贵校校报拟开设一个新的专栏,你被聘请为该专栏的编辑,请你谈谈对该专栏的设想三个内容:专栏的名称和主要内容 为什么选择主题的专栏 如何办好该专栏

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:06:17
贵校校报拟开设一个新的专栏,你被聘请为该专栏的编辑,请你谈谈对该专栏的设想三个内容:专栏的名称和主要内容 为什么选择主题的专栏 如何办好该专栏
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贵校校报拟开设一个新的专栏,你被聘请为该专栏的编辑,请你谈谈对该专栏的设想三个内容:专栏的名称和主要内容 为什么选择主题的专栏 如何办好该专栏
三个内容:专栏的名称和主要内容 为什么选择主题的专栏 如何办好该专栏

贵校校报拟开设一个新的专栏,你被聘请为该专栏的编辑,请你谈谈对该专栏的设想三个内容:专栏的名称和主要内容 为什么选择主题的专栏 如何办好该专栏
Recently the school News Paper has set up a new column called"English Writing" which provides students with the chances to post their compositions and communicate with eath other.Not only can students improve their writing ability in this way,but they can stengthen their self-confidence.
The column has lots of advantages.It is the teacher's guide that has an adwantage over the other columns.If necessary,the students can have a direct "ask and answer" with professional teachers.It is required that the composition should be related to the students' life.What's more,if it is organized well enough,the writer will be rewarded for it.

protecting environment
Now there are 2 types of pollution in my city. One is air pollution and another is water pollution. Industries exhaust is the major part of air pollution, almost of the fact...


protecting environment
Now there are 2 types of pollution in my city. One is air pollution and another is water pollution. Industries exhaust is the major part of air pollution, almost of the factories in the city produce iron and copper, some for sulphuric acid. It releases a lot of poisonous gas, like sulfur dioxide that can go into water and polluted it and lots of CO2 into the air. In recent years, many people in the city have become more and more richer and they have bought more and more cars. The cars’ exhaust has become another major source of air pollution.
Anther environmental problem we have in my city is water pollution. There’re many reasons that can cause the water pollution. Industry polluted water that isn’t cleaned is poured into rivers and ponds. Fish and plants are living in the polluted water and they are eating polluted food and drinking polluted water. But we still eat them for food, that is terrible and it’s dangerous for our health.
We should protect our environment right now. Don’t make the lastest drop of water in the Earth become our tears. Our government has noticed this serious problem and so it’s trying to take measures to protect it. I’m also trying my best to protect it. In my life, I always ride bike to school instead of going by cars or buses. Sometimes I use the water slowly when I wash vegetables or anything I need water. I never throw away any garbage on the streets, just into the dustbins. Also I economy paper, for example I must write on two covers of one piece of paper because this precaution could reduce trees being cut down.


Time Flies
More people regard their time as more important than anything else .Once time is gone ,it can not be instead.
Time is very valuable.Nobody can offord to wastd time.Once time i...


Time Flies
More people regard their time as more important than anything else .Once time is gone ,it can not be instead.
Time is very valuable.Nobody can offord to wastd time.Once time is gone,it won not return.You can necer let the time cone back.Time passes cery quickly.People always say"Time Flies"So,we should make full use of the time.
Yesterday has been history,tomorrow is the unknown,today is the best gift.Now,try your best to treasure the time.Betieve yourself,you are the best


贵校校报拟开设一个新的专栏,你被聘请为该专栏的编辑,请你谈谈对该专栏的设想三个内容:专栏的名称和主要内容 为什么选择主题的专栏 如何办好该专栏 选择一个你认为有特点的新闻评论专栏或评论家,介绍该专栏或评论家,并分析其言论风格. 英语作文 请你写—一篇文章,介绍你校校报为高三学生创立的“flying feelings”专栏,并谈谈自己的感想.内容要点包括:开设目的:缓解压力,确保健康专栏优势:专业的心理指导专栏内容:专 以“青春”为主题,写一段卷首语兰宁中学学校报开设了一个新栏目——《青春的舞台》,目的是搭建一个平台,让学生展示个性和才艺.假如你承担该栏目的主编,请以“青春”为题,为该栏目设 阅读下面材料,兰亭中学校报开设了一个新栏目——《青春的舞台》,目的是搭建一个平台,让学生展示个性和才艺.假如你担任该栏目的主编,请围绕“青春”的主题,为该栏目设计一段卷首语.要 英语作文 建议信假设某中学生英语杂志准备开设culture&life专栏,正在就专栏的定位向同学们征及建议.请你根据以下要点写一篇英语短文.要点:1、你对此栏目的看法2、你的具体建议字数100左 英语翻译我想开设的栏目有三个,分别是新闻专栏,教师建议,学子之声 英语翻译 栏目 column 2013年4月20日8时2分,四川省雅安市芦山县发生7.0级地震.雅安在恸哭,中国在饮泣,雅安人遭受了亲友伤逝、家园被毁的伤痛,伤痛更在国人的心头.我们拟在校刊开设”与雅安同在“专栏,请你为专 2013年语文高考作文,写“实事求是,避免盲从”,算是跑题吗?今天山东作文题目是:  近年来,素有“语林啄木鸟”之称的《咬文嚼字》开设专栏,为当代著名作家的作品挑错,发现其中确有一 英语作文介绍一个节目某英语刊物有一个介绍各国风俗习惯的专栏,请为该专栏写一篇短文,简要介绍中国的农历年(春节).字数120-150.要点提示:1.贴春联,放鞭炮,迎新年;2.合家团圆,吃年饭, 某校计划建设一个400米跑道的运动场,聘请你任工程师.(1)若直道长100米,则弯道弧长半径r为某校计划建设一个400米跑道的运动场,聘请你任工程师.(1)若直道长100米,则弯道弧长半径r为多少 都觉得宋江害了梁山,现在梁山聘请总经理,请你为梁山谋个出路讨论宋朝的情况,就没招安前,领导权交给你了,你该怎么办?希望大家认真回答 我们建议百度将天文学专栏改为电视剧专栏吧我打开天文学专栏就好像进了电视剧专栏,这个问题也没什么正确答案,只要你们回答的经典,我就接受为答案. 写一篇外语作文介绍你学校校报为高三学生创立的sharingfeeling专栏谈谈你的看法 在甘肃舟曲发生泥石流后,某班开展了“走进舟曲”的专题活动,开设了三个专栏,带你参加.【栏目1】母爱的赞歌(会做)【栏目2】祝福的心声给舟曲灾区的同龄人发送一则短信【栏目3】______ 关于2013高考语文山东卷作文的问题?23.阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章.(60分)近年来,素有“语林啄木鸟”之称的《咬文嚼字》杂志开设专栏,为当代著名作家的作品挑错, 不要范文!最近,某中学生英文报开设了After-class Activities的栏目,请你根据以下提示,为该栏目写一篇英文稿件,并鼓励同学们积极参加课外活动。  1.你校开展课外活动的情况;  2. 求写出一篇满分作文初中三年的学校生活就要结束了;回 顾三年的学校生活;你(Jack)感慨万分.校园网的英语论坛开辟了“My School Life”专栏,供同学们发表感言.请你为该专 栏写一篇短文,回