
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 13:15:18
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it is up to hundreds meters,occasionally surfaced.Aftermany ships are the monster attack and sinking,the United States government sent the frigate "Lincoln" to track down.The French biologist Aaron Jonas was invited to participate in,the Paris Museum of natural history professor,once wrote about this sea monster,that is a huge narwhal.
"Lincoln" in the sea swimming for three weeks,but have gained nothing.One night,the professor is the deck to enjoy the night scene,suddenly found that dark watersuddenly flashed red light,then emits a huge monster.Professor ran to the cabin report the captain,the frigatesailed immediately to the monster.Near Canada harpoonhand Nead Lan violently throws sharp whale fork,only to hear "when" sound,as if the impact on the plate,there is no role.The frigate then opened fire,but the bomb was the monster tail pop-up,splashing a spray.The monsterappears to be outraged,from spray two jets of water,to hit the frigate starboard power,with a bang bang,Professor,his servant Consel and the whale fork hand three people were thrown into the water.The professor was soon lost consciousness.
The professor wakes up,he found himself lying in an ironhouse,sitting beside Consel and Ned lan.He be not a little bewildered.Two strangers came out to greet them,but the professor tried several languages,they don't understand.Being embarrassed when,they master appeared.He was tall,with one's eyes flashed like lightning.,the Frenchintroduced himself.His name is Nemo,who with the entire human broke off relations.He said that although they hadbeen his captive,but still enjoy freedom.Just for the sake of security,he won't release them,and asking them to do sb.'s bidding.
Professor though losing freedom to feel sad,but he wasattracted by the mystery mystery submarine and submarine.At the invitation of Nemo,they three people visited him personally designed and built the "nautilus".In spite of its components is pieced together,can the firm,reasonable structure,bear the impact and pressure.The lifeboat a nice living room,a comfortable cabin,library reading room and entertainment field.Submarine power and oxygen are extracted from the sea,can stay in deep water for a long time.The food is taken from the sea,Professor fish some delicious never tasted.Cloth is made of marine woven fabric,tobacco from seaweed.Nima also let they visited the marine animal hunting guns and easy towalk on the ocean floor equipment.
"Nautilus" in the Pacific stealth.The professor through the window,all the way to watch a lustrous and dazzlingundersea scene and resplendent with variegated colorationof deep-sea creatures.By way of Crespo Island,Nemo sentthe note,they invited three people to the submarinehunting in the forest.So they put on a diving suit,carryingoxygen bottles,holding special shotgun,through theexchange of ballast,walking on the sea plain.Nima gunshot a large sea otters,and then I killed two dolphins likeanimal,return fully loaded.
The submarine to reach the vicinity of Kalimantan,foodmiss.They decided to go ashore to find Professor threevegetables and game.At first,they were lucky,killing several wild boar,picking a lot of fruit.Just as they were on the beach over a campfire to barbecue,suddenly fromNative American attacks.They hurried to escape into the boat,moored in the sea submarine.But the natives on the raft,pressing reluctant.Even professor they climb on thesubmarine,the bottoms,indigenous people still aroundsubmarine,refused to disperse.The very next day early in the morning,the submarine cabin opening ventilation,indigenous people really have climbed aboard.But theytouched the railing,he screamed back home,the originalmetal railings all electric.
The submarine sailed into India ocean,in the vicinity of Sri Lanka,Nemo invited them to visit Professor sea pearl field.Here rich Pearl,the maximum value of up to $two million.Professor of intense interest to watch the Indians in the seapearl.Suddenly,a giant shark open one's bloody mouth toIndian attack,Nemo immediately hand dagger,to come forward to fight with sharks,Ned LAN fork help,medianshark heart.Nemo and the Pearl up out of the water,alsotook out a few pearls to send him out of his own pocket.From the bottom of my heart admire Professor Nemo risk one's life for another spirit,and thus know no contact with human NIMA actually cut off.
"Nautilus" from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea tookless than 20 minutes.It is now found Nemo submarine channels through the Suez canal,was also not.
Along the way,he found some amazing things.The vessel to the continent island,Nemo took out a lot of gold from the cupboard,sent by boat to send out.Later,when the submarine sailed into the Atlantic,anchored in the VictoriaGulf,Nemo sent his crew moved up from the seabed wreckdiving.

