
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 12:45:32
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crocodile [简明英汉词典]
Any of various large aquatic reptiles,chiefly of the genus Crocodylus,native to tropical and subtropical regions and having thick,armorlike skin and long,tapering jaws.
鳄鱼:任一种原产于热带和亚热带地区的鳄 属大型水栖爬行动物,生有厚的、甲状皮肤以及长而逐渐变细的尾巴
A crocodilian reptile,such as an alligator,a caiman,or a gavial.
Leather made from crocodile skin.
Middle English cocodril
中古英语 cocodril
from Old French
源自 古法语
from Latin cocodrillus [variant of] crocodºlus
源自 拉丁语 cocodrillus [] crocodºlus的变体
from Greek krokodilos
源自 希腊语 krokodilos
krok¶} [pebble]
krok¶} [卵石]
drilos [circumcised man,worm]
drilos [受割的人,蠕虫]
The crocodile may owe its name to its resemblance to a much smaller creature,a lizard that lived in the stone walls of Ionia.This lizard's name,krokodilos,is thought to be a compound of krok¶,“pebble,gravel,” and drilos,which is only attested as meaning “circumcised man” but is assumed to mean “worm” as well.According to Herodotus,Ionians in Egypt noted the resemblance,probably humorously,between basking crocodiles and their own “worm of the stones.” The modern form of English crocodile represents a return to the Classical Latin spelling crocodº,Latin having borrowed the word from Greek.But other spellings occurred in Classical Greek and Latin,and one of these Latin spellings,cocodrillus,passed into Medieval Latin and Old French (cocodril ) and then into English,so that our earliest possible use of the word,in a work perhaps composed before 1300,is spelled cokedrille.It was not until the 16th century that the word came to have its present spelling.The various spellings met with in the history of crocodile reflect the same sort of variations that occurred in the history of alligator.
鳄鱼可能是因为与一种比它小得多的生物,即生长在爱奥尼亚的石墙中的蜥蜴外表相似而得名.这种蜥蜴的名字krokodilos 被认为是由 kroke (意为“卵石,砾石”)一词和 drilos 这一(只被证明有“受割的人”的意思但又被假定有“蠕虫”的意思的)词组成的复合词.希罗多德认为,埃及境内的爱奥尼亚人可能出于幽默而记下了晒太阳的鳄鱼和他们本地的“石头中的蠕虫”之间的类似点.英语的crocodile 的现代形式反映了古拉丁语拼法 crocodilus 的回归,拉丁语中的这个词是从希腊语中引入的.但是出现在古希腊语和古拉丁语中的其它拼法以及其中一种拉丁语拼法,cocodrillus ,却进入到中世纪拉丁语和古法语(cocodril )中,然后又进入到英语中,所以出现在可能写于1300年以前的一篇文章中的我们最早有可能使用该词时的拼法是cokedrille .直到16世纪,这个词才变成现在这种拼法.在crocodile 一词的演变历史中的多种拼法也反映了在 alligator 一词的演变历史中的相似变化
Is a butterfly named for the color of its excrement or because it was really a thieving witch?The first suggestion rests on the fact that an early Dutch name for the butterfly was boterschijte.This name is as astonishing a phenomenon as the fact that anyone ever noticed the color of butterfly excrement.Apparently,however,when the butterfly was not busy leaving colorful traces of itself,it was stealing milk and butter.This was not because of its thievish nature but because it was really a mischievous witch in the form of a winged insect.So the second suggestion is that this predilection for butter larceny gave rise to the colorful insect's name.
蝴蝶是以其排泄物的颜色命名的,还是因为它的确是个正在偷东西的精灵呢?第一个假设基于蝴蝶在古代荷兰语中的名称为boterschijte 这个事实.这个名称同任何人都曾注意到蝴蝶的排泄物的颜色这个事实一样是个令人吃惊的现象.然而,很显然蝴蝶不是在忙于留下它们彩色的行迹就是忙于偷牛奶或奶油.这不是因为它有偷窃的天性而是因为它确实是一只作为有翅昆虫形体的淘气的精灵.所以第二个假设就是这种奶油盗窃的嗜好引出了彩色昆虫的命名

A crocodile is any species belonging to the family Crocodylidae (sometimes classified instead as the subfamily Crocodylinae). The term can also be used more loosely to include all members of the order...


