英语翻译在乡下的时候半夜下班回家 在路边看到一个马尾辫的女孩面向墙蹲着在哭 走上前问她为什么哭,是不是有人欺负你了 回答说家里出了车祸 然后让她别太伤心并要送她回家 她说不用

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 14:01:01
英语翻译在乡下的时候半夜下班回家 在路边看到一个马尾辫的女孩面向墙蹲着在哭 走上前问她为什么哭,是不是有人欺负你了 回答说家里出了车祸 然后让她别太伤心并要送她回家 她说不用
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英语翻译在乡下的时候半夜下班回家 在路边看到一个马尾辫的女孩面向墙蹲着在哭 走上前问她为什么哭,是不是有人欺负你了 回答说家里出了车祸 然后让她别太伤心并要送她回家 她说不用
你看到的还是一根马尾辫 .

英语翻译在乡下的时候半夜下班回家 在路边看到一个马尾辫的女孩面向墙蹲着在哭 走上前问她为什么哭,是不是有人欺负你了 回答说家里出了车祸 然后让她别太伤心并要送她回家 她说不用
第一个回答是机器翻译,很不负责任 .我一会儿给你人工翻译
Oneday in the countryside, you were on your way back home after work
Then you saw a girl with a ponytail whom squat down crying with her face against the wall.
You went over there and asked why she was cry, had anyone teased you
She answered that her family were all killed in a car accident
Then you comforted her not to be too sad and said that you would send her home
She said no because you would be afraid when you saw her looks
You said that's alright. "stand up I'll send you to go home."
She stood up and then turned to face you
but what you saw still a ponytail...

In the countryside, after work to go home
See a ponytail in the face of the girl cried squat down walls
Came up and asked why she cry, if anyone bully you
Answered family was broken in a c...


In the countryside, after work to go home
See a ponytail in the face of the girl cried squat down walls
Came up and asked why she cry, if anyone bully you
Answered family was broken in a car accident
Then she don't be too sad and will send her home
She said no because you see her appearance will be afraid
You said that I send you to go home quickly
She stood up and then turned to face you
You see or a ponytail...


On my way back home after finished work in countryside at midnight, I saw a girl with horsetail braid squatting towards the wall crying. I walked to her and asked why she was crying and whether there ...


On my way back home after finished work in countryside at midnight, I saw a girl with horsetail braid squatting towards the wall crying. I walked to her and asked why she was crying and whether there was anyone bullied her? She told me that her family was involved in a car accident. I soothed her and offered to send her home. She refused and said because I would be scared if I saw her face. I insisted to send her home and asked her to stand up. Then, she stood up and turned around to face me. What I saw was still a horsetail braid...


One day in the conutry, I want home after working in the midnight.
A girl with ponytail squatted on roadside,facing the wall and cry sadly.
I stepped up and say,"Nedd help? Anything wrong ?Hm...


One day in the conutry, I want home after working in the midnight.
A girl with ponytail squatted on roadside,facing the wall and cry sadly.
I stepped up and say,"Nedd help? Anything wrong ?Hmm......Got Hrut? "
-------Girl : An accident happened to my family.
-------I : I'm sorry to hear that.Don't be so sad.Let me sent you home.
-------Girl : Thanks for that ! But you would be scared by my appearance.
------I : All right!Come,I'll take you home safely.
She stood up and truned to me slowly~~~~~Which shocked me is that I still seen a ponytail!!!!


英语翻译在乡下的时候半夜下班回家 在路边看到一个马尾辫的女孩面向墙蹲着在哭 走上前问她为什么哭,是不是有人欺负你了 回答说家里出了车祸 然后让她别太伤心并要送她回家 她说不用 英语翻译:1.在回家的路上,他们看见路边坐着一位老人. 我小的时候 ,我妈妈常在下班回家的路上买些蔬菜和水果翻译成英语. 英语翻译:他下班坐飞机回家 他小的时候生活在乡下用英语怎么说 在路边看到的 在回家的路上.英语翻译. 大手牵小手,我把文明的回家作文,讲在路边怎么捡垃圾的作文? 现在天气热了,我想下班了之后去路边摆滩卖微风吊扇,就是那种运作起来直径大概40_50厘米的但我不知道去路边摆演示的时候我用36伏的电瓶可不可以运作220伏的吊扇,因为我的电瓶在家里回去 译我的爱好每天早上我喜欢散步下班回家后我喜欢听流行音乐周末闲着没事时喜欢去打打篮球每到夏天最喜欢去游泳,钓鱼是我在乡下时最大的爱好偶尔喜欢去看看电影另外广交天下朋友是我 一个人半夜下班回家,他家住14楼,走进电梯,过了几秒,发现电梯8楼亮了,他想一定有八楼的人要做电梯!过一会,他猛然按下345楼,电梯门打开直接就冲了出去,在楼下一家网吧待了一宿,请问这是为 梦见偷鸡抓鸡,梦见和母亲一个单位,一起下班回家,小路旁边好几只鸡在路边吃食,我忽然想要抓鸡,我妈并没有拦阻,我抓了2只金红色的大鸡,好像有一只是公鸡.当时感觉很害怕路旁人家窗户里 我们在半夜回到家里,英语翻译 英语翻译:用一般过去时回答在11点的时候我们坐公共汽车回家 “当爸爸下班回家的时候,我正在睡觉”用英语怎么说?如题 懂天文的进来帮小妹解个疑问我在天津,每天半夜12点下班的时候,在东方刚刚升起一颗比金星还亮的星星,请问是什么星,说说你判断的根据.应该不是金星,颜色比金星淡很多.和五车二一个颜色 半夜公鸡打鸣是在几点?在农村里半夜的公鸡一般几点开始打鸣啊?打鸣第一次是几点?第二次是几点?第三次是天将亮的时候吧? 在靠边停车的时候,怎样确定车体与路边的距离,有什么参照物?