
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:08:46
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商人是小王子遇见的第四个人,一个滑稽的大人.他坐在那里为属于自己的星星计数,忙得连抬头时间都没有.他认为他拥有星星, 使他富有.可是,他对星星没做过任何有益的事.尽管小王子已见过怪得没治的大人,但商人是小王子唯一批评过的大人.
小王子看到一座盛开的玫瑰园时,他非常伤心.因为他的玫瑰对他说谎说她是宇宙中一朵独一无二的花.不过,在狐狸的引导下,小王子认识她们和他的玫瑰虽然类似,但因为他给他的玫瑰盖过罩子,因为他给她竖过屏风,因为他给她除过毛虫,因为他听过她的埋怨、吹嘘,甚至她的沉默,所以他的那朵玫瑰在世上是惟一的! The novel the narrator is a pilot, he began to tell the story of a reader, he could not find an adult world, speak of speculation, because adults are too talk about very practical.
Then, the pilot talked about six years ago he was forced to land in sub-plane failures encountered the story of the little prince. Mysterious little prince from another planet. Pilots say the Little Prince and his Rose story. The Little Prince Why leave their own planet; in before the arrival of the Earth, what planet he visited. He relayed the Little Prince of the planet's six adventures, he met the king, vain people, alcoholic, businessmen, lighting people, geographers, snakes, three petal desert flower, the Rose Garden, switchman, vendors, foxes as well as our narrator pilot himself.
The pilot and the little prince in the desert over a period of joint ownership of a very precious friendship. When the little prince to leave the Earth, the pilot is very sad. He has been very much missed to spend their time. To commemorate the little prince, he wrote a book.
The novel the narrator is a pilot, he described the little prince, and the story of friendship between them. Pilot frankly tell the reader that he is a person who loves fantasy, are not used to adults who are too pragmatic, but love and the kids get along with their children natural and pleasant. Failure due to the aircraft pilot was forced to land in the Sahara desert, where he met the Little Prince. Pilot wrote this story in order to calm themselves and the little prince parting sadness. That encounter with the little prince, was allowed to fly only sadness, Ran also revive the spirit of its own.
The Little Prince
The Little Prince, the novel is named after him, is a mysterious lovely child. He lived in was known as B-612 small planet, is that the only residents of a small planet. The Little Prince parting their own planet and the love of roses began to travel the universe, and finally to the earth. In the Sahara, the novel's narrator, the little prince encountered pilots, and became good friends with him. In the novel small prince symbol of hope, love, innocence, and buried in the hearts of each one of us kids like Ling-hui. Although the little prince on the road I've met many people, but he never stopped yearning for roses.
The little prince in the desert to see the fox. Clever fox asked the little prince tamed him, although the fox in the two, a lot more knowledge, he makes little prince to understand what is the nature of life. The fox told the little prince's secret is: carefully look at it to see clearly; it is more isolated to miss his Little Prince Rose; love is responsibility.
Coquette like a flower, her conceited and naive to not let the young prince understand her love for him, but so that he could not bear to leave home. On separate days, she always appears in the little prince's thoughts and hearts.
Snake is a little prince in the Earth's first encounter a figure; is his final bite of the little prince, the little prince returned to heaven. The snake told the little prince himself very much alone in the human world, so that the little prince that the snake is very small. But the snake told the little prince himself holds the mystery of life. Also told the little prince that he had been talking like a riddle, because he knows all of the mystery. In the book, the snake is like an absolute authority, an eternal mystery, reminiscent of the Bible story: Adam and Eve tempted by a snake eating the forbidden fruit, but was expelled from the Garden of Eden.
Turkish astronomers
Referred to in Chapter IV of this Turkish astronomer, in 1909 first discovered through the telescope, called the B-612 of a small planet, the narrator believe that the little prince from the planet. When the Turkish astronomers for the first time in the international astronomical conference demonstrated his discovery, no one believes him because of his Turkish garments. A few years later, he was wearing a sleek suit also done some similar argument. This time, we echoed his views. Turkey, the two astronomers revealed the different treatment of people ignorant xenophobia and narrow-minded nationalism hazards.
King is the little prince left his planet to visit after the first one on a small planet with only 325 residents. The king said he ruled everything, his rule must be respected and not to be rebelling against; However, the fact he was only worthy of the name, he could only let someone else do people themselves want to do.
Vain people
Vain people who live in the little prince visited the second planet. He insisted that everyone worship him. Vain people turn a deaf ear to the views of others, he heard only a praise was rightly ringing.
Drunkard is a little prince to return home after experiencing the third person. The Prince asked him why he was drunk all day with wine and alcoholic replied that in order to forget the feel embarrassed to do, something to be embarrassed that he does? Since the day drunk.
Businessmen are little prince met the fourth person, a funny adults. He sat there for the stars of their own count, the rise time is not too busy. He considers that he has the stars, make him rich. However, he had not made a star of any good thing. Despite the little prince has seen strange that he did not rule the adults, but the business is the little prince criticized for adults only.
Lighting man
Lighting are the little prince met the fifth person, but also a more complex image. Lighting is another act who at first seemed absurd adult; but his spirit of selfless dedication to praise the little prince. Lighting were before the little prince to Earth, the only one by his friends think it's an adult.
The Little Prince is a geographers before reaching the Earth to see the sixth individual, also the last one. Geographers look like well-read, he knew where there are oceans, rivers, cities, mountains and desert. But he did not understand where their own planet, and refused to go their own exploration, because it is a matter for exploration workers. The Little Prince, he advised to visit the Earth, because Earth's international reputation.
The Little Prince met switchman on Earth, switchman scheduling the coming and going of the trains, the train carrying forward to places where their stay will never be satisfied with the great people. He agreed with the little prince's point of view: the kids only know how to appreciate and enjoy the beauty of the train-Benz people.
The Little Prince in the face of this earth whom are drug trafficking thirst-quenching. These drugs do not need to eat and then drink water, this way, can save 53 minutes a week. A symbol of the modern world because of too much emphasis on time-saving shortcuts wrong road. The little prince said he would rather spend that time for a leisurely way to find a well contented.
Only three petal desert flower
Three petal flower longer alone in the desert, occasionally to see caravan walked the sidelines, she mistakenly told the little prince, the Earth on such a six or seven individuals, they did not root, they wind drifting around.
Rose Garden
The Little Prince to see a rose garden in full bloom, he is very sad. Because he rose to his lie that she was the universe, a unique flower. However, under the guidance of the fox, the little prince and his understanding of their roses while similar, but because he rose to his overshadowed hood, because he gave her too vertical screen, because he gave her before except caterpillars, because he heard She complained, boasting, and even her silence, so he's Naduo Rose is unique in the world!