A crocodile is any species belonging to the family Crocodylidae (sometimes classified instead as the subfamily Crocodylinae). The term can also be used more loosely to include all members of the order Crocodilia: i.e. the true crocodiles, the alligators and caimans (family Alligatoridae) and the gharials (family Gavialidae). The crocodile is a large aquatic reptile that lives throughout the Tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. Crocodiles tend to congregate in freshwater habitats like rivers, lakes, wetlands and sometimes in brackish water. Some species, notably the Saltwater Crocodile of Australia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands often live along the coastal areas. It is also known to venture far out to sea. They mostly feed on vertebrates like fish, reptiles, and mammals, sometimes with invertebrates like mollusks and crustaceans, depending on species. They are an ancient lineage, and are believed to have changed little since the time of the dinosaurs.
Crocodiles are the most advanced of all reptiles despite their prehistoric look. Unlike other reptiles they have a four-chambered heart, diaphragm and cerebral cortex. Their external morphology on the other hand is a sign of their aquatic and predatory lifestyle. A crocodile’s physical traits allow it to be a successful predator. They have a streamlined body that enables them to swim faster. They also tuck their feet to their sides while swimming, which makes the animal even faster, by decreasing the water resistance. They have webbed feet which, although not used to propel the animal through the water, allow it to make fast turns and sudden moves in the water or initiate swimming. Webbed feet are an advantage in shallower water where the animals sometimes move around by walking.
Crocodiles are very fast over short distances, even out of water. They have extremely powerful jaws capable of biting down with 3,000 pounds of pressure per square inch, and sharp teeth for tearing flesh, but cannot open their mouth if it is held closed. There are stories of people escaping from the long-snouted Nile Crocodile by holding its jaws shut. Zoologists will often subdue crocodiles for study or transport by taping their jaws or holding their jaws shut with large rubber bands cut from automobile inner tubes. All large crocodiles also have sharp and powerful claws. They have limited lateral movement in their neck, so on land protection can be found by getting even a small tree between the crocodile's jaws and oneself.
Se conoce como cocodrilo a cualquiera de las 14 especies de grandes reptiles semiacuáticos de la familia crocodylidae, incluidos a su vez en la subfamilia crocodylinae). El término cocodrilo también es utilizado incorrectamente para denominar a todos los miembros del orden crocodylia, el cual incluye a todos los cocodrilos, aligátores y caimanes (familia alligatoridae), así como a los gaviales (familia gavialidae).
Son reptiles que viven en las áreas tropicales de África, Asia, América y Australia. Tienden a vivir en ríos de corriente lenta y se alimentan de una amplia variedad de animales, preferentemente vivos. Una especie, el cocodrilo marino (Crocodylus porosus), vive tanto en agua dulce como en estuarios salados y se adentra con frecuencia en el mar, lo que le ha permitido colonizar muchas islas de Australasia y todas las costas desde la India hasta Australia. El cocodrilo marino no es el único en adentrarse en el mar, aunque sí el que lo hace con más frecuencia. Así, el cocodrilo del Nilo (Crocodylus nyloticus) ha cruzado el mar para colonizar varias islas del Océano Índico, entre ellas Madagascar, y el cocodrilo americano (Crocodylus acutus) ha llegado a nado hasta la mayoría de las islas del Caribe e incluso a la punta sur de Florida.
Aunque los cocodrilos tienen cuerpos pesados y metabolismos generalmente lentos, son capaces de realizar carreras cortas con una velocidad de 45 km/h. Las mayoría de las presas de los cocodrilos son animales pequeños que matan y engullen de un solo bocado. Cuando se trata de una presa de considerables dimensiones, la matan arrastrándola aguas adentro para ahogarla, al tiempo que dan vueltas sobre sí mismos para despedazarla antes de engullirla.
Pertenecen al grupo de los reptiles dentro de los vertebrados. Están bien adaptados a la vida acuática y solo de vez en cuando salen de ella. Son excelentes nadadores. Su piel escamosa, dura y seca Se conocen 25 especies que pueden llegar a medir desde 1 hasta 7 m. Los cocodrilos no pueden masticar, pues no tienen dientes cortantes. Los dientes representan forma de cono y sirven para sujetar a las presas. Se los puede encontrar en las zonas tropicales desde África hasta Australia. Llegan a vivir 30 a 50 años
