ (crowded) street in Beijing.14.Tom has only one brother,and his _____ (old) brother is three years _____ (old) than I.My ____ (young) brother is about two years _____ (young) than I.But he is the ______ (strong) among us.15.They have _____ (little) rainfall this year than last years.

词性转换(形容词和副词)1.I’m very ______ (tired).But Tom is _____ than I.And Frank is ____ in our group.2.I was very _____ (pleased).Mary was _____ than I.And Lucy was ____ among us.3.Tom’s ____ (able).His brother is ____ than he.And h

tired,more tired,the most tired

pleased,more pleased,the most pleased

able,abler,the ablest

more difficult

more interesting,the most interesting






biggest,most important


most crowded

older,older,younger,younger,most strong.



1、I’m very (tired). But Tom is (more tired) than I. And Frank is (the most tired) in our group.
2、I was very (pleased). Mary was (more pleased) than I. And Lucy was (the most pleased) a...


1、I’m very (tired). But Tom is (more tired) than I. And Frank is (the most tired) in our group.
2、I was very (pleased). Mary was (more pleased) than I. And Lucy was (the most pleased) among us.
3、Tom’s (able). His brother is (abler) than he. And his uncle is (the ablest) of the three.
4、Which is (more difficult), physics or biology?
5、This book is (more interesting) than the other two. It is (the most interesting) of the three.
6、This bridge is as (wide) as that one, but it is (longer) and (older) than that one.
7、If we take a block of ice into a hot room, soon it will become (smaller) and (smaller).
8、In summer it’s (hotter) in Wuhan than in Beijing.
9、Lesson 3 is (easier) than Lesson 4, but it’s not so (interesting) as Lesson2.
10、Can you tell me the (nearest) way to the zoo?
11、I know the Beijing Library is one of the (biggest) and (the most important) libraries in China.
12、Tom is 2 inches (taller) than I
13、This street is the (most crowded) street in Beijing.
14、Tom has only one brother, and his (elder) brother is three years (older) than I. My (younger) brother is about two years (younger) than I. But he is the (strongest) among us.
15、They have (less) rainfall this year than last years.


词性转换(形容词和副词)1.I’m very ______ (tired).But Tom is _____ than I.And Frank is ____ in our group.2.I was very _____ (pleased).Mary was _____ than I.And Lucy was ____ among us.3.Tom’s ____ (able).His brother is ____ than he.And h 词性转换 inform 形容词 independent副词 preparation形容词graduation 名词(人) select形容词 approve形容词 nature副词 求以下单词的词性转换!(要名词,形容词,动词和副词!)急分别是richsweetcarewisepatientfriendvalueagreethinkworrysolvethreatcheapsavestrong 一道英语词性转换问题change 的形容词 、副词变形分别是什么? 形容词、副词、名次之间转换,怎么判断一个词是什么词性?有什么规律?RT 英语形容词 副词转换比如什么词词性变换+ing或ed等,但不是过去式. slowly的词性是?(形容词还是副词) 1.day off中off的词性是形容词还是副词,为什么?2.请两天假英语怎么说(用off和leave各一句)有些地方说是形容词,有些地方说是副词,哪个对? 英语形容词和副词的相互转换与特殊形式 形容词怎样转换成副词 medicine的形容词词性转换 小学所有笔记(英语),形容词,副词的互相转换与特殊形式和形容词,副词的比较级与特殊形式可以复制 不过要全面一点 英语里面、那些词性都什么意思?比如形容词、副词、动词都是怎么表示的?形容词和副词啥区别? bad的词性是什么?形容词还是副词 I can't hear you 后加什么词性?形容词?副词?如题 I'm well的 well是形容词还是副词 very good!very和good各是什么词性?还有The play was very interesting.I got very angry.副词可以修饰形容词吗? 英语单词词性的区别和应用 如名词和形容词还有副词