(it is hundreds of meters in length and occasionally to the surface. In a lot of this monster attacks on ships and, after the sinking of the U.S. government frigate, "Lincoln" to track down. French bi...


(it is hundreds of meters in length and occasionally to the surface. In a lot of this monster attacks on ships and, after the sinking of the U.S. government frigate, "Lincoln" to track down. French biologist Aaron natrium, were invited to attend the Paris museum of natural history professor, have been written about this sea monster, considered to be a huge narwhal.
"Lincoln" swimming in the sea for three weeks, but found nothing. One night, the professor is deck at night, suddenly found that dark water suddenly flashing red light, and then come up to a monster. Professor ran back to the cabin report captain, frigates and immediately to the monster. Approached Canada hand DE Netherlands against whaling fork out sharp fork of the whale, listen to "when"


It is height of several hundred meters, and occasionally surfaced. In many vessels sunk by this monster attacks, the U.S. government sent the frigate "Abraham Lincoln" go tracking hunt. French biologi...


It is height of several hundred meters, and occasionally surfaced. In many vessels sunk by this monster attacks, the U.S. government sent the frigate "Abraham Lincoln" go tracking hunt. French biologist Aaron Salinas was invited to participate, a professor at the Paris Museum of Natural History, was the author studied this sea monster, that is a huge narwhal.
"Abraham Lincoln" cruising in the sea for three weeks, but found nothing. One evening, enjoy the night on the deck, Professor, suddenly found the dark surface of the water suddenly flashed red, then emerge a monster. Professor ran back to the cabin reported captain, frigate sailed immediately to the monster. Approaching Canadian whaling Chashou Ned whale violently cast sharp fork, only to hear "when" is heard, as if hit on the plate, there is no effect. Frigate they fired shots, but the tail of the monster bombs are ejected splashes a spray. Monster seems to be enraged, two jets of water ejected from the head to starboard frigate hit violently with a loud bang, professor, his servant Conseil and the Whale Chashou three people were thrown into the water. Professor soon lost consciousness.
Professor woke up and found himself lying in an iron room, sitting beside Conseil and Ned. He puzzled. Two strangers came to pay tribute to them, but the professor tried several languages, they do not understand. Being embarrassed when their masters appeared. He was tall, bright-eyed, with the French and introduced herself. He called Nemo, claiming severed ties with the entire human race. He said that although they have become his captive, but still enjoy the freedom. Just to secrecy, he would not release them, and asking them to obey.
Although professors feel sad loss of freedom, but he was the mysterious submarine and submarine mystery to attract. In Nemo's invitation, three of them visited him personally design and construction of the "Nautilus." Despite its parts are put together, and can be solid hull, reasonable structure, the impact of affordable and high-pressure water. Lifeboat has a beautiful living room, comfortable cabins, reading room and a casino. Submarine electricity and oxygen are extracted from seawater, can stay underwater for a long time. Food is taken from the ocean, and some delicious fish professors never tasted before. Marine fiber cloth is woven, tobacco from seaweed. Nemo also allows them to visit the hunt marine animals guns and equipment to facilitate walking in the seabed.
"Nautilus" in the Pacific stealth. Professor through the windows, watching the bizarre way underwater scenes and colorful sea creatures. When passing through Cleveland Crespo Island, Nemo sent sent a note inviting them to the bottom three forest hunting. So they put on diving suits, oxygen bottles back, armed with a shotgun in particular through the exchange of ballast, walking in the seabed plain. Nemo gun shot in a big sea otters, and then killed two dolphins like animals, rewarding experience.
Submarine arrived near Kalimantan, lack of food divisions. The three of them decided to go ashore professor looking vegetables and game. At first, they're lucky, a few wild boars killed, picking up a lot of fruit. While they were at the beach shelves ready to barbecue bonfire when he suddenly attacked by the indigenous people. They hurriedly fled into the boat, sail submarine moored in the sea. But the indigenous people on the raft ride, urgent dismay. Teach them to climb even submarines under the bottoms, indigenous people still around submarines, refused to disperse. The next morning, when the submarine open cabin ventilation, indigenous people have really come aboard. But their hands touched the railing, they screamed and retreated back to the original metal railings all access to electricity.
Submarine into the Indian Ocean, in the vicinity of Sri Lanka, Professor Nemo invite them to visit the pearl farm seabed. Where rich pearls, the maximum value of up to two million U.S. dollars. Professor of immense interest to watch Indian pearl divers in the sea. Suddenly, a giant shark Zhang Xuepentaikou go to the Indian attack, Nemo immediately armed with a knife, to come forward to start fighting with the sharks came, fork lift Ned help, middle shark heart. Nemo then the pearl divers out of the water, but also from his own pocket to send him out a few pearls. Professor Jing Pei Nimo from the heart, the spirit of self-sacrifice, and thus know sever ties with Nemo virtually no human interaction.
"Nautilus" from the Red Sea into the Mediterranean took less than 20 minutes. It was discovered through Nemo's submarine channels sneak, was not yet the Suez Canal.
Along the way, the professor found a lot of amazing things. Boat to the island of Kang, Nemo Congguizili remove many gold, sent by boat to send out. Later, when the submarine into the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of submarine moored in Victoria when Nemo also sent his crew onto the sunken ship from dive to. )累死我啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


