
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 21:19:13
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Hugo's life,literature masters,but the life is creation fight life,humanitarian optim ization his compositional always.One of his masterpiece "pathetic world" to human survival and destiny of a deep thinking.This article through to hero valjean,and by good to evil and good evil to the analysis of the human transition,from moral sense words and moral self perfection two aspects visit Hugo humanitarian thought,and briefly summarizes the Hugo humanitarian realistic significance.


Hugo's life, literature masters, but the life is creation fight life, humanitarian optim ization his compositional always. One of his masterpiece "pathetic world" to human survival and destiny of a de...


Hugo's life, literature masters, but the life is creation fight life, humanitarian optim ization his compositional always. One of his masterpiece "pathetic world" to human survival and destiny of a deep thinking. This article through to hero valjean, and by good to evil and good evil to the analysis of the human transition, from moral sense words and moral self perfection two aspects visit Hugo humanitarian thought, and briefly summarizes the Hugo humanitarian realistic fdjkilfdjvfsdvgfdvfdvfd


Life of literary giant Victor Hugo, is the creation of life and was fighting life, humanitarianism has always run through his creation. One of his masterpiece "Les Miserables"on the fate of human exis...


Life of literary giant Victor Hugo, is the creation of life and was fighting life, humanitarianism has always run through his creation. One of his masterpiece "Les Miserables"on the fate of human existence and a deep thought. Based on the protagonist Jean Valjean from the good to evil, and evil to the good of humanity and the process of transition, from the moral sense and moral self-improvement, then two visits Hugo humanitarian ideas, and simple humanitarian Hugo summarized Practical significance.


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