
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 17:48:34
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我国第五代导演陈凯歌凭借影片《霸王别姬》获得1993年戛纳国际电影节金棕榈大奖 ;姜文导演的《鬼子来了》获得2000年戛纳国际电影节评审团大奖

The world's largest and most important film festival one.In 1939,France to Italy and France against the then regime controlled by the Venice International Film Festival,decided to set up France's international film festival.The outbreak of the Second World War so that the preparatory work come to a halt.After the end of World War II,on September 20,1946 in the southern French resort of Cannes,the first film festival.Since inception,with the exception of 1948,1950 closure,and in 1968 stopped off,held annually,for a period of about two weeks.In 1951,in time to fight for as early as the Venice International Film Festival,has been postponed to May held.
In the 1980s,generally every year dozens of countries and regions participated,showing hundreds of films.The number of participants up to tens of thousands of people.Film Festival is the main purpose of evaluation of the rest of the world have artistic value of outstanding films,among the countries to encourage cultural exchanges and cooperation,and promote the exhibition of films in cinemas for more commercial film distribution.
Main activities of the project are:① held various film competitions and awards; ② held outside or special,such as "commented week," "director Specials," "prospects for the French film"; ③ creation of the international film market ,showroom film; ④ organized retrospective.
The film will decide the Palme d'Or (best feature film) Award,Jury Award,best male,female,Best Director,Best Screenplay and the Special Jury Award and other awards.
China by virtue of the fifth-generation directors Chen Kaige film "Farewell My Concubine" was 1993 Cannes International Film Festival Golden Palm Award; Jiang Wen's "Guizi coming" was 2000 Cannes International Film Festival Jury Award

One of the biggest and the most important movie stanza in the world.In 1939, France for resisting to be subjected to Italian method west 斯 political power international movie stanza in Wearnes of the ...


One of the biggest and the most important movie stanza in the world.In 1939, France for resisting to be subjected to Italian method west 斯 political power international movie stanza in Wearnes of the control at that time, decided to establish French oneself's international movie stanza.The World War II explosion makes the preparation grind to a stop down.After fighting be over, , travel in the south of September 20,1946 at France divine spot 戛 the 纳 held a head movie stanza.From establishment, in addition to closing down to stop to break with 1968 midway in 1948 and in 1950, hold once annually, , for expect for around two weekses.Hold September annually originally.From 1951, for the sake of on time fight for early in international movie stanza in Wearnes, change in May to hold.
In 80's, general every years have more than ten nations and region to attend, projecting several hundred films.Attending the number reaches few myriad peoples more.The main purpose of movie stanza is the excellent film, the cultural interaction of of encouragement all countries and cooperation which evaluates a world-wide locations to have art value, promoting to join the exhibition of the film makes business issue to project in the movie theater morely.
The main movable item has:The ① holds each kind of game and the 评 prize of film respectively;②'S holding will mapping outside or particularly the field mapping, such as"commentary week", "director particularly field", "French movie foreground"...etc.;The ③ sets up an international movie market, the exhibition sells film;The ④ holds a review exhibition.
The gold palm tree(the best feature film) prize, judge's regiment big prize, the best male, leading lady, Best Director, the best manuscript of the film lieutenant general 评 and judge the regiment special prize etc. awards.


英语翻译请翻译以下内容世界最大、最重要的电影节之一.1939年,法国为了对抗当时受意大利法西斯政权控制的威尼斯国际电影节,决定创办法国自己的国际电影节.第二次世界大战爆发使筹备 英语翻译请协助翻译以下内容 英语翻译请找专业人员翻译以下内容!把请找专业人员翻译以下内容!这句话翻译成英文,OK? 英语翻译在美国生病,说不清病史!请帮忙翻译以下内容:室上性异位搏动,窦性心率,房性早博! 英语翻译请把以下内容翻译成英文,不要用翻译软件,因为翻译软件都是词语翻译成不了句子,语法不正确,翻译出来的东西,完全看不懂.不管是什么品牌的翻译软件都一个样,只能借鉴,不能依赖. 英语翻译请帮忙翻译一下以下的东西,如果可以请给出化学式ofloxacinnitrobenzeneotcabrominated dipheoyl ethers请把以下内容帮忙翻译成为英文,只要内容差不多就可以,使用化学沉降法处理废水; 催化氧 英语翻译最重要的是翻译,希望能有好一点的翻译 这幅图谁见过?如果见过,请告诉我以下内容的英语翻译!谢谢! 请根据以下内容提示,写一篇不少于80个词的短文.1.世界人口增长问题 坚持独生子女政策 英语翻译最重要的的三个人 英文怎么翻译啊? 东南亚是世界最大热带经济作物产地,最重要的自然原因是? 英语翻译请各位大虾帮忙翻译以下内容 鞠躬中国制造遭遇反倾销原因与对策分析随着我国出口贸易额的迅速增长 ,“ 中国制造 ” 在国外屡遭反倾销调查 ,严重影响了我国对外贸易的发展 本 英语翻译以下内容请帮忙全文翻译(冒号后面开始):[摘要]网络故障极为普遍,故障种类也十分繁杂.如果把网络故障的常见故障进行归类查找,那么无疑能够迅速而准确的查找故障根源,解决 英语翻译请高手翻译下以下内容:据英国的《每日邮报》报道,伦敦大学有关专家研究发现,无聊会让人短命.研究人员指出,抱怨无聊的人较可能英年早逝,在这些人之中心脏病和中风者居多.在 英语翻译最重要的人 英语翻译最重要的短语, 意大利文高手请进.请帮忙翻译(意译)以下内容:得到的都是侥幸,失去的都是人生. 翻译以下内容来自互联网