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once upon a time, it was said that in the west bank there is just a drain. one day, a little snake was caught in that drain. that snake was very different from the other, it has 9 blinking scales in its tail. so the fisher felt a sense of pity. he feel its scales with his hand then set it free. suddenly, those scales fallen and its body lenthened. Finally it bacames the seraph that it used be. then we know that story, that he is the seraph of the heaven. because he broke the rules, he was punished by the god: he was turned into a little snake, with 9 locks in its tail and those locks are the blinking scales. the god once said: it can unlocked only with Yangchi of man. that is what just happened, the fisher set the seraph free form thousand years of confinement by his touch. in order to show his thankfulness, the seraph summon the fresh water, cleaned that drain and turned the drain into a river.(Xian River) The fresh water brings good harvest. villages along that river was named Longtouzhai, Shanlongshoudeng Village to commemorate the saraph. each year of the same date, people there celebrate dragon-boat festival by dragon boat race.

Legend, a long time ago, no river, only a west bank small and dirty ditch.
One day, a DaYuRen in the ditch nets live a little snake.


Legend, a long time ago, no river, only a west bank small and dirty ditch.
One day, a DaYuRen in the ditch nets live a little snake.
The little snake very strange, the tail of a JiuPian glaring scales.
When the fish people handle to flake, touch the snake eyes glowed beg, very poor light.
Fisherman's above a touch of benevolence, the scales, it put it back in gully.
Who know that JiuPian scales suddenly fell, little snake long body and dance, into a small dragon.
Originally, it's a god of the dragon, because TianTiao offended by the jade emperor punishment, into this shape, it was added on the tail of a serpent JiuBa lock - is a little on the scale JiuPian flare.
The jade emperor once said: "this lock, unless it gets people to open the sun."
Just fisherman's inadvertently have opened the drake body millennium chains.
Drake to thank fisherman, in the ditch, and ceaseless turning from mouth to keep water gush, perfusion in water ditch.
Slowly, small ditch into a river (which is now west of the river), the river for west bank brought the grain and multiply it.
To commemorate this, people down to the river the dragon village, the village called bibcock dragon etc on village.
In that day, and ascension of dragon is the dragon boat RACES, to show celebration was held.


Legend, a long time ago, no river, only a west bank small and dirty ditch. One day, a DaYuRen in the ditch nets live a little snake. The little snake very strange, the tail of a JiuPian glaring scales...


Legend, a long time ago, no river, only a west bank small and dirty ditch. One day, a DaYuRen in the ditch nets live a little snake. The little snake very strange, the tail of a JiuPian glaring scales. When the fish people handle to flake, touch the snake eyes glowed beg, very poor light. Fisherman's above a touch of benevolence, the scales, it put it back in gully. Who know that JiuPian scales suddenly fell, little snake long body and dance, into a small dragon. Originally, it's a god of the dragon, because TianTiao offended by the jade emperor punishment, into this shape, it was added on the tail of a serpent JiuBa lock - is a little on the scale JiuPian flare. The jade emperor once said: "this lock, unless it gets people to open the sun." Just fisherman's inadvertently have opened the drake body millennium chains. Drake to thank fisherman, in the ditch, and ceaseless turning from mouth to keep water gush, perfusion in water ditch. Slowly, small ditch into a river (which is now west of the river), the river for west bank brought the grain and multiply it. To commemorate this, people down to the river the dragon village, the village called bibcock dragon etc on village. In that day, and ascension of dragon is the dragon boat RACES, to show celebration was held.


英语翻译传说,很久以前,西岸没有河流,只有一条又小又脏的水沟.一天,有个打鱼人在水沟里网住了一条小蛇.这条小蛇十分奇特,尾部有九片闪耀的鳞片.当鱼人把手触向鳞片时,蛇眼里闪着乞求 北纬20度 -30度的大陆西岸有没有河流? 英语翻译很久以前,凤凰只是百鸟中一只平凡的小鸟,没有美丽的羽毛,更没有尊贵的地位.它是怎样登上百鸟之王宝座的呢?传说凤凰最勤劳,从早到晚忙个不停.它生活得很用心,看到许多兽类都 英语翻译.在很久很久以前 大陆西岸为什么没有季风气候? 大陆西岸为什么没有季风气候? 大陆西岸为什么没有季风气候 英语翻译翻译成英语就好了 不要翻译的太长了哦.我突然想起很久很久以前,扑过的一只明黄色的蝴蝶.我一直记得,没有思念,没有忧愁.帮个忙啦. 中国在太平洋西岸 英语翻译 一条想南流的河流,西岸受水流的冲刷比东岸严重,该河位于(只考虑地球偏向力)? 在很久以前有没有恐龙 一条向南流的河流,西岸受水流的冲刷比东岸严重,该河位于(只考虑地转偏向力的影响) A北半球 B南半一条向南流的河流,西岸受水流的冲刷比东岸严重,该河位于(只考虑地转偏向力的影响 为什么地中海气候只在大陆西岸形成? 在很久很久以前,传说有九头一尾的九头鸟和九尾一头的九尾鸟.有一次这两种鸟栖息在树林里,一位猎人经过此地数了数,这两种鸟头共268个,尾332个.请问九头鸟和九尾鸟各有多少只呢? 在很久很久以前,传说有九头一尾的九头鸟和九尾一头的九尾鸟.有一次这两种鸟栖息在树林里,一猎人经过此地数了数,这两种鸟头共268个,尾332个,那么有九头鸟和九尾鸟各多少只? 在很久很久以前,传说有九头一尾的九头鸟和九尾一头的九尾鸟.有一次这两种鸟栖息在树林里,猎人经过此地数了数,这两种鸟头共268个,尾332个,那么有九头鸟和九尾鸟各多少只? 为什么大陆的西岸没有季风气候?大陆西岸没有台风?全球的气候 蜗牛在很久以前有没有翅膀