英语翻译求下边语言的英文,(它身长数百米,偶尔浮出水面.在不少船只受到这怪物攻击而沉没之后,美国政府派出护卫舰“林肯号”前去跟踪追捕.法国生物学家阿龙纳斯应邀参加,这个巴黎自 五百米长的英文 有一条大鲨鱼,它的身长等于头长加尾长,它的尾长等于身长的一半加头长,头长为2.4米,问大鲨鱼身长多少? 一条鱼,它身长等于尾长加鱼头,尾长是身长一半加鱼头,鱼头是2.4米,求这条鱼多长? 有一条大鲨鱼,它的身长等于头长加尾长,它的身长等于身长的一半加上头长.已知它的头长为2.4求这条大鲨鱼身长是多少米?列方程 C语言求回文数的个数. 身长五厘米的蚱蜢一次跳跃的距离是它身长的75倍蚱蜢一次能跳多远? 英语翻译帮我翻译一下下边的英文:心情不好,谁有不开心的事,让我开心下. 一列车车身长二百米,他经过一个隧道时,车速为每小时六十千米,从车头进入隧道到车尾离开共2分钟,求隧道 C语言:如果一个数恰好等于它个位十位百位的立方和,求这个数 求问这种昆虫是什么!身长7毫米的昆虫 一条小青虫,它的身长每天延长1倍,长到第十天的时候身长是20cm.请问,小青虫在身长是10cm的时候,已...一条小青虫,它的身长每天延长1倍,长到第十天的时候身长是20cm.请问,小青虫在身长是10cm的 英语翻译求高手吧这段诗翻译成英文!要语言优美的,要在海报上用的!希望在一周之内! 有一条鲨鱼,它的身长等于头长加尾长,它的尾长等于身长的一半加上头长.已知它的头长2.4米,求这条大鲨鱼 列车通过三百米长的隧道用十五秒通过180米长的桥梁用十二秒列车车身长的是多少米 英语翻译在小说《酒醒》里看到这句优美的语言,想要把它翻译成英文版的优美句子希望有专业人士可以解答下. 求Personal jesus歌词的中文解释.最好是上边一句英文下边一句中文的. 英语翻译求一篇关于数学的英文论文(不少于3000字)和它的翻译