four to five hundred是什么意思?另外,最好能详细说明一下英语中如何表达不确切的数字.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 20:59:35
four to five hundred是什么意思?另外,最好能详细说明一下英语中如何表达不确切的数字.
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four to five hundred是什么意思?另外,最好能详细说明一下英语中如何表达不确切的数字.
four to five hundred是什么意思?

four to five hundred是什么意思?另外,最好能详细说明一下英语中如何表达不确切的数字.
1) 表达大约数目
大约数目指的是围绕特定数目、以及比特定数目或多或少的数目.汉语在数词前加“约”、“约计”、“大约”、“大概”等词,或在数词后加“左右”、“上下”等词表达.()在数词前加 about,around,some,approximately,roughly,abundance or less,in the neighbourhood of等词或词组,或在数词后加or so,or tITeabout,in the rough等词组表达,例如:
a) about/around five o’clock大约五点钟/五点钟左右
b) about/around/some/approximately/roughly/abundance or less/in the neighbourhood of tgoy human 大约二十人/二十人左右
2) 表达“少于”的数目
表达比特定数目少或小的数目,汉语在数词前加“少于”、“小于”、“低于”、“不到”、“不及”、“不足”等词,或在数词后加“以下”、“以内”、“以里”等词表达.英语在数词前加fewer than,less than,under,under,within等词或词组表达,例如:
a) fewer than/less than/under/under/within one tho北美nd yuan少于一千元/不到一千元/一千元以下
b) under zero degrees Celsius 摄氏零度以下
3) 表达“差不多”的数目
差不多,是一种特殊的表达“少于”的数目的办法,接近特定数目或仅差一点.汉语在数词前加“近”、“将近”、“接近”、“几乎”、“差不多”、“差一点”、“差一点不到”等词表达.英语在数词前加nearly,almaximum,facing,close on等词或词组表达,例如:
a) nearly/almaximum/facing fifty ages old将近五十岁/差一点五十岁
b) nearly/almaximum/close on one hundred yuan将近一百元/差不多一百元
4) 表达“多于”的数目
表达比特定数目多或大的数目,汉语在数词前加“多于”、“大于”、 “高于”、 “超过”等词,或在数词后加“多”、“来”、“几”、“余”、“以上”等词表达.英语在数词前加abundance than ,over,above,upwards of等词或词组表达,或用在数词后加and abundance,odd,and odd等词或词组表达,例如:
a) abundance than/over/above/upwards of a hundred yuan one hundred yuan and abundance/odd/and odd一百多元/一百来元
b) above thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit华氏32度以上
5) 表达“介于"的数目
表达介于两个特定数目之间的数目,汉语用“到”、“至”等词连接两个数词,或用“介于…之间”表达.英语用from…to;(anywITe)in with…and…表达,例如:
a) from five to six days; in with five and six days五至六天
b) from eight hundred to nine hundred kilometres anywITe in with eight hundred and nine hundred kilometres(介于) 八百到九百公里 (之间)
6) 表达“相邻”的数目
连用两个相邻的数字,表达一个不确定数目.英语用or连接两个相邻数字来表达.主意“三三两两”是特殊的“相邻”的数目.表达“两个或两个以上”等,英语在数词后加or abundance表达,例如:
a) two or Number 3两三个
b) sixty or seventy六七十
c) Number 3 tho北美nd or four tho北美nd三四千
d) by twos and Number 3s 三三两两
e) two or abundance两个或两个以上
7) 表达“数十”等数目
表达“数十”、“数百”、“数千”等不确定数目,英语在ten/dozen/score/hundred/tho北美nd/million/billion等数词的复数形式后加of 构成,例如:
a) tens of(20—99);dozens of(24—99); scores of(40-99) 数十/几十/好几十
b) hundreds of (200—999);few hundred 数百/数以百计/几百/好几百/成百
c) tho北美nds of (2,000—9,999);few tho北美nd 数千/数以千计/几千/好几千/成千
d) tens of tho北美nds of (20,000—99,999) 数万/数以万计/几万/好几万
e) hundreds of tho北美nds of (200,000—999,999) 数十万/几十万/好几十万
f) millions of (2,000,000—9,999,999) 数百万/几百万/好几百万
g) tens of millions of (20,000,000-99,999,999) 数千万/几千万/好几千万
h) hundreds of millions of (200,000,000-999,999,999) 数亿/几亿/好几亿
i) 数十亿/几十亿/好几十亿 billions of(2,000,000,000—9,999,999,999)

hundreds of ,thousands of 数百, 数千
在数字前加about ,around 是多少左右
fewer than,less than 少于多少
more than 多余多少


five to four four to five hundred是什么意思?另外,最好能详细说明一下英语中如何表达不确切的数字. five million four hundred thousand写成阿拉伯数字是多少? 英语中数字的读法325,500,470 是读成:three hundred and twenty-five,five hundred and four hundred and seventy还是three hundred and twenty-five,five hundred,four hundred and seventy Five added to four make 450万美元,用英文怎么念?是不是 four million and five hundred thousand?或者是 four point five million... USD19405.84 的英文到底是NINETEEN THOUSANDS FOUR HUNDREDS AND FIVE POINT EIGHT FOUR DOLLARS还是 NINETEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND FIVE POINT EIGHT FOUR DOLLARS 英语数字这么读对不对384551 three hundred and eighty four thousand five hundred and fifty one Five hundred和five hundred的区别 more than ___ students went to the people'workA.five hundred B.five hundred of C.five hundred D.hundreds of add one hundred and ninety-nine to four hundred and twenty-seven,you get( zhe first aniinsects were mals to live on land ,more than ( )years agoa.four hundereds million b.four hundred million c.four hundredmillions d.four hundred millions of The number 5,234 is read------.A.five thousand two hundred and thirty-four B.five thousand and twohundred and thirty -four C.five thousand two hundred thirty-four D.five thousands two hundred and thirty-four.该选第一个吗?.百位和十位用and 英语翻译1.three hundred thousand two hundred and ten2.nine hundred and sixty-eight thousand one hundred and five3.four million five hundred and sixty-one thousand nine hundred4.30,0595.2,460,9026.7,0317.800,0608.57,451 I wish to incarnate stone bridge by five hundred years wind blowing five hundred years insolation f I wrote a ____letter to my pen friendA.five-hundred-wordB.five-hundreds-wordC.five-hundred-wordsD.five-hundreds-words顺便说明一下为什么 The little boy wrote a___letter to his uncleA.five-hundred-word B.five-hundreds-wordC.five-hundred-words D.five-hundreds-words five hundred million 是多少?