英语翻译1:rinse rincage enjuague risciacquo nachspulen enxaguamento2:filter filtration filtracion filtrazione filtern filtracao3:wastr vidange vaciado scarico entleeren esvaziar4:closed ferme cerrado chiuso geschlossen fechauo5:backwash lavage la

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/11/28 02:59:36
英语翻译1:rinse rincage enjuague risciacquo nachspulen enxaguamento2:filter filtration filtracion filtrazione filtern filtracao3:wastr vidange vaciado scarico entleeren esvaziar4:closed ferme cerrado chiuso geschlossen fechauo5:backwash lavage la
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英语翻译1:rinse rincage enjuague risciacquo nachspulen enxaguamento2:filter filtration filtracion filtrazione filtern filtracao3:wastr vidange vaciado scarico entleeren esvaziar4:closed ferme cerrado chiuso geschlossen fechauo5:backwash lavage la
1:rinse rincage enjuague risciacquo nachspulen enxaguamento
2:filter filtration filtracion filtrazione filtern filtracao
3:wastr vidange vaciado scarico entleeren esvaziar
4:closed ferme cerrado chiuso geschlossen fechauo
5:backwash lavage lavado lavaggio spulen lavagem
6:recirculate recirculation recirculacion ricircolo zirkulieren recirculacao

英语翻译1:rinse rincage enjuague risciacquo nachspulen enxaguamento2:filter filtration filtracion filtrazione filtern filtracao3:wastr vidange vaciado scarico entleeren esvaziar4:closed ferme cerrado chiuso geschlossen fechauo5:backwash lavage la

that's not English!!!!!


英语翻译1:rinse rincage enjuague risciacquo nachspulen enxaguamento2:filter filtration filtracion filtrazione filtern filtracao3:wastr vidange vaciado scarico entleeren esvaziar4:closed ferme cerrado chiuso geschlossen fechauo5:backwash lavage la rinse . rinse是什么意思? hair-strengthener-rinse是什么意思 翻译moisture milk rinse cream rinse是什么东西? RINSE中文是什么意思 extar rinse什么意思 rinse off with warm rinse什么意思? 英语翻译to use massage2-3ml over damp skin using small.circular motions for 1-1.5minutes.avoid eye area .rinse with lukewarm water.then apply a non-aha moisturizer with sunscreen.use 2-3times weekly wait 2 days between applications .with celicate 英语翻译Instruction foe use:1.Shampoo your hair and towel dry it2.Apply part 1 on all hair,decide the development time about 10-30 minutes according to the hair3.when development is over,rinse with water,apply part 3 for 3-4 minuteson hair and th 英语翻译用水快速冲洗零件 翻译成 Rinse part with water quickly.这样对么?总觉得不对,正确应该怎么翻译? 英语翻译1.recommended cool or warm water2.use shampoo and hair brush gently.3.rinse thoroughly with hair conditioner and apply cream rinse or wet-look spray as desired4.pat dry and brushing a wide toothcomb,spray throughout.5.set and dry naturall 英语翻译洗衣机上的英文 cotton linens with pre wash.2cotton linens without pre wash.3rinse and spin 4 softener treatment and spin 5spin 6 synthetics with prewash 7synthetics without prewash 8 rinse and spin 9 softener treatment and spin 10 I can do the dishes.Remember to ( ) 1、switch off the gas 2、rinse off the detergent 3、pick out3、pick out the batteries “lie cheat steal rinse repeat” 是什么意思? 英语翻译mint julep masque is the orginal natural home treatment developded by adermatologist that helps dry up acne pimples,rinse away balckheads and shrink enlarged pores,simply apply mint julep masque to your clean face and neck.within minutes