英语 主系表 结构1she was caught in a storm. was后为什么会接 caught 呢?它是动词啊! 2she set out( from the coast in a small boat.)的先后顺序为什么会是这样?状语的排列方式不是:方式在前,地点在后吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:39:58
英语 主系表 结构1she was caught in a storm. was后为什么会接 caught  呢?它是动词啊! 2she set out( from the coast in a small boat.)的先后顺序为什么会是这样?状语的排列方式不是:方式在前,地点在后吗?
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英语 主系表 结构1she was caught in a storm. was后为什么会接 caught 呢?它是动词啊! 2she set out( from the coast in a small boat.)的先后顺序为什么会是这样?状语的排列方式不是:方式在前,地点在后吗?
英语 主系表 结构
1she was caught in a storm. was后为什么会接 caught 呢?它是动词啊!
2she set out( from the coast in a small boat.)的先后顺序为什么会是这样?状语的排列方式不是:方式在前,地点在后吗?

英语 主系表 结构1she was caught in a storm. was后为什么会接 caught 呢?它是动词啊! 2she set out( from the coast in a small boat.)的先后顺序为什么会是这样?状语的排列方式不是:方式在前,地点在后吗?
首先,was caught是“be(be动词)+done(动词过去分词)”结构.“be done”表示的是被动语态.即动作被发生.原句相当于“A storm caught(这里是过去式,catch的过去式与过去分词同型) her”.即为一个主动句.原句就是被动句了.两者意思相同.原句中she在主动句中是宾语,storm是主语,因为catch动作是storm做的而不是she.可以发现主动句与被动句的主语和宾语是相反的.“被动语态”是一个非常重要的语言现象,大概就是这样.

2你的意思是说句末状语一般有方式、频度、地点、时间这样的顺序,但一般说来习惯上还是按与谓语关系远近来判断。本句中的set out出发,后面一般都习惯先跟from某地。...


2你的意思是说句末状语一般有方式、频度、地点、时间这样的顺序,但一般说来习惯上还是按与谓语关系远近来判断。本句中的set out出发,后面一般都习惯先跟from某地。


2.状语的排列方式可以根据强调对象的不同而改变,这句话要是强调方式就可以改成in a small boat from the coast.

英语 主系表 结构1she was caught in a storm. was后为什么会接 caught 呢?它是动词啊! 2she set out( from the coast in a small boat.)的先后顺序为什么会是这样?状语的排列方式不是:方式在前,地点在后吗? the life insurance policy she thought was in place was not and she was worried.请分析下句子结构 英语独立主格结构问题Seeing those picture,she remembered her children.2.Having been bitten by a snake many times,she was frightened at it.这两句话是独立主格结构吗?为什么 怎么区分被动语句和主系表结构?比如She was bewildered to find them gone,这是被动还是主系表结构? 分析一下这个句子的结构和语法,英语大神看过来she was embarrassed each time her customer regarded her as a peon. she was caught in a strom主谓宾结构was caught是被动语态对吗? She was once a doctor英语同义句可不可以改成She was a doctor before? 英语主系表结构的疑问主系表结构的句子She keep standing for an hour.she是主语,keep是谓语,standing是表语,则 for an hour是什么结构? 英语 把间接引语转换成直接引语1Yesterday she told me she was sorry.2She said it was much better if she did her own work.3She said she didn't want to be my best friend.4She wanted to know why I didn't think it's a good idea.5She saked me 英语句子结构分析 什么是主系表结构 英语句子结构 英语句子结构分析 什么是主系表结构 英语句子结构 Early one morning,an old woman was carrying a big basket of cabbages on her head to the market.She hoped to 1 them to the people from town.The mountain road was narrow and the old woman was walking 2 because she did not want to have 3 and lose her ca 英语:it was+段时间+before结构是什么意思? 英语主系表的结构 英语主系表的结构 she was quiet confident that everything would go as planed中that引导的结构是? 分析时态和句子结构She was suffering from cancer and being treatedwith chemotherapy. She thought life in the small town was monotonous.分析下结构