
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:50:11
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In view of the constant advancement in the development of mobile phones,there are enormous profits in the field of smart-phones and all the mobile phone manufacturers are battling for a stake in this coveted market,creating a setting full of opportunities but with intense competitions.
As an international giant in the world’s mobile terminal devices,Nokia had captured an unparalleled market share and had achieved significant brand development in the past decade or so.However,with the developing situation in the new era,if Nokia intends to continue its past performance in this intensely competitive market,it must establish and maintain a competitive edge by revamping the planning of its corporate competitive strategy.
By elaborating on the issue of how Nokia establishes and implements its competitive strategy under the new competitive situation,this paper offers some suggestions on ways to enhance Nokia’s market competitiveness,as well as on approaches to establish and maintain its competitive edge.Hopefully,these suggestions can provide some references and guidance to the sustainable development of Nokia and China’s local mobile phone manufacturing companies.

With the continuous improvement of the mobile phone development, because in the field of smart phones huge profits, cell phone businesses for the attractive market, the cell phone market is full of op...


With the continuous improvement of the mobile phone development, because in the field of smart phones huge profits, cell phone businesses for the attractive market, the cell phone market is full of opportunities, have already formed competitive pattern. Nokia mobile terminal equipment as the world of international giant, in the last couple of years have unparalleled market and brand development, but with the new era the development of the situation, nokia if to continue in the fierce market achieved in the past achievements must to the enterprise competition strategy planning, establish and maintain competitive advantage. Paper expounds on how nokia in new competition situation establishing and implementing the competition strategy the subject, on how to strengthen the nokia's market competitiveness, and establish and maintain competitive advantage, puts forward ?


With the continuous improvement of the mobile phone development, because in the field of smart phones huge profits, cell phone businesses for the attractive market, the cell phone market is f...


With the continuous improvement of the mobile phone development, because in the field of smart phones huge profits, cell phone businesses for the attractive market, the cell phone market is full of opportunities, have already formed competitive pattern. Nokia mobile terminal equipment as the world of international giant, in the last couple of years have unparalleled market and brand development, but with the new era the development of the situation, nokia if to continue in the fierce market achieved in the past achievements must to the enterprise competition strategy planning, establish and maintain competitive advantage. Paper expounds on how nokia in new competition situation establishing and implementing the competition strategy the subject, on how to strengthen the nokia's market competitiveness, and establish and maintain competitive advantage, and proposes some Suggestions, hoping to nokia and Chinese local phone the sustainable development of the enterprises provide certain reference and the instruction significance.


With the constant improvement of mobile phones, cell phone enterprises strive for the attractive market in succession seeing the huge profits in the field of smart phones. The cell phone market comes ...


With the constant improvement of mobile phones, cell phone enterprises strive for the attractive market in succession seeing the huge profits in the field of smart phones. The cell phone market comes to the pattern that is full of both opportunities and tough competition. Nokia, the international giant of mobile terminal equipment, has gained unparalleled achievement in marketing and brand development in the last couple of years. With the new situation occurred in this era, however, Nokia has to reframe its competitive strategy and maintain its competitive edge if the enterprise wants to continue its past achievement in the fierce market competition.
By expounding the issue on how Nokia can establish and implement competitive strategy in new situation, some suggestions on how to improve the competitiveness and keep the competitive edge for Nokia is given in this paper, hoping that this research could provide reference and guidance for both Nokia and other local cell phone companies in sustainable development.


英语翻译随着手机发展的不断完善,由于智能手机领域的巨大利润,手机企业纷纷争夺这一诱人市场,手机市场形成既充满机遇、有竞争激烈的格局.诺基亚公司作为世界移动终端设备的国际巨头 “随着市场经济的不断完善和高等教育的发展”怎么翻译? 英语翻译[论文摘要] 随着社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善,及作为其竞争对手的四大国有商业银行和交通银行的不断发展,锦州银行发展的压力与日俱增.竞争环境十分严峻.由于客户取得金融 随着网络的发展 英语翻译 英语翻译随着经济的发展和科技的进步,智能楼宇不断涌现.由于人们对照明灯具节能和科学管理更高的要求,使得照明控制在智能化领域的地位越来越重要.本设计是图书馆智能照明系统设计, 用英语翻译“随着世界的发展,手机变得越来越普遍,人们的生活也越来越离不开手机” 英语翻译随着无线移动设备的发展,手机也日益普及,为了让智能手机用户能够随时随地查询互联网所提供的服务,一种高效的办法就是将应用系统的功能拓展到手机终端上处理各种各样的业务. 英语翻译传统动画历史悠久,由于长期的历史积淀使得传统动画在发展中不断完善,形成一套完整的体系.因为长时间的发展,所以它具有自己独特的发展特点和优秀的制作基础.由于传统动画的 英语翻译随着科技的发展.手机已经成为人们的通讯工具.越来越多的人选择短信拜年. 英语翻译随着各国税法税制的不断完善和健全、税收的国际化协调的加强,财务会计处理方法与现行税法之间的不一致性呈现出扩大之势.由于会计与税法的宗旨不同,导致两者为实现各自不同 英语翻译随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善,各行各业都在快速发展,铁路运输需求持续增长.据统计,全国日请求车在28万辆左右,而日装车只有10万辆上下,仅占1/3,缺口很大.要缓解当前 英语翻译随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善,各行各业都在快速发展,铁路运输需求持续增长.据统计,全国日请求车在28万辆左右,而日装车只有10万辆上下,仅占1/3,缺口很大.要缓解当前 急求各位大神翻译论文摘要!~谢谢!~~摘要 自上世纪九十年代以来,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制不断完善,资本市场得到飞速发展,直接融资的作用不断加强,企业融资渠道向着多元化发展. 英语翻译智能混凝土的研究和发展摘要:智能混凝土是现代建筑材料与现代科技相结合的产物,是传统混凝土材料发展的高级阶段.回顾了智能混凝土的发展历史和研究现状,展望了智能混凝土 紧急求助,求英文翻译!帮帮.随着我国改革开放的不断深入,社会主义市场经济的不断完善,税收征收管理体制和运行机制在征管模式的推进下,得到了很大的发展,税收征管质量也得到了很大的提 古代希腊民主政治的简答题民主政治的历史发展的趋势,并随着时代进步不断完善.阅读材料,材料一:在《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》中,修昔底德借尼西奥斯(古雅典将军)之口说出了这样一句话: 随着时代的发展,人们越来越离不开电脑了.英语翻译 英语翻译请英语好的朋友帮助纠正一下我的翻译错误:随着科技的发展,可穿戴是智能设备已经不再是概念型的产品,现有的科技已经有能力将可穿戴式智能设备用于广泛的领域.With the developmen