
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 17:15:44
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She would like walk to there rather than by bus.
he runs so fast that we can not catch him.
we have been married for three years.

she prefers to go there by foot than by bus.
he runs so fast that we cannnot catch up with him.
I have been married for 3 years.
楼上的朋友,marry这个动词不能延续,不能用 have married。

She would like to go there by walking rather than car.
We can not catch him for he runs too fast.
I have married there years.

She would like to go there on foot rather than by bus.

She'd rather walk thant take a bust to there.
He was running so fast that we failed to catch him.
I've been married for three years.

1、She would like to walk there , rather than take a car .
2. He runs so fast that we cann't catch him.
3. I have got marred for three years .

she would rather go there by foot than go there by bus.(would rather do sth than do sth 宁愿...也不...)
he runs so fast that we cannnot catch up with him.(so...that...如此的...以至于...)
I have been married for 3 years. (be married 结婚)

英语翻译还有他跑的太快,我们追不上他.我结婚三年了. 英语翻译:他说话太快,我们听不懂. 他说得太快,我实在不明白他到底想说什么 用十种不同的英语翻译方法翻译出来 他的嗓音太低了,我们都听不清英语翻译 请英语翻译下面一句话:他说的太快我实在不明白他到底想说什么 . 他跑的和我一样快,用英语翻译. 英语翻译句子 1.我们该吃饭了 2.他的朋友跑得如此的快,以至于我们赶不上他 英语翻译..他比去年跑的快! 英语翻译英语翻译,对我来说太难的,帮个忙,为了保护环境,我们必须减少各种污染.他渴望早日渴望回到校园绝续他的教学. 英语翻译我有一个好朋友.他又高又瘦.他有一个漂亮的铅笔盒.他星期天下午和我们一起踢足球.我们都很喜欢他.照着中文翻译,不用太高深, 英语翻译还有如果他欺负你,我们不会放过他!多希望我的法语能超好!这样我就可以和你畅所欲言了! 他请我们吃饭真是太客气了用英语翻译 英语翻译我有一个最好的朋友叫龙红剑,他比我更羞涩.他是我们班最聪明的,但是,他的EQ太低,他是我们班最文静的,但是,他却很可爱,他工作是我们班最努力的,不过我也和他一样,同样对学习和 英语翻译还有一个 他太聪明了 用too to 英语翻译我叫我兄弟不要跑得太快.这些纪念品他借了一个多月了.店主说羊毛衫已经卖完了. 我真的不知道该怎么办?总觉得一切太快.刚认识一个月他就提出要拜访我父母.我们是经人介绍认识的,我们给彼此映像都还可以,交往两周后他说他父亲想见我,吃个便饭,我就这样傻傻的见了他 他有许多特点跟我太相似用英语怎么说还有他喜欢的我也喜欢 英语翻译我们老师说是 自他离开这里 我就没收到他的信.