看看这很短的英语文章Jordan was born in 1936 in New York,as a child are not tall anddon't like talk.However,he was known for the beginning of the University of North Carolina,he's acrobatic style of basketball into the campaign to force the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/12 05:42:44
看看这很短的英语文章Jordan was born in 1936 in New York,as a child are not tall anddon't like talk.However,he was known for the beginning of the University of North Carolina,he's acrobatic style of basketball into the campaign to force the
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看看这很短的英语文章Jordan was born in 1936 in New York,as a child are not tall anddon't like talk.However,he was known for the beginning of the University of North Carolina,he's acrobatic style of basketball into the campaign to force the
Jordan was born in 1936 in New York,as a child are not tall and
don't like talk.However,he was known for the beginning of the University of North Carolina,he's acrobatic style of basketball into the campaign to force the pace and again and again into the basket.As a result of a strong and well-known dunk,the nickname "Air Jordan." After graduating from the University of Jordan,Chicago Bulls was selected to lead the team access to six NBA championships in a match set a personal record of 69 points.In April 2003,the 40-year-old Michael Jordan retired.Now he has his own sports club.看看有什么错误 帮我翻译下 请不要使用翻译软件
那都是错误的 还有“乔丹是多少岁是退役的?”用英语怎么说 我会追分的

看看这很短的英语文章Jordan was born in 1936 in New York,as a child are not tall anddon't like talk.However,he was known for the beginning of the University of North Carolina,he's acrobatic style of basketball into the campaign to force the
第一行 as a child who is
第二行 don't like talking 或者 to talk
第三行 he's 改成his ,force前面的to去掉
第四行 the nickname 前面加he got a 改法随意 反正改成个完整的句子
第五行 改成Chicago Bulls selected him to lead the team.and in a match he set a pesronal...
乔丹1936年出生在纽约.小时候他并不高也不爱说话.但是,进北卡罗莱纳大学不久乔丹就开始出名,他用他场上杂耍般的篮球风格一次又一次入篮. 他也因强力而出名的灌篮得到了“飞人乔丹”的绰号.毕业后,他被芝加哥公牛队选中,并率队夺得了六次NBA冠军,而且在单场获得了69分的个人得分记录.2003年4月,40岁的乔丹退役.现在他拥有着自己的体育俱乐部.

乔丹是多少岁退役的:How old was Michael Jordan when he retired?

看看这很短的英语文章Jordan was born in 1936 in New York,as a child are not tall anddon't like talk.However,he was known for the beginning of the University of North Carolina,he's acrobatic style of basketball into the campaign to force the 求介绍与评价Michael Jordan的英语文章一篇三四百字左右就够了 翻译英语文章Kobe passes Jordan翻译全文: 关于Michael Jordan的英语作文 Jordan标准型的应用 jordan 想找点好的英语文章或世界名著看看哪里有? 帮我看看我刚写的这篇文章有没有错?明天用Today I will talk about some of a coach,his name is PhilJackson.He was born in 1945.And he is 203cm.He was coach Los Angeles Lakers.He ever coached Chicago Bulls.He was AIR MICHAEL JORDAN's Me 乔丹是世界上最好的运动员之一,用英语怎么说jordan is . 初二英语根据句意及首字母写出所缺的单词Tom didn't start ice s_____ until he was twelve.The old man was a famous p_____.Michael Jordan is a f________ basketball player.Tiger Woods started g_______ when he was only ten months old.Jim jordan标准型的意义和应用是什么 air jordan 2011 q flight的q 英语.的进来看看 英语比赛是自我介绍的问题我马上要参加一个英语比赛 之前要有自我介绍 我写了如下一段文章 :Good afternoon every body,Do you know jordan or Yao Ming?Do youu know what their jobs are?Yes,this is basketball ,It is a 英语翻译!帮帮忙``````你看,他简直就是MICHAEL JORDAN翻译成英语 要口语化一点````地道一点你看,他简直就是MICHAEL JORDAN就是比喻篮球打的特别好的~~~~~~谢谢~~~ 想看看高手写的申论文章, 谁能帮我看看这篇英语文章,我要你们的评论!The Day I Would Most Like to ForgetThere was a day that I really wanted to forget.But however,I knew that was impossible.Because I did not say clearly what I would like to say to her.When I w 求英语大神,帮忙看看文章中的错误,坐等