
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 08:21:05
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Humpty-dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty-dumpty had a great fall.
All the King's horses
And all the King's men
Can not put Humpty-dumpty together again.
Humpty-dumpty 是一只大鸡蛋.一位美丽的公主把它带进皇宫,让它坐在墙头上看国王的车队回宫.它看得太起劲了,不小心摔下来就碎了.英语里的Humpty-dumpty 比喻一经损坏就无法修复的东西.
Cold here,icy cold there.You belong to neither,leaves have withered.
Your face is pale and blue,a tearful smile.Something in your eyes,
whispers words of last good-bye.My heart sinks down,tears surge out.
Hot summer.Cheerful Cocktail.You took my hand.
We fled into another world of band.You sat by my side,long hair tied
behind,cool and killing.
Smile floating on the lemonade,soft and smooth.How I
was amazed.Your face looked like the cover of the magazine.My head
You led my hand,danced along the crazy theme.
Light vied with wine,elegance mixed with fragrance,laughing covered
bygreetings,the crowed was busy at handshaking.You stood there,eyes
on me.
I trembled at the sparkles,brighter than the light.A masterpiece from
God,I felt dizzy.We were not near,yet we were together.
Days ended.You said,you would wait for me at the Alps side.We would
ski against snowflakes dancing in the sky.I gave no answer but a
good-bye to accompany your flight.Gone was the plane,I suddenly
tasted my pain.
I knew I had been silly and stupid,you were in my heart,I shouldn ’t
have hidden in the dark.I tried to forget your disappointment.I made
believe sometime someday,I would tell you,I feel all the same.
My thought struggled at confessing,somehow hesitation ended in
flinching.I continued my role of a fool,clinched to my maiden
pride,yet secretly indulged in your promise of the white land snow
measuring down to us,in your arms I am lifted up.The chiming of
Christmas bell!
The bell died in the patter of rain,from hell came the laughing of
Satan at my brain.Tearful smile,swallowed by the darkness.How
could I trace your hair to wipe your tears?My hands reached out,
catching nothing but a raindrop,on a leaf that had withered.
Snowflakes have melted into water,we are no more together.

One thing that my family enjoy eating is cheese buger. we always grill up some cheese bugers in the weekends, and finish them all in a blink of eye. It's mad easy to make them, too. First, you season ...


One thing that my family enjoy eating is cheese buger. we always grill up some cheese bugers in the weekends, and finish them all in a blink of eye. It's mad easy to make them, too. First, you season the patties with salt and pepper, and flap them onto the hot grill to cook. Then, your slice some onions, tomatos, and lettuce.
After the meat is cooked, just melt some cheeses right on top. Fanilly, you take those ingredients and put them in between
a hamburger bun. One mouth-watering cheese burger is made and ready to be eaten.
我家人最爱吃的一样食物是cheese汉堡。 我们每个周末都做很多汉堡,并且转眼间就吃没了。
做它很容易, 放些盐根胡椒在肉饼上, 放到烤架上去烤,然后切些洋葱,番茄,生菜。 等肉熟了,融些奶酪在上面, 最后把这些材料夹在面包中间。 让人流口水的汉堡就做好了,吃吧!


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