
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 19:26:47
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Recently,the issue whether it is good or not to adopt real name registration of cell phone users has aroused furious debates among the public.Views on this issue vary from person to person.
People who favor the system believe that the real name registration system will be helpful in a wide range of social issues,from tracking criminals to curbing message spams.Furthermore,by knowing who their customers are,service providers will be able to provide better services and more efficient management of the business,ensuring the benefit and interests of customers.However,those opposed to the usage of the real name registration system argue against its effectiveness on curbing crimes and doubt the confidentiality of personal information of the clients
To my point of view,I believe the real name registration of cell phone users will be of great help to either operators or users in the long run.But to this end,a self-disciplined telecom industry is firstly required.Meanwhile,it is requisite to strengthen related supervisions and mutual trust between customers and authorities

Leon; 1 boycott and reduce the crime by mobile phones, and in so doing both fighting crime and for people's
2 mobile communications market can better management that achieve better results....


Leon; 1 boycott and reduce the crime by mobile phones, and in so doing both fighting crime and for people's
2 mobile communications market can better management that achieve better results.
1 registration personal information more troublesome, should use automatic sweep id.
2 personal information may be leaked, this is mobile company should be completely confidential unshirkable responsibility. Please move company carefully, for the people, for the country!


写一篇100字左右关于手机实名制的利弊英语短文利;1抵制和减少通过手机进行的犯罪活动2约束和管理移动通信市场.弊,1登记个人信息比较麻烦.2个人信息有可能被泄露,并发表个人评论 急求一篇关于手机实名制利与弊的英文作文 一篇关于手机利弊的英语对话,一分钟 求一篇关于课余时间听音乐利弊的英文作文,100字左右rt! 求一篇100词左右的英语短文.介绍手机实名制的利弊.并发表个人评论把这几点写进去就行.抵制和减少通过手机进行的犯罪活动.约束管理移动通信市场.登记个人信息比较麻烦.个人信息有可能 写一篇关于 出国留学热的现象,原因利弊分析,你的看法 的英语作文,120字左右 关于手机利弊的英语作文,紧急 求从2009我国正式实行手机实名制.消费者购买手机卡时,必须持身份证才能办理,老用户也要在三年内提交个人信息 最近,你班就手机实名制进行了讨论,谈论结果 写一篇关于看电视的利弊的英语短文 写一篇关于MONEY的作文money 的利弊 帮忙写一篇关于活熊取胆的利弊型英语作文. 关于手机利弊的英语作文 关于手机利弊的英语作文 急需一篇关于高中生使用手机利弊的议论文.字数800左右 关于上网利弊的英语100作文字左右 求一篇班干部数量应合理的英语作文 100字左右希望把多和少的利弊写出来 急求(高中)一篇500字左右关于网络的利弊的作文! 急求一篇英语作文关于网络交友的利弊,150字左右! 一篇写养狗的利弊的 英语作文就是用英文写养狗的利弊,大约100个字左右,