
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 12:49:20
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1. Roger Clemens and his former trainer Brain McNamee stuck to their guns before Congressional Committee. Both men were grilled by lawmakers about steroid use in baseball. Clemens said he has never taken steroids or human growth hormone.
罗杰克莱门斯(Roger Clemens)与其教练麦克纳米(Brain McNamee)在大户委员会上坚持原来的供述.二人在关于棒球比赛中服用兴奋剂的问题上受到了立法人员的严格盘问.Clemens坚持自己从没服用过固醇类或人工激素等药物.
2. He's calling it "a booster shot for the economy". President Bush signed a $160 billion stimulus package into law. The rescue plan includes rebates up to 1200 dollars for most American households. The checks will go out starting in May.
3. Police say a kidnapped Iraqi interpreter working for CBS News has been freed in Basra. But his fellow British journalist is still being held. An Iraqi police official says the man was handed over to authorities at the same hotel where he and his colleagues were kidnapped three days ago.
4. German astronaut Hans Schlegel floated out of the International Space Station for his first spacewalk. His outing comes just two days after an illness forced the shuttle Atlantis crew member to skip a spacewalk to install a new European lab.
德国宇航员汉斯•施莱格尔(Hans Schlegel)飘着走出国际空间站,完成了他的第一次太空行走.他的这次出舱是在病情迫使航天飞机亚特兰蒂斯机组人员跳过太空行走直接执行在空间站安装一个新的欧洲实验舱任务后的两天.
1. A new Bush administration initiative should help homeowners who're about to lose their homes. Project Lifeline will work with homeowners 90 or more days overdue on their monthly mortgage payments. The plan will help make those payments more affordable and will put the foreclosure process on hold for a month.
2. Frustrated fire officials are turning to a private company to help fight a stubborn blaze at a sugar refinery. The building is still on fire even though it's been dowsed by thousands of gallons of water by helicopter. Authorities say they will resume searching for the two missing workers once the fire is out.
3. A landlord in Phoenix made a shocking discovery after he thought the renter had abandoned this house. Underneath piles of trash in a bathtub filled with dirt, a mummified body. The homeowner says he's received regular payments for more than ten years.
4. Ten orbiting astronauts are rolling up their sleeves for the next big job, getting the Columbus Lab up and running. After securing the lab to the international space station yesterday, astronauts were able to float inside for the first time.
十名已经进入轨道的宇航员已经准备好了下一项艰巨的任务,安装并运行“哥伦比亚”实验舱.在昨天安全把实验舱送达国际空间站之后, 宇航员已经可以第一次飘进实验舱内部进行工作了.
1. The Pentagon says the six detainees held at Guantanamo Bay for the 9/11 terrorist attacks may face the death penalty. Among those being charged is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the attacks. Those charged will be tried in the military tribunal system set up by the administration.
五角大楼(美国国防部)对外宣布六名911恐怖袭击案的嫌疑犯可能被判处死刑.在所有被指控的嫌疑犯中哈立德•谢赫•穆罕默德(Khalid Sheikh Mohammed)被怀疑是这次袭击的策划者.这些嫌犯都将在刑侦部门设立的军事法庭中接受审判.
2. A former police officer accused of killing his pregnant lover has testified at his trial in Ohio. Bobby Cutts Jr. says he accidentally struck Jessie Davis with his elbow. He says he then performed CPR and tried to use bleach to revive her but she wasn't responding and he knew she was died.
俄亥俄州一名前警方官员被指控并证实杀害了自己已经怀孕的情人.这名警员名叫卡兹(Cutts Jr.),据他自己描述,他是无意间用手肘伤了洁西•戴维斯(Jessie Davis),事发后他也给她做了心肺复苏并试图用了漂白剂使他苏醒,但她还是没有反应,他才断定她已经死了.
3. Price of mailing a letter is going up again. The Postal Service says the cost of a first-class stamp will rise a penny to 42 cents starting May 12. The price of the Forever stamp will go up at the same time. That means those stamps can still be purchased for 41 cents until the rate increase takes effect.

我想知道英语新闻(国外的)必须有翻译, 国内有专门英语新闻的报纸吗?我是福建福州的,最近学英语听英语新闻可是大部分听不懂想通过阅读新闻报纸提高英语,我想知道有哪些英语新闻报纸? 有没有播报同时有字幕的英语新闻?哪个电视台的?最好国外的 国外舆论对四川大地震的评论(视频)想要找这方面的新闻评论或者访谈之类的,但必须是视频!英语类...谢谢了! 请问在国内怎么听国外的英语新闻?有什么手机app可以听bbc,cnn,voa之类的新闻吗?或者收音机什么的,不知道有没有被屏蔽掉.只要是能听英语新闻的方法都行 国外提高英语?看见许多留学生到了国外后,英语就有很大进步,我想知道有什么特殊的方式和方法吗?我承认我嫉妒了、 求英语新闻推荐想找个国外的英语新闻的地方,每天听听;不要中国的英语新闻,要地道的英语新闻,求推荐 我想尽快提高自己的英语口语水平,不知道有什么好的办法?还有,我想找英语新闻的视频,要有字幕.那个新闻的语速最好慢一点.. 我想学英语或者说去国外工作,以后想找个国外老婆或在国外发展,怎么去国外呢呢,在昆明哪里有学雅思的呢? 新闻两则写新闻我想知道怎么写 “我想知道永远有多远?” 英语怎么翻译 英语句子翻译?我想知道多点最自己有好处. 国外的翻译流派有哪些? 国外的翻译流派有哪些 谁知道国外的英文搜索引擎?我想知道国外有哪些搜索引擎?请各位介绍几个知名的,不需要太多,要有用的就可以了 一篇英语短篇新闻带翻译的 最新英语短篇新闻,附带翻译的, “经济新闻”的标准英语怎么翻译?