有一道英文的物理题求大神讲解A 1-kg ball is thrown straight up in the air.What is thenet force acting on the ball when it reaches its maximumheight?What is the ball’s acceleration at this point?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 00:55:23
有一道英文的物理题求大神讲解A 1-kg ball is thrown straight up in the air.What is thenet force acting on the ball when it reaches its maximumheight?What is the ball’s acceleration at this point?
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有一道英文的物理题求大神讲解A 1-kg ball is thrown straight up in the air.What is thenet force acting on the ball when it reaches its maximumheight?What is the ball’s acceleration at this point?
A 1-kg ball is thrown straight up in the air.What is the
net force acting on the ball when it reaches its maximum
height?What is the ball’s acceleration at this point?

有一道英文的物理题求大神讲解A 1-kg ball is thrown straight up in the air.What is thenet force acting on the ball when it reaches its maximumheight?What is the ball’s acceleration at this point?
When it reaches the summit,the net force is only gravity and no air resistance (since v=0).the instant acceleration is g.

有一道英文的物理题求大神讲解A 1-kg ball is thrown straight up in the air.What is thenet force acting on the ball when it reaches its maximumheight?What is the ball’s acceleration at this point? 一道大学物理题,求讲解 初三的一道物理题,求大神 一道物理题!求大神进 一道高二磁场的物理题,想要些讲解 求讲解. 一道很坑的物理题= =||求大神 一道高1简单物理题输出功率10kw的起重机从静止开始吊起500kg的货物,当升高到2m时速度达到最大(g=10),求:1. 最大速度是多少?2. 这一过程所用时间多长?写出过程或讲解.特别是第2问.有加分!第2问 求大神解答一道高中物理题,RA -------------【一道物理题-】-------------&*……-求大神 求大神,初二的物理题 我想问两道高一物理题.求语音的讲解 一道物理题:求7kg水的体积,1kg的水结成冰后的体积?请不要答非所问,不是什么注意事项。 一道高中物理题,求解,求详细答案 如图所示,m1重47kg,m2重35kg,m1和斜面的摩擦系数一道高中物理题,求解,求详细答案如图所示,m1重47kg,m2重35kg,m1和斜面的摩擦系数为μs=0.42 μk=0.19a)如果小明按 高一物理题一道,求大神解析~质量为m=1kg的物块放在倾角为37度的斜面上,斜面体质量为M=2kg,斜面与物块间的动摩擦因素为0.2,地面光滑.现对斜面体施一水平推力F,要使物体m相对斜面静止,则力F 一道电学静电平衡物理题,求大神解释!答案是BCD,求大神解释CD选项选择的原因. ,高一的一道物理题,求大神来解,高分悬赏,在线等,急~~~ 一道比较难的物理题,求A表读数, 求一道物理题:整体法和隔离法应用解答,在光滑水平那个面上有一长方形物体B,在其右端有一金属块A(可看做质点).已知A、B间的动摩擦因数为A=0.1,A、B的质量分别为mA=3kg,mB=2kg.原来A和B都静